Beveridge Family Newsletter
May 20-22
Important End-of-Year Reminders
No Backpacks Allowed This Week
Cell Phones: Are not allowed to be used during school hours and should not be seen. Students may:
- Keep it zipped in their binder
- Turn it in to their administrator in the morning
- Turn it in to each teacher at the beginning of class
Student Lunches from Home: Students should bring their lunch to the front office. Office staff will label them with the correct lunch and all lunches will be brought down during lunch for students. They will just go to the cafeteria as they normally would.
Beginning on Monday, May 20th, students should only have their iPad and binder with them. Everything they need for school and during school can be contained in their binder. If your student is without a binder, they can bring a small bag of personal items to be kept in the front office.
We appreciate your support these last few weeks as we begin to close out the year. Backpacks are often a means to carry additional, non-school related items to school. We want all students to have a successful end of the 23-24 school year.
If any backpacks are brought to school, they will be held until the last day of school. Please help us in our efforts to ensure all students are safe and are not brining additional items to school to distract
Wishing you and your family a wonderful end to the school year and a relaxing summer!
Kind regards,
Kristin Tipler
Assistant Principal - Data Administrator
8th Grade Recognition Ceremony
Date: Tuesday, May 21
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Beveridge Gymnasium
Students need to come to school at 7:40 AM as they usually do. Parents can begin arriving at Beveridge for the ceremony at 8:30 AM. This is a school day, and we will have a regular school schedule for students. For this reason, we will limit areas visitors have access to on this day.
Parking will be limited. We encourage families and guests to carpool.
- North side parking (Parent Drop Off Lot): This lot has few parking stalls. Families may park in the neighborhood if they choose. Enter the building through the patio gates. Do not use the security entrance.
- South side parking (Bus Drop Off Lot): Use our event parking (north/south NOT diagonal). Enter through our Dock Doors.
Please do not bring any gifts, flowers, or balloons to the ceremony. Students will not be able to keep these items at school. Please give these items to your student when they are at home. These items may also block the view for others as they try to watch the ceremony. We are planning for a lovely event and want to ensure all families are able to see the entire program without their view being blocked from flowers, balloons and gifts. Please leave these items at home or in your vehicle.
After the Ceremony:
- Students and parents will exit to the track area. Students will exit the gym first, and then families will follow. All families will meet their student outside, and our regular school day for our 6th & 7th grade students will resume.
- IF YOU ARE TAKING YOUR STUDENT HOME, we ask that you sign out at the checkout tent after the ceremony. The tent will be located outside near the track. You may only take your student home; you may not take additional students.
- If your student is staying at school for the remainder of the day, they will need to return to classes by 10:30 AM.
End of Year Spirit Days!
Let's finish off the school year with some extra Bulldog spirit! Staff and students are invited to dress up according to the following themes. Special thanks to Audie Scanlan for suggesting many of the themes and creating the fantastic posters!
Week at a Glance
After School Activities are from 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM.
All after school activities are from 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM. All students participating in after school tutoring, activities, detention or sports must be picked up at 5:00 PM on the south side of the school. This is where the buses drop off and pick up students. All students must be supervised by their activity sponsor or coach until they are picked up.
Monday, May 20: B Day
- 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony Practice @ 7:50 AM
- Late Admin: Ms. Jillian Johnson, Dean of Students-6th Grade
Tuesday, May 21: A Day
- 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony @ 9:00 AM, Gym
- Late Admin: Mrs. Kristin Tipler, Assistant Principal, Data Administrator
Wednesday, May 22: B Day
- Last Day of School!
- 7th Grade Wildlife Encounters during Block 1/2
- 8th Grade Field Trip to Urban Air @ 10:30, Lead: Chad Wachholtz
- Late Admin: Mr. Tony Aliano, Dean of Students-7th Grade
NJHS Park Clean-Up Day
Collectively students picked up over 2,000 lbs. of trash from Levi Carter Park!
From the School Counseling Office
A student who is at least 14 or 15 years old and who has accepted an offer of employment can be issued a work permit by OPS. When requesting a work permit, OPS must verify the identity of the child, proof of age, and completion of the 6th grade or higher. The work permit is required to have the name of the employer and it will only be acceptable for work at that place of employment. A copy of the certificate is also given to the Nebraska Dept. of Labor.
Work permits may be obtained by students at their middle or high school during the school year by contacting the school counselor or principal.
The SIS window on the 3rd floor of TAC can issue work permits to OPS students aged 14-15 during the summer. Please email Student Information Services at sis@ops.org before coming to the TAC building.
