Board Report
March 12, 2025
Kinzee Bauerle - All Time Leading Scorer in Women's Basketball
On Monday, February 3rd in front of her home crown in a game against Maur Hill Mount Academy, Kinzee Bauerle became the al time leading scorer in women's basketball at ACCHS, when she broke Addison Schletzbaum's record of 1,099 points.
Easton Schletzbaum
On February 22nd at the Regional Wrestling Tournament in Council Groves Easton was voted Regional Wrestler of the Year. As well as Coach Cody Kramer named as Regional Coach of the Year.
Kori Wagner
This season Kori Wagner broke the Single Season Assist record, accumulating 98 assists this season. The previous record was 83. Congrats Kori!
Silver Lake Wrestling Tournament
Team Finished 2nd
Ayden Powell - 4th
Cody Falk - 5th
Evan Falk - 3rd
Easton Schletzbaum - 1st
Max Bottorff - 1st
Houston Schletzbaum - 1st
Elijah Webb - 3rd
League Wrestling
Boys Team - League Champions!
Mason Bottorff - 1st
Ayden Powell - 2nd
Luke Smith - 1st
Cody Falk - 1st
Evan Falk - 1st
Rance Vessar - 1st
Gaige Gann - 3rd
Easton Schletzbaum - 1st
Max Bottorff - 1st
Houston Schletzbaum - 1st
Elijah Webb - 1st
Girls Team - 4th Place
Natasha Noor - 1stAyran Anderson - 2nd
Kaylee McKee - 3rd
Tessa McAlexander - 2nd
Alexis Ellerman - 4th
Trinity Brooks - 3rd
Regional Wrestling Champions
Ayden Powell - 3rd
Luke Smith - 3rd
Cody Falk - 3rd
Evan Falk - Regional Champion
Kannon Crossland - Regional Champion
Easton Schletzbaum - Regional Champion
Max Bottorff - Regional Champion
Houston Schletzbaum - Regional Champion
Elijah Webb - Regional Champion
League Powerlifting Results
Rose DePoy - Light Weight Ratio Champion
Set a New Meet Record in Bench - 185 lbs
Tyson Hewitt - League Champion
Triston Hewitt - League Champion
All League Powerlifting
Rose DePoy - 1st Team All League
Tyson Hewitt - 1st Team All League
Triston Hewitt - 1st Team All League
- Rose Depoy:
- NEKL Lightweight Lifter of the Year
- Triston Hewitt
- NEKL Heavyweight Lifter of the Year
State Wrestling
- Max Bottorff - 2nd Place
- Easton Schletzbaum - 2nd Place
- Elijah Webb - 4th
- Luke Smith - 5th
NEKL League Forensics
- Avery Handke - League Champion (Original Oration) - Qualified again for 3A State Champs
- Adeline McManus - League Champion (Informative Speech) - Qualified for 3A State Champs
- Evan Sinclair and Ethan Brooks - League Champion (Improvised Duet Acting) - Qualified for 3A State Champs
- Evan Sinclair - 3rd (Humorous Solo Acting)
- Ethan Brooks - 4th (Prose)
- Leah Wilson - 3rd (Poetry) - Qualified for State Festival
- Nathan Palmer - 2nd (Impromptu Speaking) - Qualified for 3A State Champs
- Cora-Bella Tull and Trinity Brooks - 3rd (Improvised Duet Acting)
- Carmen LaHue - 3rd (Serious Solo Acting)
NE District FFA Selection Day
Parker Harris - State Degree Recipient
Anna Falk - State Degree RecipientBrylyn Jolly - State Degree Recipient
Ashton Neill - NE District Swine Proficiency Winner - moves on to State
Atchison County FFA - National Super Chapter Recognition
Spring Participation
Spring Sport began on Monday, March 3rd. Here are some early numbers of student participations for the spring season.
JH Track: 54 students - coached by Andrew Eckert and Joyce Thompson
HS Track: 24 students - coached by Brian Malm, Kody Tegtmeier, John Kepler, and Nick Brungardt
HS Baseball - 29 students - coached by Timothy Grillot, Gunnar Koontz, and David Kesinger
HS Softball - 14 students - coached by Courtney Kasson and Alyssay Richardson
NEK League High School Updates
Meeting Update:
February Meeting was held at ACCHS on February 11, 2025.
1. Commissioner Report: Lary reported that KSHSAA is looking at a new ejection policy for baseball and softball which would state that any person or coach that is ejected must set out the next game. This is under discussion and will be talked about at the next KSHSAA executive meeting.
2. The League voted 8-3 to have each school play one another twice home and away in basketball for the 2026-2027 and 2027-2028 season. This will automatically fill the 23 games schedule KSHSAA approved.
3. There was some discussion on League Wrestling - should be combine girls and boys or leave as separate nights. Should we move to a Saturday tournament with both boys and girls? Nothing is going to change for the 2025-2026 season, but will continue the discussion moving forward.
4. There was also discussion about the pros and cons of schools using HUDL vs. Game Changer for broadcasting games and collecting STATS. There was also discussion on what each school uses to broadcast games and do they make people pay to watch games or are they free. Some schools are not happy with their current broadcasting and looking into to alternatives.
Next Meeting - Monday, March 10th at Oskaloosa.
NEKL League Middle School Updates
The February meeting of the Middle School League ADs was held on February 11,2025 @ACCHS.
