Texas School Nurses Organization
October 2020
Mission Statement & Vision Statement
To enhance whole student wellness in support of health and learning by advancing school nursing practice.
Student access to health and learning. All day. Every day.
This newsletter takes NASN’s Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice approach.
President's Message
Fall is here and I am ready for the leaves to change and the weather to get cooler. I don’t know about you but we had a hotter than normal summer up in the Panhandle of Texas. I just seem to have more energy when it’s a little cooler. When it is hot all I can think about is getting in the swimming pool.
How has your return to school been? Mine has been crazy. So much busier than past years. The World Health Organization knew what they were doing when they declared 2020 the Year of the Nurse! We are finally being recognized and people are interested in what we have to say. We have several nurses on our board who have done interviews with Television stations and Newspapers. I am so proud of them for stepping up to the plate and out of their comfort zone. School nurses are being asked to serve on boards and state wide committees. We are slowly getting the recognition we have deserved all along.
Don’t forget that Project ADAM is putting on a zoom meeting for us on October 7th from 4:30 until 6:00. The link is attached. I know that by the time I get home I am exhausted but hopefully you will be able to attend this informative webinar and relax while attending.
As you know we had to cancel our annual conference this year. We still need to have a business meeting though and I hope you all will attend. It will be virtual and will be on Wednesday, November 11th, at 5 pm. It should last about 30 minutes. We will present the budget for the coming year, announce SNOY and SNAY, install officers and tell about conference for 2021. The link to the meeting will be placed in School Nurse Net.
I am so proud of each of you for showing up each day and striving to make your school a safe and healthy place to be. It is amazing how resilient we are and how easy it is for us to adapt to the changes around us. Keep up the good work.
Enjoy the season of Autumn, relax, take care of yourself and remember to just breathe.
Project Adam
Please click this URL to join. https://cookchildrens.zoom.us/s/96612917388?pwd=a3ZmYitiYVNUTGtWUGtuNkx3TFNGQT09
Passcode: 677707
Description: Project ADAM invites you to become a Heart Safe School! Does your school have a CPR/AED program? Do you have a designated Emergency Response Team, written Emergency Response Plan that addresses using your AED in an emergency and do you practice your emergency response with an annual AED drill? Network, connect with your fellow school nurses and learn more about becoming a Project ADAM Heart Safe School! In this training we will provide you with the tools and resources you need to work on cardiac emergency preparedness at your school, whether you wish to start with one or two areas, or go on to achieve the full designation at your own pace.
Or join by phone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923
Webinar ID: 966 1291 7388
Passcode: 677707
International numbers available: https://cookchildrens.zoom.us/u/adUT0m33fm
Wednesday, Oct 7, 2020, 04:30 PM
Only 1 Week Remaining!
The purpose of this award is to promote continuing education for the school nurse. It provides up to $1000 stipend for one Texas school nurse to attend the NASN 2021 conference in AUSTIN, TX.
Details can be found at https://www.txsno.org/abouttsno/awards/sunnythomas
TSNO Scholarships Deadlines October 15th!!
CNE Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by funds TSNO has obtained from conference profits and other donations. TSNO has continued to budget and annually provide educational scholarships to TSNO members who are enhancing their education within school nursing. The individual scholarship amount will be up to $200. Requirements: Current active member for the previous two years, current license as nurse in state of Texas, and current full time employment in a school setting EC-12. Access Guidelines & Application
Education Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by funds TSNO has obtained from conference profits and other donations. TSNO has continued to budget and annually provide educational scholarships to TSNO members who are advancing their education within school nursing. The scholarship amount will be up to $1,000 annually. Requirements: Current active member for the previous two years, current license as nurse in state of Texas and current full time employment in a school setting EC-12. Access Guidelines & Application
NBCSN Exam Scholarship Reimbursement
This scholarship supports national certification of school nurses by providing partial reimbursement of the NBCSN Examination Fee up to $200. Requirements: Current active member for the previous two years, current license as nurse in state of Texas, current full time employment in a school setting EC-12, exam must have been taken in the current calendar year, candidate must have passed the certification exam and candidate is not seeking reimbursement from another source. Access Guidelines and Application
NASN GRANT AND SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Deadlines October 15th - See chart Below!
Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice™
"The framework provides a graphic illustration of the key principles of professional school nursing practice, reflecting the organization's stance for evidence-based best practice and providing focus to priority school nursing activities. The framework provides guidance for the practicing school nurse to reach the goal of supporting student health and academic success by contributing to a healthy and safe school environment." https://www.nasn.org/nasn/nasn-resources/professional-topics/framework
I would encourage you to print it off and display it so that is readily seen by you and others. It can serve as a guide when you are asked to develop goals for yourself as you can easily see what elements you are already practicing and what you might not be.
The Texas Safety Net Food Programs Build Healthy Families
Congratulations are in Order!
2020 TSNO School Nurse Administrator of the Year!
The 2020 School Nurse Administrator of the Year winner is Barbara Robertson BSN, RN, NCSN from Region 6.
