Badger Pup Bulletin
2024-2025 School Year
September 29, 2024
Monday -Friday, September 30th - October 4th- Spirit Week
Tuesday, October 1st- Volleyball Game: Red Team Home / White Team @ Pronghorn
Tuesday, October 1st- Championship Cross Country Meet @ Heritage
Tuesday, October 1st- Band and Orchestra Concert @ 7pm
Thursday, October 3rd- Volleyball Game Tournament @ PHS details TBD
Thursday, October 3rd- Choir Concert @ PHS Ruth Street Theater 7pm
Monday- Friday, October 7th-11th- Fall Break
Quarter 2 Sports Registration
News from Mrs. Tetreault
Thank you to the families who have brought in supplies!
Attention PUSD parents and guardians: Did you know that there are often not enough substitute teachers to fill the needs of our schools? When this happens teachers and administrators often have to cover classes and programs or activities have to be cancelled for the day. You may be able to help. Have you ever considered supporting your child's school by serving as a substitute teacher? As a substitute teacher, you can select which schools you work in, the subjects or grade levels you want to support, and the days that work with your schedule. Our Teachers and Principals would love to have you serve as substitutes in their schools.
Substitute teachers and paraprofessionals earn $121 - $131/day depending on training.
Substitute teaching positions require a Bachelor's degree, IVP Fingerprint clearance card, and a criminal background check.
If you have any interest or have any questions, please fill out this short Interest form and somebody will contact you to discuss this further.
We hope that you consider supporting our students and staff by becoming a Substitute teacher!
21st CCLC grant which provides funding for after school clubs
As some of you may know, 4 of our PUSD school sites are fortunate enough to have an academic and enrichment before and after school program. They are the recipients of the 21st CCLC grant which provides funding for classes such as tutoring for the core subject areas and engaging enrichment classes. To qualify to apply for the grant, schools must have a minimum of a 40% free and reduced lunch population. Last year, Mile High had a percentage of 39.31% in the month of October which is the month they pull the data. Sadly, we did not qualify to apply for the grant in February.
If you qualified for free and reduced lunch last year you must reapply each year, applications expire at the end of September.
Here is where we need your help! If you could take a moment to fill out the application for free and reduced lunch, we would appreciate it. We would love the opportunity to provide additional academic and enrichment classes for our students. The quickest way to apply is online, a link has been included for your convenience.
We also have paper copies of the application in the office if you would prefer.
We appreciate your consideration and time helping us meet our goal of supporting our students in the best way possible!
Quarter 1 Report Cards
Grades will be final Monday, October 14th. Please log into PowerSchool of have your student log in and check out their first quarter grades. Report cards will not be sent home and can only be viewed online. As always, if you have questions, please follow up with your child's teacher or our office. Thank you and celebrate all that student growth!
Yearbooks for Sale ~ $35.00
As many of you know, last year our yearbooks were delivered late and we have decided this year we have switched yearbook companies from Balfour to Dorian. Yearbooks are for sale ~ ONLINE ONLY. Click on the link below to order before the price goes up.
“Your Prescott K-12 Tax Dollars at Work.”
All PUSD residents and parents are invited to a presentation on “Your Prescott K-12 Tax Dollars at Work.” Please join us Thursday, October 3 at 5:30 pm in the Prescott High School library to hear from Prescott Unified School District Chief Financial Officer Brian Moore and Superintendent Clark Tenney and find out:
How does school financing work in Arizona?
How much of my total property taxes go to pay for K-12 schools?
How much does a typical resident of PUSD pay in property taxes to educate nearly 4,000 PUSD students?
Can PUSD set its own tax rates for residents?
Do all school districts’ residents pay the same level of taxes for their K-12 schools?
Do all schools receive the same amount of funding per pupil?
How are charter schools and private schools funded?
What is an ESA voucher? How do taxpayers pay for these, and how can vouchers be used?
Does PUSD apply for and use grant funds and donations, in addition to taxpayer dollars?
How does PUSD decide how to allocate the funds it receives?
How do PUSD teacher and other staff salaries compare to other places?
How much of PUSD’s budget goes into classrooms? How much goes to administration?
Is PUSD using taxpayer money carefully and effectively? How do we compare to other districts and charter schools?
Does your student need a tutor?
Attention PUSD Families!
While we won’t be able to offer our free tutoring program this year due to the end of COVID-relief funding, we’ve got good news! The State of Arizona still offers free tutoring options to help your child succeed.
To find a tutoring provider, just visit the Authorized ATP Tutoring Providers page on the Arizona Department of Education website. There, you can connect with an approved tutor and set up sessions that fit your schedule.
If the link doesn't work, paste the following into your browser:
T-Shirt & Sweatshirt Pre-Order
Student Council is selling NEW t-shirts and sweatshirts this year. Before we order our inventory, we would like to see how many people want to purchase to be sure we have enough of each size. Once the shirts and sweatshirts arrive, we will email that your order is ready to be paid for and picked up.
Health Update from Nurse Joy
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is a quick reminder to be mindful of the cold and flu season. We are asking for your continued cooperation in assisting us with controlling the spread of contagious illness. It is important that we work together to keep our children healthy.
Students are reporting symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, headache, stomach ache, sore throat, nausea/vomiting, fever and diarrhea.
Please keep your child home from school for the following reasons:
Fever of 100.4 or higher. May return to school when your child is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Vomiting and Diarrhea- May return to school when your child has not vomited or has diarrhea for 24 hours.
Sore throat pain with difficulty swallowing; Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus and tiny red spots on the back of the roof of the mouth.
Swollen, itchy eyes with thick discharge, crusty or redness to the whites of the eye.
Rash that’s unrelated to a chronic skin condition.
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
Excessive mucus from the nose(runny nose) or sneezing unrelated to environmental allergies.
Persistent non-productive/productive cough- May return to school when cough is under control.
Please follow-up with your child’s doctor if symptoms persist and don't get better. Your child may return to school when all signs/symptoms have subsided/resolved without the use of medication, or when their physician provides a written statement indicating your child is ready to return to school.
Ways to prevent spread of infection:
WASH HANDS frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom and before eating. Please do not share food or drinks or utensils.
Cough and sneeze into the bend of their elbow or into the front of their shirt to help keep germs off of their hands.
AVOID touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces throughout the day.
Non-Prescription and Prescription Medication Friendly Reminder
Students are not permitted to carry prescribed, over the counter medications, homeopathic, naturopathic, or other medicinal substances on school campus. An example of over the counter medications are cough drops. We have plenty of cough drops in the nurse’s office.
EXCEPTION TO THE RULE: Those students who have parental/guardian consent and prescription from their doctor, may carry Albuterol Inhaler and/or Epi-Pen on school campus, per state law. When Prescription medications or over the counter medications are given to be kept in the nurse’s office, they are required to be in its original container. No exceptions.
Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe. Please contact the nurse’s office if you have any questions.
Shout Out a Staff Member
If you have a positive interaction or shout out with a staff member you can share it here!
Transportation Information
Bus Route Information: Click Here