Weekly Update
Upcoming Schedules
Important INFO ---- READ-----!!!!!!
Artist, Gary Frisk –here presenting to 5th graders. He is with EnPleinAirTEXAS.
Proud Eagles on the Morning Show. Teachers send a reminder to your people. A note should have already gone home. Judy put in your box on Wednesday afternoon.
Wear pink and jeans on Fridays in October to show our support for Mrs. Young!!!
The details for next Wednesday are as follows:
12:30-1:00 Math Vertical Meeting- STEAM Lab
1:00-1:30 K-2 Shared Reading- STEAM Lab
1:45-2:15 3rd-5th (all teachers) Shared Reading- STEAM Lab
2:15-2:45 Support teachers/P.E./Music- SLO support if needed
Aids will be working on the Math manipulative room 122
Everyone needs 12 hours of professional development before Thanksgiving break. Please talk to Mr. Ramirez or Dr. Knight if you have any questions about your hours.
ELAR teachers- We will be sending home the note regarding all students guided reading levels with report cards again this year. Ashley will be sharing them with you soon.
Oct. 22 PLC - (ELAR) TRC Planning Guided Reading lessons and looking at curriculum framework- Molly (Math) look at Math tracking sheets(re-teach plans) Ashley's room
Oct. 23 Early Release day- Notes will be going home from the office soon! Please communicate this with parents early enough so they have a chance to find childcare or make a plan
Oct. 25 bi-weekly - ELAR & Math
Oct. 25 Teddy Bear Parade - we will make an announcement at 7:55 to line the halls - 5th grade go ahead and line up and immediately after go to PE/Music
Nov. 14 - Library Night TGCL - 4:00-5:30 teacher with the most student participation will win a Pizza Party and teacher will get a
Welcome To Lacy Haney - she will be our 5th-grade tutor
Wear Pink
Wear pink and jeans on Fridays in October to show our support for Mrs. Young!!!
Mondays in November are for Mrs. Young!
Donate $5 to wear jeans with a pink shirt on Mondays in November. This is optional but a fun way to show our support for Mrs. Young. All $$$ will be donated to help with expenses!
Library Night
Library night at the Tom Green County Library will be November 14th from 4:00-5:30. Mark your calendars and plan on being there!
--Each teacher in attendance will get a jeans pass.
--The class with the highest participation will receive a pizza party AND the teacher will get a one-hour lunch!
--A school bus will transport to and from Goliad one time.
More details to come!
Important Dates
Oct. 21 - Flu Shots on Campus @ 2:00
Oct. 21 -Post TEA visit meeting with admin
Oct. 22 - PLC (ELAR) TRC – Molly & (Math) Ashley’s room
Oct. 24 - Proud Eagle Presentations Morning Show (k-2)
Oc.t 25 - Proud Eagle Presentation Morning Show (3-5)
Oct. 25 - 5th Grade Artist visitor
Oct. 25 - Bi-weekly data PLC
Oct. 25 - 1st Grade Teddy Bear Parade
Oct. 25 - Writing Samples due to Ashley 1st-5th
Oct. 25 - Kinder Field trip to Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch
Oct. 25 - Kinder Parent Conferences due
Oct. 28- Nov. 1 Red Ribbon week
Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 - 5th-grade STAR base (Miguel/Torres) - Get lunch counts to Gina
Oct. 28 - 3rd-grade safety city 8:45- 11:45 (Everett/Galindo)
- 3rd-grade safety city 11:45 - 2:15 (Contreras/Romero)
Oct. 28 - United Way Presentation Library 3:30
Oct. 29 - PLC
Nov. 2 - Fall Festival 12:00 - 3:00
Nov. 4 - 8 - 5th STAR base (Wilkey/Gibson/Trujillo) - Get Lunch Counts to Gina
Nov. 6 - Miracle jeans day - Details to come
Nov. 6 - Process champs meeting 3:30 library
Nov. 7 - 2nd Grade Field trip Pecan Creek Farm
Nov. 7 - Safety Team meeting - Conference Room
Nov. 11 - Faculty Meeting 3:30 Library
Nov. 13 - Picture Re-takes
Nov. 14 - Library Night TGCL - 4:00-5:30
Nov. 15 - Main Event - Schedule will be emailed out
Red Ribbon Week
Expectation will be the same .. PTO will set up and we will just be sure that the booths are covered and if you can come for a couple of hours please do. More details soon