Irons Jr. High Newsletter
Commitment to Excellence
October 20, 2024
Irons Family,
We have fun and action-packed weeks at Irons this week and next week! Tomorrow, we will have our annual Pink Out Pep Rally in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please remind your students to wear their pink if they would like to join!
This week also marks the last week of our football and volleyball seasons, so come out and cheer on our teams as they wrap up a fantastic season.
And also save the date for Friday, October 25th, when our PTO will be hosting the much-anticipated School Dance: A Night Under the Stars. It's sure to be a night of fun and memories for all! Tickets will be on sale this week during lunches.
Next week we will be recognizing Red Ribbon Week! Stay tuned for more information!
As you can see, we have a lot going on at Irons Junior High, and we are so excited that you all are on this wonderful ride with us.
Warm regards,
Dr. Olivia Robinson
Irons Jr. High Principal
Upcoming Events
October 20th - November 2nd
Monday, October 21st - Pink Out Pep Rally!
Monday, October 21st - Volleyball vs. Peet
Monday, October 21st - 7th Football vs. Peet
Tuesday, October 22nd - 8th Football vs. Peet
Wednesday, October 23rd - Fall Band Concert
Thursday, October 24th - Basketball Tryouts
Friday, October 25th - Basketball Tryouts
Friday, October 25th - PTO Fall Dance @ 7PM
Saturday, October 26th - Trunk or Treat @ Woodforest Stadium
Monday, October 28th - National First Responders Day
Wednesday, October 30th - Fall Orchestra Concert
Upcoming Event Flyers
Our Hawks in ACTION!
Check out our Cheer and Drill teams hard at work last week! We are so proud to call them HAWKS!
Stay tuned for more features from different organizations!
Cheerleaders at ORHS Homecoming Parade
Drill Team at ORHS Homecoming Parade
Academy for Careers in Engineering and Science
Cross Country, Football, and Volleyball Schedules
Game Day Ticket Prices
Conroe ISD JH tickets are $1 for students and $2 for adults. Please bring small bills when paying. Unfortunately junior high schools in CISD are not set up to take electronic payments, cash only.
*Smaller bills (1's and 5's) are greatly appreciated.
24-25 Bell Schedule
Updated: 9/22
From our Counseling Department
Keeping Youth Safe Online
Talk with your child about internet safety and potential risks. Regular conversations can help you know what your child is doing and what apps they use.
Talk with your child calmly, as anger may cause your child to become defensive and less likely to share information with you.
Talk with your child about what the rules and consequences are when it comes to using devices and being online.
Stock the Nest: Snacks for Irons Staff
Link to Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2MF2M6C7UC4F3?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_UoAEK45oaVNSC
Vote Ready
Are you vote ready? If you’ve moved, changed your name, never registered, or are unsure about your voter registration status, visit https://elections.mctx.org by October 7 for the November 5, 2024 election. Already registered? You can confirm your information at the Montgomery County Elections website, too.
Safe Storage of Firearms
Safe gun storage is critical to preventing unintentional shootings, suicide, and other tragedies. Learn more about the Keep ‘Em Safe Texas initiative and view resources at the provided link. Gun locks are also available through the Conroe ISD Police Department.
English letter: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/ezGFN
Spanish letter: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/xpSwo
Arrival Procedures
Arrival Procedures
- ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR ID BADGE (they received them on the first day of school),
- Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the back of the school. These students will then report to the cafeteria until they are dismissed to class at 8:35 AM.
- Students riding their bike may LOCK their bike at the bike racks.
- Car Riders - Please have patience and be nice to your neighbors. The red light at 242 and Needham Road can cause back ups.
- There will be several staff members to help you navigate through our car rider line.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal Procedures
- Irons JH begins dismissal at 4:05 PM.
- Car riders will be dismissed through the front doors at 4:05 PM.
- Car riders - follow the same procedure as arrival. Drive SLOWLY and look for your child. Pull all the way forward and allow your child to enter from the passenger side.
- Please do not cut or pass others in order to move to the front of the line.
- Bikers and walkers - will be dismissed around 4:10 PM.
- Bus riders - Will be called around 4:15 PM where they will dismiss through the back doors.
- At 4:20 PM - any remaining bus riders will be released to wait in the cafeteria.
During the first week of school, will begin the dismissal process 5-10 minutes early. Please plan accordingly.
Irons PTO
We love our Oak Ridge War Eagles!
Irons Jr. High
Email: contactirons@conroeisd.net
Website: https://irons.conroeisd.net/
Location: 16780 Needham Road, Conroe, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-8500
Twitter: @IronsJHCISD