St Cecilia's News
Easter 2021
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566
Dear Parents,
I hope you and your loved ones have kept well during the current lockdown. It has been so lovely to have all the children back in school from the 8th of March. Well done to all our children and you as parents who supported the learning throughout this difficult time. We know juggling work, learning, and extended family commitments is no mean feat so congratulations and thank you.
Safety in School
The children have been brilliant at adapting to the safety measures we have in place and these have become routine for them. They are very aware of the importance of good hygiene to keep everyone safe. Thank you to all parents and carers for keeping to the social distancing guidance and wearing masks around the school site. We have been so fortunate to have had only a few positive cases where thankfully everyone has made a good recovery.
Key workers
Home Learning
Thank you to all our teaching staff who embraced live lessons and held google meets to support the children’s social skills. The variety of lessons planned and the creativity of the children has been wonderful to see.
Science Week
Space Day
Stations of the Cross
Thank you to St Martin de Porres class, Ms. Humphrey, and Mrs. Kolendo for their hard work in ensuring that the Stations of the Cross took place. This has been filmed and the Junior children watched this as part of their Lenten reflection. It will also be sent to St Martin's parents. This is always a very moving assembly and whilst in a different format this year, it is still very spiritual.
Easter Charity Fundraiser
Farewell/Welcome back
We say a fond farewell to Miss Pearson who is returning to her family in Australia. I would like to thank her for all she has done during her time at St. Cecilia’s to support the children in Reception and Year 2. We wish her good luck and every happiness for the future. We welcome back Mrs. O’Dwyer who has returned from maternity leave and is teaching in St. Thomas More's class.
Many congratulations to Mrs. Everton and her husband, on the birth of their baby girl who arrived on Valentine’s Day.
Admissions to Nursery and Reception
Nursery offers have now gone out to parents for this September. Parents who have applied for Reception places will hear on the National Primary Offer Day of 16th April. We will be in touch with parents who have been successful in their application soon after that, we cannot confirm when the induction meetings will be held but you will be kept informed. We look forward to welcoming you to our school in September.
Date for the diary
Mr Burke
Happy Easter
Easter is a time of hope and this year it is particularly poignant as we pray that the vaccination programme is effective and our lives can return to some kind of normality.
On behalf of all the staff at St. Cecilia’s, we wish you all a Happy and Blessed Easter.
With best wishes,
Mrs Bernadette Martin, Deputy Headteacher