Weekly Outcall @Lincoln
September 1, 2024
Daily Announcements & Lancer Happenings
If you are looking for information about specific events and happenings as they are communicated to our students please visit our school website.
Clubs/Intramurals starting soon:
Bowling - Starts Friday Sept. 6th
6th Grade Cross Country Intramural - Tuesday Sept. 3rd
Lego League - Tryouts Thursday Sept. 5th
Extreme Weather
We appreciated our students, staff and community flexibility as we navigated extreme heat last week. For your references, the following documents are used to track both excessive heat and cold temperatures to ensure our student’s safety throughout the year. Administration works in collaboration with other junior highs in addition to our Superintendent’s office to make decisions regarding extreme weather and we look to communicate those decisions in a timely manner as they arise. Please let us know if there are any questions or concerns we can assist with in regards to temperature/safety decisions.
MINGA - Digital Hall Pass System
In alignment with our commitment to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students, District 203 junior high and high schools are implementing a Digital Hall Pass system this school year. Although the system we are using, Minga, has many features, we are currently focusing on utilizing the digital hall pass function.
Students will use their Chromebooks to request passes for any reason they need to leave the classroom, including the restroom, nurse, water, student services, or to see a teacher. This simple process allows us to track the amount of time students are out of class and monitor the number of students in the hallways at any given time.
Additionally, this system helps us maximize instructional minutes and provides insight into how much instructional time is missed due to students needing to be elsewhere. We will introduce students to the system and begin its use next week. Our goal is for students to be using this full time starting in September. More information can be found by looking over the Family Guide linked here.
Attendance/Absence Procedures
Classes begin daily at 8:00 am. It is important that students arrive at school on time and are ready to learn. For detailed information, please click this link.
If a student is to be absent or late to school, the parent or guardian must call the school's absence line before 7:45 a.m. at (630) 420-3881. This line is open 24 hours a day and recorded messages can be left anytime before 7:45 a.m.
Early Dismissals
If you need to pick up your student early for an appointment, there are a couple of options. The day of the appointment, send a note with your student indicating what time you need to pick him/her up and the reason for leaving. Your child must bring the note to the main office before 8:00 a.m. A pass will be provided and all teachers are notified of any early dismissals. A parent/guardian must come into the building to sign the student out.
Walk, run and raise funds for our school and NEF!
Join parents, teachers, and students as we run or walk and raise funds in the Naperville Half Marathon, 10K and 5K on Sunday, October 22, 2023 as Charity Heroes. TEAM NEF members raise money for our school and for the Naperville Education Foundation, the district’s nonprofit arm. Perks include race day parking, snacks, gear check, and a race registration discount.
Registration closes on August 31.
Our school’s team is forming now – don’t miss your chance to be a part of it!
Learn more and join at www.nef203.org/teamnef
NEF supports our school by providing grants for teacher and student great ideas, removing barriers to learning for students in need through individualized financial assistance and supports our school with annual funds and before and after school programs. Support NEF and our school today: www.nef203.org/teamnef
Questions or interested in sponsorship opportunities, contact nef@naperville203.org .
Educational Support at Lincoln Junior High School
This year at Lincoln Junior High School, we will continue to have the opportunity to work closely with Ms. Beth Hesik, Lincoln’s reading specialist, and Mrs. Kate Krenek and Mrs. Marissa Early, Lincoln’s math interventionists in our classrooms. Ms. Hesik, Mrs. Krenek and Mrs. Early will be complementing our classroom coursework with research based strategies to enrich and support all students- this allows us to capitalize on flexible grouping within the classroom.
In an effort to get to know students’ academic and social-emotional strengths and/or areas of needed support, Ms. Hesik, Mrs. Krenek and Mrs. Early may work with your child periodically during class and unstructured time such as supervised study. We look forward to partnering with you for a great year of learning.
NeighborGOOD Event - Saturday September 7th
Lincoln Junior High is partnering with Knox Presbyterian Church in fundraising for new classroom furniture and school supplies that will benefit our Lancer community. We are excited to share information about their event being held next weekend, and encourage you to find out more by clicking on this link for more details https://knoxpres.org/neighborgood
Event Details:
When: Saturday September 7th
Time: 4-7 pm
Where: Knox Presbyterian Church ~ 1105 Catalpa Lane Naperville, IL 60540
What is it: A fun-filled family day to support Lincoln Jr. High!
Free Activities include: Bounce Houses, Reptile Guy, Classic Car Show, Live Music from Vital Signs, Lawn Games, & Kids Face Painting
Items for Purchase: Cake Walk, Dunk Tank, Raffle Prizes, Duck Pond 50/50, Food & Drink
Food Vendors: Starbucks, Rocco's Pizza, Nautical Bowls, SnoProblems, and Grace BBQ
Discount Card Sales are LIVE! - PURCHASE HERE
Cards can be ordered online and picked up at Knox Church, Elmwood Elementary or Lincoln Jr. High now through 9/7.
Attention Lancer Families - Career Motivate-8 Partnerships Wanted
In partnership with area businesses, Naperville 203 will host an 8th Grade Career Exploration Day to motive-8 students to continue career exploration and planning. The event, called Career Motive-8, will provide students with a hands-on experience, aligned with the district’s comprehensive counseling curriculum, to deepen their understanding of various careers. All 8th grade students from each Junior High will attend this event on Friday, October 18, 2024 held at the Naperville Yard.
More information can be found on the district website at https://www.naperville203.org/Page/9997.
Any individuals (businesses/organizations) wishing to join us at Career Motive-8 need to complete this Volunteer Form. Our goal is to have 150 individuals and businesses representing a variety of career pathways and provide a hands-on activity to engage students in learning about each career.
We are looking forward to a great experience for all our eighth grade students on October 18, 2024, and encourage you to speak with your child about Career Motive-8!
Lincoln Junior High: Staffing Updates
We are extremely excited to have welcomed new staff to the Lincoln team this year to join our fantastic team, and we still have openings in student support positions we are seeking to fill. If you or someone you know is looking to get back into education, we currently are interviewing paraprofessionals (full time) and lunch/recess supervisors (part time). Both positions would be daily, paid staffing positions that would meet for all days of student attendance. There is always a need for substitute teachers here at Lincoln and throughout District 203 as well. If you are interested in any of these positions please visit our website to apply and contact Lincoln administration team.
The full intramural schedule can be found here for the entire school year. Students need to pay a one time $26.00 intramural fee to the front office which allows them to participate in unlimited intramural programs. Off campus Intramurals are an additional fee.
Upcoming Dates
- September 2nd - NO SCHOOL
- September 3rd & 5th - 6th Grade Flag Football Intramural 6:45am
- September 4th & 6th - Lacrosse Intramural 6:45am
- September 4th - 7th & 8th Football Game HOME - 4:00m
- September 4th - Lincoln Home & School Meeting 7:00 pm @ Lincoln in LC
- September 5th - Tech & Gamers Guild 7am
- September 5th - Cross Country Meet at Fisher 4:00pm
- September 5th - Volleyball Game - 7th AWAY at Madison, 8th HOME vs. Madison 4:00pm
- September 13th - Fall Fundraiser - Magazine Drive Begins
- September 18th - PTC Wizard Window for October Conferences Opens
Lincoln Junior High
Website: https://www.naperville203.org/ljhs
Location: 1320 Olympus Drive, Naperville, IL, USA
Phone: (630)420-6370
Twitter: @LJHSLancers