*Panther Prowl Special Edition*
October 1st, 2024
Count Day
Count Day, tomorrow Wednesday October 2nd
Hi Parkwood School Family,
Reminder tomorrow is Count Day! Below is a PDF from the State of Michigan with more Count Day information. If you are able to attend tomorrow that is so helpful for our building. If you are not able to attend, we understand, and please email steckeras@kalamazoopublicschools.net or call 269-337-0720 to report an excused absence.
Panther Prowl Updates
Special Snack Day tomorrow, Wednesday October 2nd!
We are so excited to celebrate our next reward day for meeting our next Panther Prowl donation goal. Our special snack will be donuts and then Popsicles for those students who might allergies! We have student allergy lists on file, but if you prefer your child not have one of these special snacks, please email your classroom teacher to let them know and you can also send your child with an alternative snack.
Almost At Our Goal!
We are so close to our school wide goal! We can't wait to use our donations to support grade level field trips. Different grade levels will visit the zoo, the State capital, the Nature Center, Sherman Lake, and an IMAX movie! If you still need to sign up for the Panther Prowl, the link is below.
Thank you so much for all of your generosity! Our Parkwood families make such a difference in the lives of our students' and staff.
Panther Prowl Event Details for Friday, October 4th
Our annual Panther Prowl is this Friday, October 4th. This fun run, will involve each teacher walking there classroom along our Panther Prowl route that ends in Crane Park. Teachers have been reviewing if all families have returned our general walking permission slip. They will be sending home another copy if you have not sent it back yet. This will allow your child to be able to participate in this fun event.
We would love family volunteers along our Prowl route! If you are able to volunteer either Thursday, helping set up for the run, or Friday during the fun run, we would love your help! The sign up is below and please make sure to have a background check on file.
I am attaching the Panther Prowl grade level schedule below. Please remember, while parents can stand along the route to cheer on students, only family members with background checks on file can enter the building. This keeps all students and staff safe, and allows our systems of arrival/dismissal to run smoothly. Teachers will have sign out sheets if you want to sign your child out when they are finished. Parents and family members will wait outside the building and students will be brought to them with their belongings.