1. JH Football Schedule: There are several teams that will potentially be 8 man and several teams will be 11 man. There was debate about splitting the league into larger and small teams to accommodate the difference in sizes. League agreed that we are going to avoid any split in the league and each team will play the schedule that is set and some games may be 8 man and some may be 11 man. League Champions will be based on the schedule that is set, no matter if you played 8 man games or 11 man games. 8 man games are no longer a forfeit.
2. The League voted to change the order of events for JH basketball for the 2025-2026 season and moving forward to C,B and A instead of B,C, and A as it has been in the past.
3. The League voted to separate the JH Girls and Boys Wrestling Seasons beginning in the 2025-2026 season and moving forward. So the JH Girls Basketball and Boys Wrestling will run from mid-October through 2nd week of December. The JH Boys Basketball and JH GIrls Wrestling season will begin in January and run through the end of February.
Next Meeting - Monday, March 10th at Oskaloosa.
Facilities and Equipment Upgrades - Short Term
1. Curtain indoor batting cages or ones that drop down from the ceiling. Looking into making the one we currently have into and curtain, so it would be much easier for maintenance or coaches to put up and put away after each use. A drop down or curtain one would be placed at the high school in the new addition. Update - Meeting with Ernie to see exactly what type of net we can get to work in the new addition.
2. New scoreboards, backboards, shot clock, and scoreboard controller. This year KSHSAA is allowing schools to test out shot clocks at high school basketball games on a volunteer basis. Currently Oskaloosa and Valley Falls have implemented the shot clock this year. Horton and Maur Hill have already looked into and purchased the items needed to potentially have shot clocks for next year. The other schools in the league have not made an attempt to purchase these items until KSHSAA mandates shot clocks for all schools. Most of us believe that shot clocks are going to become mandated at some point. After talking with the schools that have already purchased the set up, we would be looking at somewhere between $15,000 to $30,000, depending on our current equipment, wifi capabilities, and the structure of our electricity in the gym. Update: Until KSHSAA makes it mandatory for use of the shot clock at high school games, we are going to wait to get quotes or move forward. I do think it will be coming within the next 2 years based on talks with other ADs and our KSHSAA Representative.
Facilities and Equipment Upgrades - Long Term
1) Football Stadium Bleachers - at two home football games (this year and last year) we had people fall through the bleachers and had to fix with temporary boards while the games were going on. The bleachers need to be replaced. - We are looking into quotes for cost of fixing or replacing bleachers
2) Track - Our track has been unusable for hosting track meets several years now and is only getting worse. With the track being used by community members, elementary students as well as JSH students for PE and other activities, and the track teams, there needs to be some concern about injuries taking place on the cracked and peeling track.
In order for a league school to host a league event the league has decided that school should have at least a 7 lane track, for hosting regionals you need to have an 8 lane track. In order to host high school league and regionals, schools must have a pole vault pit as well as the 8 lane track.
3) Baseball/Softball Upgrades:
Update: After Ernie and Dr. Gaddis attended the County Commission meeting, there is some money collected in taxes that will allow us to make some upgrades to the baseball/softball complex. Coach Kasson, Coach Grillot, and I sat down and prioritized what needs to be upgraded over the next two years. Here are our priorities:
1. Fixing outdoor batting cages poles and nets
2. Getting Shade Built for overtop of the bleachers
3. Installing a Hydrant closer to baseball field - will also benefit JH Football practice with access to water
4. Update and remodel dugouts to include better bleachers, cubbies for helmets and gloves, storage closet within the dugouts for easier access to equipment.
5. Building real bull pins for both fields on the home and visitor sides for pitchers to have a place to warm up.
6. New board and padding on the backstops for softball and baseball fields.
7. New Gator for dragging and marking the field
8. Large bleachers for the softball field - they are much smaller than baseball
9. Real press boxes that are elevated for filming and scorekeeping
10. Sound System to play music, anthem, make announcements, and walk-up songs.
11. New Scoreboard and Controllers
Old Items:
- Curtain or drop down batting cages to go in the new addition multipurpose room -working with Ernie to make sure we purchase the correct style for our set up
- Fix or purchase new netting for the outdoor batting cage Update: Need to find someone who has the capability to bend the poles back to their original position. Also looking to use some of the county tax money to purchase new netting for out door batting cages, as well as dividers to turn 2 cages into 4.
- Orange and Black Padding with Tiger Logo along the backstops of softball & baseball fields
- New sets of bases are needed for both fields - Update: these have been purchased with Banner Money
Gold Sponsors:
L & L Construction
Bottorff Construction
Thrivent - Pat and Jennifer Maxwell
Mill Iron V
HB Custom Printing
Martin Trash
Silver Sponsors:
Ag Risk Solutions
Exchange Bank
Martin Construction
Rubble Reprocessing
Advanced Hydraulic Supply
Bronze Sponsor:
Thrivent - Ben Hawk (New Sponsor added)
Black Level Sponsors:
Frontier Credit Union
Orange Level Sponsors:
Holton Livestock Exchange
Mueller's Locker Room
Kearney Construction
Foster Ford - Holton
Lewis Chevrolet - Atchison Auto Plaza
Pierce Heating and Cooling
GN Bank - Horton
Kex Rx - Atchison
5th Quarter Sponsors:
Mill Iron V