SMS Weekly Update
October 24, 2024
From the Principal
Dear SMS Families,
We are excited to host parent teacher conferences tonight and tomorrow morning and hope to see most of you here!
Our Freaky Friday was certainly a bit frightening last week with the incredible attendance we experienced for both the carnival session and the evening dance! A huge thank you is warranted for our amazing PSO who spent weeks prepping for the event and put in an incredible amount of hours on Freaky Friday regarding set up, game oversight, tickets, dance chaperoning, and clean up. This is a huge event and it takes a team. As we consider this event moving forward, I will advocate for more parent assistance to make the different tasks more efficient and share the work of supporting our students. To all those parents who took a role in helping us this year, YOU ARE AMAZING!
We are now ready to start recruiting for our Veteran’s Day breakfast, which occurs on Friday, November 8th. We are asking for about 7 parent volunteers who could help with 1 hour of food prep on November 7th and about 8 more parent volunteers who could help with plating and supporting the breakfast efforts in the morning on November 8th. Please reach out to our PSO volunteer coordinator at: if you are interested and available to support.
On a final note in this message, next week will be our 10th week of school and our kids are doing fantastic! We keep hearing about how great the student culture is in the building this year, and we want to let you all know that classroom time is being maximized and students are showing up as regulated and focused learners. Great job parents and staff! Let’s keep the great vibes going!
Important Dates
Oct. 24
- Conferences 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm Arena Style
Oct. 25
- Conferences 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Arena Style
Oct. 29
- Tabletop Gaming Club 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Oct. 30
- Mod Pizza fundraiser (Online Checkout code: MODGIVES 25)
Oct. 31
- Halloween (see flyer below for dress-up information)
- Last day for 10% off a 2024-2025 Yearbook (details below)
Nov. 1
- No School
- Professional Development Day
Additional events may be viewed on the SMS Calendar and the District Calendar.
School Hours
Front Office 7:45 am - 3:45 pm
Student Hours 8:45 am - 3:26 pm (M/T/Th/F)
Student Hours 8:45 am - 2:26 pm (W-Early Release)
Doors Open to Students 8:30 am
Thank you!
Thank you to "A Parent" who donated a ping pong table to our PE department! It is appreciated!
SMS Clubs
Tabletop Gaming Club
We are excited for another year of the Tabletop Gaming Club at Sherwood Middle School! This club is a wonderful opportunity for students to engage in strategic and imaginative games while fostering creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking skills. The club will meet on Tuesdays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm throughout the school year. Our first meeting will be on 10/29. Please return the permission slip to the front office.
The Builders Club
The Builders Club has had a busy fall and are looking to continue to serve our local and global community in the upcoming months. If your student is interested in joining, our next after school meeting is on Thursday, November 7 from 3:30-4:00 in room W27. There is an activity bus. Have your student swing by Mrs. Christie's room, W27, for more information.
Yo-Yo Club
Learn to Yo-Yo with professional instructors! Session 1 will be held Oct. 31 - Dec 19.
Veteran's Photos Needed
Hello SMS families!
Leadership is requesting photos for Veterans Day Breakfast. These photos will be shown in the Veterans Day Breakfast slideshow displayed during the event. We are accepting all photos related to veterans day, such as family photos, veterans in uniform, etc. Please upload photos at the below link. Hard copies of photos may not be returned. Thank you!
8th Grade East Coast Trip
There is still room to sign up your 8th grader for this amazing trip. You can sign up here. The deadline to sign up is Dec. 20. Our tour code is sher2025. Please email with any questions.
Kia Key Fob Found
We have a Kia key fob in the office on a distinguishable key chain. If you can describe the key chain, we would like to get the fob back to you. Please call our office, 503-825-5500 for assistance.
Got Socks?
This year, Sherwood Middle School is excited to team up with TMG Cares, a local nonprofit dedicated to supporting our community, to launch a Sock Drive for Foster Kids.
We will be collecting socks through November 8. SMS Flight Time classes will participate by collecting both youth and adult-sized socks. We invite community members to contribute by dropping off new socks at the SMS front office. Students will bring socks to their Flight Time classes, ensuring that we gather as many contributions as possible!
Let's make this sock drive a huge success and show our support for foster children!
This project is in honor of Isaac Schweitzer, as part of our commitment to community service through our Sherwood Middle School Service Club.
