Week of August 14th

Week of September 30th
Attendance Line: 614-450-5710 or email perryattendance@wscloud.org
Mark Your Calendar
- Oct 3: 7:30pm Ski & Board Club meeting in WKHS Auditorium
- Oct 14 & 16: Family Conferences
- Oct 18: No School (In Lieu of Conferences)
- Oct 22: Full Safety Drill
- Nov 13-15: 6th Grade Camp
- Nov 22: Perry Howl (6p-7:30p)
- Dec 20: Perry Cultural Celebration
- Feb 10 & 12: Winter Family Conferences
- April 25: Perry Howl (6p-7:30p)
6th Grade Camp
6th grade families: Please register your student for camp with the button below and reach out if you have questions or your student is unable to attend. Students who do not come to camp will still report to school and will be given supplementary school work they can do with a staff member that remains with them.
Have a responsible and kind junior or senior that would want to be a 6th grade camp counselor? Have them apply here!
Family Conferences
For those new to middle school, family conferences are a bit different than elementary school. Since teachers go from having 25 students to 125, there is no way to meet with all families in two nights. To try to use the time as efficiently as possible, we will be reaching out to families whose teachers feel a group conference it needed. Once those are all scheduled, the remaining spots will be emailed to all families on October 7th.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Even though there may not be a spot on those specific evenings, it does not mean our staff is not available to talk or meet when the need arises.
A Message from our School Nurse
You may have heard in the news that as of today, The US Department of Health and Human Services has again partnered up with USPS to deliver 4 free COVID test kits to every home. I highly recommend taking the 1-2 minutes it takes to order some to your home for this season!
Worthington SKi & Board Club
Worthington Ski & Board Club will be having their information meeting at WKHS on Thursday, October 3 at 7:30pm in the auditorium. If your son/daughter is interested in this club and you want to find out more information, please plan on attending this meeting. Cost, dates, sign-up procedures, rentals, lessons, etc will be discussed at the meeting. Ski & Board Club is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
8th Grade Washington DC Trip
Sign up for the Washington DC trip by October 18th to have access to the Payment Plan Option. You can register at WORLDSTRIDES.COM/REGISTER OR BY PHONE AT 800-468-5899. The TRIP ID is 216618
Previous Newsletter Info that may still relevant. :)
We have safety drills every month, but in the month of October, we will complete what is called a Full Scale Safety Drill. we will focus on three key components of our emergency preparedness plan: Lockout, Lockdown, and Run, Hide, Fight. This is required by the state of Ohio and is coordinated in consultation with local law enforcement.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email our Assistant Principal, Ken Nally at knally@wscloud.org
Getting on Infinite Campus & Schoology
Infinite Campus, and especially the Parent App, is a great way to keep track of your student's grades. Instructions can be found here.
Schoology is a great place to look at the upcoming due dates for your student. You can always have your student sign on and take you through, or you can get Family Access. Instruction on how to do this can be found here.
School Lunch / Free & Reduced Fees Application
Worthington Schools offers breakfast and lunch to students. Pricing for meals will be based on family eligibility. New Meal Applications are required for families every school year. Families may find the online Free/Reduced Lunch Eligibility Form HERE. All students use their Lunch ID for meals. The student's number can be found in the Parent Portal by selecting the Student ID tab and then look for their student's Lunch PIN.
Families may add money to their lunch account through My Payments Plus. They may also use My Payments Plus to track their student's account and see much money remains on it. My Payments Plus is also used to pay other fees, like high school parking permits and AP testing fees.
Athletic Ticket Information
- Worthington students in grades 6-12 who provide their student ID at the door will be admitted for free
- As we continue with the online ticket purchasing through Hometown Ticketing, we will not have a cash option for families and visitors students at the door. Please use this link to purchase event tickets: Hometown Ticket Purchases
Title I Information
Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Our school receives Title IA funding.
Parents/families of students in our building have a right to know about teacher qualifications and state-mandated assessments. All teachers providing Title I interventions are properly licensed for their positions and anyone can search licensure information on any educator at https://core.ode.state.oh.us/Core4/ODE.CORE.Lic.Profile.Public.UI/ . In addition to being linked here, these documents are available on the Title IA page of our school website.
- Order Spirit Wear all year from this link.
- You can donate Snacks to feed hungry kids at Perry with this PTA Amazon Wishlist
Ms. Rob's Ramblings
Recently, our music staff organized a wonderful opportunity for our 6th graders and all of our instrument players. They were able to bring in traveling musicians to perform for our 6th graders and run a master class for our instrumentalists. The musicians were from Brazil and Argentina, here on a visit with The Ohio State University. They were fantastically talented and exposed our kids to music both beautiful and unfamiliar to many. The unfamiliar is what I was most enthused about. Middle schoolers are notoriously distrustful of things that are different or new. It's developmentally natural, but people can also get stuck in that mentality if they never leave their bubbles and explore the wide variety of ways people eat, celebrate, perform, speak, pray, live... We are fortunate here at Perry to have a lot of diversity in house, which we all benefit from. However, I am grateful to our music teachers for going above and beyond to bring in even more.
Jodi Robertson, Principal
Go Wolves! Lobos! o ولفز!
Email: jrobertson@wscloud.org
Website: https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/Domain/1194
Location: Perry Middle School, Snouffer Road, Worthington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-450-5700
Twitter: @PerryMSWolves