Spring Sports
Boys Soccer
The boys soccer team had a great season. They showed lots of growth and ended with a 3-game winning streak. Their record was 5 wins & 3 losses.
Girls Soccer
The girls soccer team had a fun season and played hard. They finished strong with two shut-out games. Their record was 4 wins & 4 losses.
Track & Field
The OPS City Track Meet was held on Monday, May 13, and the Bulldogs had an awesome day of results! We had multiple kids have personal best times/throws/jumps today, which is awesome that they are able to see their hard work pay off with results!
All of our teams finished in the top half of the city. 13 schools competed and here are our team results:
8th grade boys: 4th place
8th grade girls: 4th place
7th grade girls: 5th place
7th grade boys: 1st place and City Champions!
We had tons of improvement as the season went on, which is what we want to see! Way to go Bulldogs!!!
Lost & Found
Recognize any of these items? Wednesday will be the last day for students to claim lost and found items. The photos below were taken on Friday, May 17. We will likely have more items in the Lost & Found since the custodians cleaned out lockers that still had items in them on Saturday.
The Lost & Found has been moved to the hallway near the Front Office.
In Case You Missed It
Below are some articles published in previous newsletters.
Don't forget to TAGG for the Beveridge PTSA!
Beveridge PTSA now on TAGG!
In other exciting news, we're thrilled to announce that Beveridge PTSA is now on TAGG! TAGG provides a hassle-free way to raise funds for our school without spending any extra money.
- Simply download the TAGG app,
- Select Beveridge PTSA as your cause
- Start tagging your purchases at participating businesses.
A portion of your spending will be donated to our school, helping us fund various programs and initiatives.
7th Grade Physical
Students entering 7th grade for the 2024-25 school year will need their state-mandated physical exam done on or after March 1, 2024, for it to be valid. Ask your child’s health care provider to make a copy of your child’s physical exam, immunization record, any emergency health care plans (as needed for life-threatening conditions), and any order or medications or procedures to be dispensed/done at school. This exam WILL also qualify as the 7th grade Sports Physical. Please turn these requirements in as soon as they are complete.
8th Grade Field Trip to Urban Air
Wednesday, May 22nd
Permission slips for the 8th grade field trip to Urban Air were handed out during advisory on 3/19. The OPS permission slip and Urban Air waiver can be turned into the front office or to advisory teachers. Payments must be made in the front office. Attendance and behavior will be monitored to determine who is eligible to attend the field trip. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Wachholtz or Mr. Aliano.
Accessing Parent Portal
This application allows parents and guardians to access information about ALL of their students through one convenient website.
This is a great way for you to see what assignments your student has turned in and what assignments they haven't turned in yet. You will also be able to see the specific grade your student earned for the assignment once the teacher has entered the grade for it. Please click on the attachment below for directions on accessing the Parent Portal. If you need any support with this, please contact our front office staff at 531-299-2280.
Partnering with the school and accessing the Parent Portal for your middle school student is important. Helping your student manage their time and their schoolwork is invaluable. Supporting your student with managing 9 classes, will be of great benefit as they transition to high school with excellent study habits and homework completion.
OPS Student Safety and Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
Omaha Public Schools Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
At Beveridge, safety is always our top priority. Our district has planned and prepared in case of an emergency. Just as a family may practice sheltering for severe weather at home, we teach students and staff across our district how to respond in a range of situations. Since August 2018, Omaha Public Schools has used the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). The SRP benefits students, staff and first responders because everyone uses the same language and definitions. The five options in the Standard Response Protocol are:
- Hold
- Secure
- Lockdown
- Evacuate
- Shelter Inside
Inside Beveridge, you will see posters that include the same information. At Beveridge, students routinely participate in drills or different possible emergencies. Students learn how to react, where to assemble and what to expect were it a real situation. We encourage families to review these procedures at home with their students. It may also be a good time to discuss safety plans at home. In case of a true emergency, is important that children memorize their address and phone numbers. In an emergency during school, communication will be sent out to families. Families should follow the instructions sent via email and automated phone call. In an emergency, we ask that families not call or visit the school until asked to do so.
During an emergency, staff will be focused on student safety and may not be available to answer phones or direct traffic. Access in and near a school may be blocked for emergency personnel.
Helpful Resources
Drop Off & Pick Up Video - please share with anyone who will be dropping off or picking up your student.
Parent Portal - access student records including attendance, grades, schedule, and missing assignments. Please click this link for directions on accessing the Parent Portal. If you need any support with this, please contact our front office staff at 531-299-2280.