Latino Student Club
Each year, Nov. 1 marks the beginning of Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, in Mexico. The holiday is a day of remembrance for those who have passed away. The belief is that on this day, the spirits of the dead return to the living world to visit their families. To honor their loved ones, families commemorate the day by creating ofrendas, the Spanish word for offerings, for Día de los Muertos. In recognition of this holiday, and Hispanic Heritage Month recently concluding, the Latino Student Club will be celebrating at SMS by decorating and displaying an ofrenda for loved family members and pets. We would like to offer this opportunity to any and all students in the SMS community. Please see the attached picture for an example of the type of ofrenda that we would like to display. Students may bring your Shoebox Ofrenda to Señora Pruitt in Room W32. Please bring them before Friday, October 25th in order to be displayed.Room W32. You can bring them any time but the deadline to display will be Friday, October 25th
SMS Fundraiser
You can support SMS Events & Leadership by eating MOD Pizza! On Wednesday, October 30th, let MOD Pizza staff members know you are there for the SMS Fundraiser OR, if order online, with the code: MODGIVES25. This event is valid for the entire day!
Media Center News
The Online Fair will run from November 1st- November 14th.
You will have access to over 3000+ items including exclusives, value packs, and more. Orders ship directly to your home and standard shipping is free on book-only orders of $25 or more after all discounts are applied.
Rewards! Rewards! Rewards!
Our school will earn 25% on all purchases during the fair and 2% all year long.
Please remind your students to come to school each day with a fully charged Chromebook.
Lost & Found
Do any of the below items look familiar to you? We are busting at the seams. All items remaining will be donated after conferences tomorrow, Oct. 25
It is very helpful if you label your student's lunch boxes, water bottles and clothes. We make multiple attempts to get the items back to your student when we find labeled items!
Volunteer Opportunities
SMS Tabletop Gaming Club
We are looking for a parent volunteer to help out with our Tabletop Gaming Club. It is held on Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. For more information, please call Kristi at 503-825-5510. You will need to have a background check for this year and can be done here.
SMS Equipment & Game Room
Would you like to volunteer during our lunches to help in the lunchroom, help check-out recess equipment or supervise the game room? We are looking for two parents to help every lunch period. Please review this sign-up and make sure you have a current background check.
Nutrition Service Information
PSO Corner
SMS 24-25 Yearbook
Please share your photos!
We are looking for photos to use in the yearbook. Photos can be shared in Treering designated folders via the app or website. If you need help sharing, contact
Monthly themes:
October: Freaky Friday, Halloween
September: 1st day of school & fall sports and activities
You can still save 10% on yearbooks until October 31. Order your yearbook today!
Order your yearbook now.
Yearbooks are 10% off through October so purchase NOW and customize anytime throughout the year. Must be purchased by May 1st to get your book in time for the end of year signing events.
Incoming SMS new students: Your school code is 101612219220699 which is different from your elementary school treering code. You can still login under the same treering account but will add your SMS code to purchase and customize your 2 FREE pages in your book. This code is also shown on the flyer. On Facebook: "Sherwood Middle School PSO" shares Yearbook info throughout the year as well as the SMS Newsletter.
Colorguard is for any 6th-8th grader.
Student interest meeting is 11/8 at 5 pm and parent meeting is the same night at 7 pm. More details are available with the QR code.
SHS Booster Club Auction
Get Ready!
It's time for the 2024 SHS Booster Club Annual Auction. This year, come ready to WIN BIG for our Bowmen athletes with the addition of a Casino Night! This unforgettable evening will feature classic Casino Games, delicious food and drinks, incredible casino prizes and auction items, plus excellent company, all in support of our Student-Athletes.
November 9th, 2024 5pm-9pm @ the beautiful Chehalem Cultural Center
Individual tickets are $80 each or grab your friends and buy a table for 8 for $600 ($40 discount!) - this includes dinner and drinks plus $10 of script to get you started!
Get your tickets today!!
You can also Pre-Register for the Blackjack Tournament and Texas Hold 'Em Tournaments - all on the website.
Can't make it for the big night? Participate in our online Auction Nov. 4th-9th!
Questions? Contact
See you November 9th!
Sherwood Bands
Poinsettia, Wreaths, and See’s Candies Fundraiser
Whether you need holiday greenery or gifts, please consider purchasing through this fundraiser. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the band to cover competition fees, guest clinician fees, instrument maintenance, and more.
See’s Candies – A sweet gift for friends and family, shipped directly to their doorstep.
Order Here:
Important Details:
• Poinsettia and wreath orders will be delivered by the student seller.
• When checking out online, please include the student’s full name in the “Note to Seller” section to ensure proper delivery.
• Poinsettia Vouchers will be distributed to students on Tuesday, November 12th.
• Wreath and decoration pick-up will be on Saturday, November 23rd, from 3:00-5:00 PM at Sherwood High School’s upper parking lot.
Thank you for supporting Sherwood Bands!
Share Center Information
“SHARE is a place for families to seek information, resources, and support services. The SHARE Center’s purpose is to strengthen community partnerships and decrease barriers related to student success, thereby improving the ability of all children and families to engage fully in a positive school experience”. - SHARE Center, Sherwood School District (please visit this page for more information)
If you need support obtaining school supplies, please reach out to the Share Center.