HHS Weekly Preview

Friday, August 30, 2024
Weekly Announcements
Let's Go, Fords! Let's Go, Fords!
Lots of information in this email. Students receive these emails in their Haverford Gmail. The students should be reading all the valuable information. We cannot wait to see them all back at HHS on Tuesday!!!!
School begins on Tuesday, September 3rd @ 7:25. All students head to 1st Block when they arrive at HHS. We will have plenty of adults assisting students to find their classes on Day 1 and beyond.
Updated student schedules have been sent! We are not changing any schedules this weekend. We will begin the week with the schedules that are presently in PowerSchool. Schedules will not be adjusted except for extraordinary reasons. If you need to fill a Study Hall or are missing a required course, please reach out to your school counselor as soon as possible. Changes in schedules WILL NOT be made regarding teacher, block, or lunch preferences.
Classes and lunches have been balanced. The schedule and assignment of faculty are based on students' course selections made each Spring.
Lunch periods will be in the cafeterias and library. Library passes will be accessible on the first day. All administrators and other school personnel will BE IN THE LUNCHROOM assisting students during lunches throughout the first week to find the right fit for each student. THE STUDENTS WILL TEXT YOU THAT "THERE ARE NO SEATS LEFT IN LUNCH". THERE ARE 60 more seats than students in the lunchroom and 100 seats in the HHS Library-so there are plenty of seats. And outdoor seating when the weather is good.
Freshmen bring your Middle School Chromebook on the 1st day so that you can receive a new Chromebook. If you attended HMS, you must swap your Chromebook on the 1stor 2nd day at HHS.
- DCIU Technical Education and Medical Careers students will receive an email from Ms. Katie Jones next week on their start times and opening day meetings at HHS.
REPEAT Message-HHS Summer Reading 2024
All students will complete their Summer Reading Assignment
in Homeroom during the first week of school.
For directions and access to resources (including all lists of books and access to ebooks/audiobooks), including specific assignments for AP Literature/AP Language, please view the HHS Summer Reading Document. This document is also available on the Haverford School District Curriculum and Instruction Website -- Summer Reading.
Book Access & Free Resources
SORA is a user-friendly version of the Libby that is available to our students to provide access to all of the Delaware County Young Adult or juvenile selections without the need for a library card using their Haverford Google Accounts. There are a variety of eBooks available.
If you already have a card, you can use resources with a library card number under the heading E resources on the website.If you don't have a library card you can email Name, Address, Phone number, birthday to support@delcolibraries.org and they will give you a barcode to access e-books, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, and databases.
International Children’s Digital Library
Use the Simple Search or Advanced Search to find books in various languages and topics. Click Show to see language choices. Use the navigation tools to read the book.
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 70,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.
Please visit our HHS Library Website regarding accessing and connecting to our Delco libraries.
Book Lists
Students are able to select a book from any one of the following American Library Association (ALA)/Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) lists:
College and Career Ready
College Visits, School Day PSAT and SAT, Common APP News
1) There are over 100 colleges scheduled to visit starting on September 16th. A list of the colleges is attached to this email. We will do sign ups on Naviance beginning next week. See below.
2) School Day PSAT and School Day SAT will be on October 9th at 7:30 AM. The PSAT is for Freshmen through Juniors and School Day SAT is for Seniors. (We will have some Juniors that would like to take SAT on that date and...that is OK. Juniors should consult with their counselor on what test to take.)
3) Class of 2025-(Seniors)-It is time to start your Common APP! Common App Website
Class of 2025:
College and Common Application Completion Days
Make sure your students SIGN UP IN NAVIANCE to visit with
any of the amazing colleges coming to HHS in the next few weeks!
Nurses' Department
State Medical Requirements
Send documents to mosullivan@haverfordsd.net or ashubert@haverfordsd.net
All 12th Grade students are required to provide proof of having had the second Meningitis A vaccine on the first day of school, an appointment to receive the vaccine or exemption from the vaccine. If we do not receive this by September 9, 2024, your student will be excluded from school on September 10, 2024.
All 11th grade students are required to show proof of having had a medical physical completed by their doctor. Please send in all forms to the nurse.
For all parents of children ages 6 through 17. Free eye screening at Wills Eye Hospital on 9/28/2024. Open this link https://www.willseye.org/give-kids-sight-day/ and call for an appointment.
Haverford High School Athletics Website
Mr. Gregory Decina, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
Mrs. Michelle McCloy, Athletics Secretary
(610) 853-5900 x2560
Make sure all Fall student-athletes have FamilyID registration completed.
1) The Football Followers will be selling Red Out shirts the first week of school on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, Wednesday, Sept. 4th and Thursday Sept. 5th during lunches. The shirts will be $15 each. Cash, check or Venmo will be available. See the design on this email.
2) The Football Followers have teamed with Raising Surfers to promote the Haverford necklace! Great gifts for moms, seniors, alumni... anyone who wants to show their love for Haverford High School! Buy right on the website.
3) Soccer Fundraisers-See Below
The HHS Boys Soccer Boosters 14th Annual Mum Sale is underway!
Mums sell for $9 each, and are available in burgundy red, yellow, rust orange, and purple. They always look fantastic! The sale takes place on Saturday, September 14th, between 8-11 a.m. in the HMS Bus Lane. We expect some mums to be available on the day of the sale, but we're also taking pre-orders through September 11th (click here for link). When pre-ordering, please submit each order by who will be responsible for picking it up on 9/14. The order form will ask for a player’s name, but indicating "any player" will suffice. See attached flyer for payment options. Thank you for your support. Go Fords!
4) Haverford Golf 2024 t-shirts. $15 each. Pay using QR code. Code and tee logo are attached/below.
See QR CODE BELOW. Venmo @Staci-Gillespie-1
5) Haverford Sports Media - See Freddy's Fundraising Information Below!
6) FBLA Fundraiser - Get Your Haverford Gear - "H"