June 7, 2024
We are looking forward to next week's Field Days and 5th Grade End of the Year Party! Parents who have signed up to attend should arrive between 8:45 - 8:50am. Please keep in mind that these events are limited to those parents who have been pre-scheduled or have previously signed up to volunteer.
Monday - 5th Grade Field Day
Tuesday - 4th Grade Field Day
Wednesday - 3rd Grade Field Day
Thursday - 5th Grade End of Year Party
Report Cards will be sent home with students on Friday and will also be available on the Parent Portal.
All fines/breakfast/lunch charges should be paid by June 14th. Funds that remain on lunch accounts will be carried over to the following year.
Chromebooks will be collected next week. Please make sure your child's charger and chromebook case are returned with the Chromebook. Chromebooks will be collected as follows:
Monday - Grade 5
Tuesday - Grade 4
Wednesday - Grade 3
Summer Math Assignments
All students entering grades 3-8, and all high school students taking a math course next year, have a Summer Math Assignment, due the first week of school. Please click here to access Summer Math Assignments- please click on the assignment for the grade level or course your child is taking next year!
ST Math Summer Incentive for Millbridge & DIS Students
ST Math is accessible to students all summer long, to continue to play games and sharpen their math thinking and problem solving skills! ST Math puzzles can be completed on any device, including computers, iPads and smart phones. Our district math coaches will have incentives in the fall for all students who complete 100+ ST Math puzzles over the summer. There will be special prizes for the students in each grade level who complete the highest number of puzzles over the summer. Students will receive a flyer about this ST Math Summer Challenge during the last week of school, and Millbridge students will also receive a copy of their login credentials so parents can help them login to the ST Math site on personal devices.
If your child has medication in the DIS Health Office it needs to be picked up by an ADULT by the end of the school year. The last day of school is June 14th.
PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to pick up your child’s medication during the last week of school medication needs to be picked up between 7:55am and 12:30pm unless prior arrangements are made with me.
All medication left in the Health Office after 12:30pm on the last day will be DISCARDED.
***Please remember you will need new medication orders and paperwork for next school year. You can find the necessary paperwork if you click here.
ATTENTION: If your child is going to attend Summer School, please call me and let me know, so I can put your child’s medication in the Summer School medication cabinet.
Please call me at (856) 764-5100 ext. 1806 if you have any questions.
Hope you have a nice summer!
Michelle Sondeen, RN, BSN, CSN
DIS School Nurse
2024 - 2025 School Supply List
Should you need to contact Transportation after hours, please call (856)764-8653 and leave a message. Your message will be routed to personnel from First Student, the transportation company, and someone will return your call immediately.
Approved School Lists
Nabisco Oreos – regular
Nabisco Teddy Grahams – honey, chocolate chip, cinnamon
Rold Gold pretzels – sticks or tiny twists
Skinny Pop original only
Philly Soft pretzels
*****No Cupcakes or Donuts will be permitted for parties*****
Birthdays are announced daily during our DIS Morning News broadcasts. If you would llike to send anything in as an additional acknowledgement, you may send in nonfood items such as pencils or stickers by notifying the homeroom teacher(s) in advance.
1. Does this list apply to everyday snacks or lunch that I send in with my child?
No, this list does not apply to items that are sent in for daily snack or lunch. This is for class wide celebrations that may periodically take place during the year, such as Halloween, Winter or Spring Break Parties. The Homeroom Teacher will coordinate with the room parent to request that items be sent in for these events.
2. Can I send in items from this list to celebrate my child's birthdday?
No, only non-food items should be sent in, such as pencils or stickers, if you wish to do so.
3. What will happen if I send in items for a class celebration that are not on the approved list?
Any Item that is not on the list will not be distributed and will be returned.
4. What will happen if I send in something on the approved list for my child's birthday?
Food items sent in for birthdays will not be distributed and will be returned.
The New Jersey Department of Human Services is pleased to support “Cover All Kids,” an expansion of NJ FamilyCare to all of New Jersey’s children, regardless of their immigration status. Children who do not have lawful presence in the U.S., live in New Jersey, and whose family income qualifies are eligible to receive NJ FamilyCare health care coverage. NJ FamilyCare provides a variety of health services, such as doctor/specialist visits, mental health, vision, dental, vaccinations, and a number of other benefits to keep children healthy. To find out more about Cover All Kids, please visit nj.gov/coverallkids to learn more.