Wolf Call Weekly
Welcome to this week!
Welcome to the First EDITION of the Wolf Call Weekly for Quarter 4!
We hope that you have had a wonderful and restful Spring Break. As we begin/continue quarter 4, we have some resources and information that we would like to remind you about in this Week's Wolf Call Weekly.
If you have a questions about your Quarter 4 classes, contact your teacher via email or during their scheduled availability.
In an effort to continue improving communication to our families and community of West Hills High School, please take a moment to review the weekly, informative messages below. Are you looking for previous editions of the Wolf Call Weekly? The West Hills website has them as a resource. (Info, Wolf Call Weekly)
We encourage your participation as an active reader of these communications that will help bridge our communication between WHHS and Students & Families. Thank you for your continued support for all students at West Hills!
WHHS Administration,
Robin Ballarin, Principal
Apri Baker, Assistant Principal (A-G)
Carrie Gaeir, Assistant Principal (H-O)
John Hoadley, Assistant Principal (P-Z)
Cyndi Nowlen, Manager of School Facilities
"At the end of the day, we don’t dream our lives...WE LIVE THEM!"
Anthony Ianni made history during his time in Michigan State’s basketball program, becoming the first basketball player with Autism in NCAA D-1 history. He graduated high school, got a scholarship, and graduated from college. Today, he is married with two kids and has become a role model for kids with autism where he travels the country sharing his story of living with Autism. April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day.
To learn more about Anthony's journey, see the youtube video below.
April Multicultural Calendar
We continue to celebrate diversity, celebrations, and multicultural holidays in the month of April that are celebrated around the world.
Check out all the events that are celebrated around the world!
- 4/2: World Autism Awareness Day
- 4/4: Easter
- 4/8: Buddha’s Birth
- 4/12: Ramadan
- 4/22: Earth Day
- 4/23-24: Gathering of Nations
For more information about each
event listed above, click HERE.
Schedule for the week
As you plan for the beginning of Quarter 4, here are some dates to remember:
- Friday March 26th- Quarter 4 began
- Monday March 29th: Groups B&D on campus (see calendar below)
- Friday April 2: No School in observance of Good Friday
Important Dates for March-July 2021
- Friday March 26th- Quarter 4 began
- Monday March 29th: Groups B&D on campus (see calendar below)
- April 2: No School
- April 26-30: CAASPP Testing (Grade 11 Students Only, more info to come soon)
- May 27, 6:00 p.m.: Senior Awards (Live Zoom)
- May 31: Memorial Day, no school
- June 7 : Senior Car Parade
- June 8 : Graduation (details TBD)
- June 14-July 2: Session 1 of Summer School
- July 6-July 23: Session 2 of Summer School
West Hills plans to offer two sessions of Summer School this year! Students who have failed (F) a course that is needed for graduation will have priority.
The tentative dates are: Session 1 - June 14-July 2 and Session 2 - July 6 - July 23.
Our goal is to have as many Summer School courses in-person/on campus as possible but will have some online options for those who are continuing in distance learning.
Thank you and GO WOLF PACK
Student Tutorial Schedule for Q. 4
Attention Seniors!
Please see our Class of 2021 Update
(sent to Seniors on March 12).
Important items to highlight in the update linked above:
- All Seniors must complete ONE COVID-19 RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AGREEMENT to participate in Senior Activites
- Updates on Senior Breakfast, Prom, Car Parade, and other events!
Also, check the Senior Page for updated Senior Information:
- (WHHS Home Page > Students >Seniors)
Do you need an audio/video version of the Senior Update? Click HERE for our audio/video version!
To see the many different athletes and events, please click HERE.
Spectators at Sporting Events
Many of you may already be aware that sports are in full swing. We are thrilled that our student-athletes can get back to the sports they love, and know that the West Hills community is too. As much as we would love to see all our Wolf Pack fans in the stands, we must follow strict regulations regarding spectators to ensure that our programs can complete their seasons.
For all sporting events, at home and away, spectators are extremely limited. Each player is permitted a maximum of four “immediate household family members”. Spectators are checked in at the gate. If there are multiple games at one event (i.e., JV and Varsity) the venue must be cleared of all spectators between events. The “immediate household family” cohort must stay seated together throughout the event, and masks are required. In addition, no children are permitted to an event without a parent or guardian.
We look forward to the day when all our Wolf Pack supporters can attend our events. Until that time comes, we appreciate your cooperation as we implement these regulations.
Thank you and GO WOLF PACK!
The West Hills Administration Team
Equity Committee
Last week our committee meet and discussed many different items!
If you would like to join us in our next meeting, please email April Baker (abaker@guhsd.net) or Robin Ballarin (rballarin@guhsd.net) and we will add you to the email invite.
Our sub-committees were the idea of students in our committee at large and are student lead! We welcome all who want to work on our racial, gender, religious and cultural equity issues within our community.
You may read the notes from our latest meeting here.
Our next meeting is March 30th from 4:00-5:00pm via Zoom.
Need a work permit?
Mental Health Resources
- crisis/access lines,
- phone apps designed to support mental health,
- some wellness tips from our Youth Advisors.
A Friendly Reminder...
Please remember:
- to WEAR FACE MASKS at all times while on campus INCLUDING SPORTING EVENTS: This is NOT optional.
- if you are wearing a clear face shield, you MUST WEAR A FACE MASK in addition to the face shield.
Neck and Face Gaiters Reminder
- Also, The CDC has updated their website and our District has asked us to make sure we are not allowing neck and face gaiters on campus any longer.
- Please see the CDC page here for more information.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Connect with WHHS
Main: @whhswolfpack
Seniors: @whhsclass2021
Juniors: @whhsclass2022
Sophomores: @packof2023
Freshman: @whhsclass2024
ASB: @whhsasb
Guidance/Counseling: @whhs.counseling
Library: @westhillslib
Yearbook: @wolfpackyearbook
AVID: @whhsavid
Mending Matters: @mendingmatters
Homepage: http://wolfpack.guhsd.net
WHHS Distance Learning Hub: https://sites.google.com/guhsd.net/whhs-hub/home
Email: jlhoadley@guhsd.net
Website: wolfpack.guhsd.net
Location: 8756 Mast Boulevard, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: 6199560400
Twitter: @WHHSWolfpack