She currently serves as the Administrative Coordinator of Health Services for Conroe ISD. She has been a school nurse for 15 years. Barbara is a well respected Nurse Administrator held in high regard by all who know her. She is dedicated to advancing school nursing and that is evident with her support of guidance, recommendations and best practices for the field of school nursing.
2020 School Nurse of the Year
The 2020 School Nurse of the Year winner is Patricia Adams BSN, RN, NCSN from Region 13.
She has been a school nurse for 23 years and is considered an expert in the profession of school nursing by her colleagues in the Austin region. Patty is currently the school nurse at Travis High School. She is a Nationally Certified School Nurse, is an active member of Region 13 TSNO and is known for being an advocate for advanced safety in the school setting.
Notes from your NASN Director!
As we approach the final months of this incredible year, let us look back at what you have achieved so far: I applaud you in honoring our calling by working long hours, providing expert knowledge, influencing reopening school plans, addressing infection control strategies, conducting contact tracing, and so much more on your school campus or district level. You have made a considerable difference in the lives of your students, parents, and staff during this pandemic! Please remember to also take time for self-care, for these are very stressful times which can cause nurse burnout, anxiety, and fear.
You can always look to NASN for COVID-19 resources to assist you in educating students, staff, and parents. Here are some links to important short videos you can incorporate in your school newsletters, websites, and social media messaging:
Return to School Video Series (English & Spanish)
· Washing Your Hands
· Wearing Cloth Face Coverings
· Staying Home when you are Sick
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis in School during COVID-19 is a wonderful new resource that can be used to reinforce specific processes for students with food allergies to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Remember, October has important deadlines that are rapidly approaching: I encourage you to apply for any of these great opportunities to advance your nursing education and practice. Back in 2015, when I applied for the NASN RN to BSN Education Advancement Scholarship, I never thought in my wildest dreams I would win. When I got the call informing me I had been awarded this scholarship, it gave me the confidence I needed to push myself out of my comfort zone and try other things. If I can do it, so can you!
· 2021 NASN Conference call for Abstracts & Poster Presentation deadline is October 12.
· Scholarship Application deadline October 15.
· Research Grant Application deadline October 31.
Finally, if you know of a school nurse colleague that is not a member of TSNO/NASN, please reach out to them with a sincere invitation to become a member. As you know, the benefits are abundant, and the value of connecting with other school nurses across the nation is priceless.
Please reach out to me at francisluna.tsno@gmail.com if you have any concerns or questions. Take care and be safe.
In your service,
Francis Luna, MSN, RN, NCSN
School Nurses in the News!
Save the Date!
November 5-6, 2020
Registration opens Monday, October 5
The 2020 Pediatric Brain Health Summit, which is online and free to attend, is part of the Texas Pediatric Brain Health Initiative, a multi-sector, multi-agency collaboration focused on the prenatal to three-year-old developmental window. The purpose of the initiative is to use the current science on pediatric brain development to help inform and support programs that promote community resilience and optimal development in Texas’ children.
The purpose of the 2020 Pediatric Bain Health Summit is to focus on building stronger connections between pediatric providers and community-based organizations that provide support and services for families. This year's summit is being held virtually, and is open to all interested attendees.
Good evening,
I am excited to say that my proposal to investigate school nurses' perception of telemedicine for school-based asthma case management received IRB approval from the University of Texas. I am ready to start my study!
Loree LaChance, MHA, MSN, RN, NCSN
DNP student, University of Texas School of Nursing
October 10th is World Mental Health Day!
Check out the amazing COVID-19 Resources Below
The Value of Membership
Increase Your Knowledge
Online continuing nursing education in the NASN Learning Center is always discounted for NASN members. In many cases, the activities are free of charge to NASN members.
DANA or Diabetes Advanced Network Access created by the American Association of Diabetes Educators is available to NASN members free of charge. DANA connects school nurses with the devices, expertise and innovations shaping the future of diabetes care.
Titles in the NASN Bookstore including ebooks and manuals are always discounted for NASN members.
Did you know...
TSNO Executive Committee
PRESIDENT Lisa Formby - Region 16
PRESIDENT-ELECT Karen Schwind - Region 13
TREASURER Luisa Herrera- Region 19
Secretary Sarah Alexander - Region 15
NASN DIRECTOR Francis Luna - Region X
ADVOCACY CHAIR Becca Harkleroad- Region 13
SCHOOL HEALTH ISSUES Amber Cichockia- Region X
MEMBER SERVICES Denise Kablaitis - Region 13
Membership Coordinator Linda Howard - Region 8
REGION PRESIDENTS Coordinator Deana Bunting - Region 5 deanabunting.tsno@gmail.com
Communications Coordinator Brandy Bowlen - Region IV bbowlen1@kleinisd.net
EXHIBIT LIAISON Amy Huey - Region X ahuey.tsno@gmail.com
Email: bbowlen1@kleinisd.net
Website: txsno.org
Location: Richardson, Tex, United States
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Texas.School.Nurses.Organization
Twitter: @TxSchlNurses