Dr.Bremner's Weekly Bulletin
August 16, 2024
Updates and Excitement!
Our staff has been busy this summer with some fantastic professional development! Teachers attended workshops on science, art, and reading to bring fresh ideas to the classroom. Recently, six of our teachers, along with our MTSS-R coordinator, curriculum coordinator, and I, worked with Dr. Kathleen McCaffery to improve how we help students of all ages develop their literacy skills. We're focusing on using proven methods to assess, target, and enrich learning, and this work will continue throughout the year
Recent increases in enrollment and analyzing of student data has resulting in the plan to add a third section of 5th grade, and reduce to two sections of first grade. We sent our support and good wishes to Mrs. Perry and Mr. Pion who have made the decision to explore new experiences next year. This means that we are replacing in 2nd grade and have interviewed for that. This means that instead of seeking a new 1st grade teacher we are seeking a new 5th grade teacher. This means that we are supporting students through data driven decision making within the original budget. These changes at this time of year will mean that the new fifth grade will be just down the stairs from the other 5th grades on the second floor.
If you have a student in 1st grade Perry you will learn about the change to their placement early next week.
If you have a 5th grader we are not changing classlists until we have a new teacher in place. We are hopeful, but due to the time of year.
We are welcoming Mrs. Fields as our new special education teacher. This is in replacement of Mrs. Leary's retirement last year.
Important Information
Handbooks- shared at the board meeting
Based on Hinsdale data and state/national trends: The attendance procedures have been significantly updated to include supports and actions offered and available to be taken in order to promote attendance in school. This includes information for unexcused and excused absences, tardies, and dismissals. A reminder that in NH truancy is based on 10 or more half days of unexcused absences. This was adjusted down from 20 in 2010. RSA: 189:35-a. Parents need to document a tardy by email or by coming into the building and signing their child in.
Based on parent and staff feedback: Arrival & Dismissal in cars will now be a continuous flow behind the school where caregivers do not exit their cars. Students will enter/exit vehicles between the back of the gym and cafeteria as usual, but directly into/out of the line of cars. This will prevent children walking in a busy parking lot and families with children in car seats can avoid the process of getting them out as well.
-We are purchasing cones to help with the process
*Morning start: kids will be on the playground and around the back of the building. This is another way we can prevent students from walking through the back parking lot at arrival.
Town of Hinsdale Parks & Rec: Soccer
⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽Heather Jutras |Program and Welfare Director
hjutras@hinsdalenh.org | 603.336.5726
Town of Hinsdale
P.O. Box 13
Hinsdale, NH 03451
Asked to share the information for soccer sign ups (not a school sponsored activity)
Here’s the link the signup: Soccer Signup Form
Here’s the link to the online payment portal: Online Payment Portal
Free & Reduced Lunch Application- for ALL!
This data not only is needed for our meals program, but many other grants and programs rely on this data as well. ALL families should fill this out. It doesn't matter if you think you don't qualify, have qualified in the past, or know you qualify. A large grant that benefits so many children through additional staff, curriculum, and providing their teachers professional development is the Title 1 grant. The Title 1 allocation is heavily influenced by this data. It would be great to get to 100% of HES families completing this application! Please reach out if you need any support in this process.
The Hinsdale After School Program (HASP), a grant funded 21st Century Community Learning Center, selects students each summer and at intervals during the school year who meet target criteria. The criteria are driven by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) measures.
Some of you will be receiving a letter with registration attached via mail in the next week. The letter explains the requirements of the grant that are used to offer HASP at no cost for target students. All regular registrations will be sent at the start of the school year as usual. If you receive a letter for only some of your children, you can absolutely still enroll the siblings at the start of the year. If you receive a letter and are choosing NOT to participate in HASP please email Maryanne O’Malley, 21st Century Grant/HASP Coordinator, momalley@hnhsd.org
. All returned forms OR declining communication students will receive a small donated gift!
Open House
🍎Classroom & teacher orientation.
This is two nights before the start of school. This will hopefully support a good nights rest for everyone in our community before Day 1
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 05:00 PM
Hinsdale Elementary School, School Street, Hinsdale, NH, USA
Day 1 K-5
This is the first day of school for K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Students need to be entering the building by 8:35 and in class ready to learn at 8:40. Supervision begins at 8:20.
Reminder: If you find your child will be tardy please park and sign them in at the front office.
Thursday, Aug 29, 2024, 08:30 AM
Hinsdale Elementary School, School Street, Hinsdale, NH, USA
Day 1 Pre-K
This is the first day for our PreK learners.