The Leopard Print
Lockwood Community Newsletter January 2024
School Information
Principal | Sam Ramirez
Assistant Principal | Rachelle Gardner
Office Manager | Cari Propst
Secretary | Sonja Gill-More
Office | 425-408-5800
Fax | 425.408.5802
Attendance | 425.408.5810
Website | lockwood.nsd.org
In This Issue
- School Information
- Principal Message
- A Few of My Favorites
- Dates at a Glance
- A Note from Nurse Trina
- PACE Information
- Spirit Day
Principal Message
Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and high spirits. As we embark on 2024, it brings me great joy to welcome our students back to school tomorrow.
I trust that each of you had a restful and enjoyable holiday break. Now, as we return to our academic routines at school, I am confident that the second half of the school year will be just as rewarding and successful as the first.
January brings a sense of renewal and opportunity. It's a time for our students to set new goals, embrace fresh challenges, and continue their journey of growth and learning, both socially and academically. I am excited to continue to partner with you in supporting and encouraging our students every step of their way.
A Few of My Favorites
January 19th-National Popcorn Day
January 23rd-National Pie Day
January 27th-National Chocolate Cake Day
Dates at a Glance
Jan 1 | New Year's Day (No School)
Jan 2 | Winter Break ends
Jan 5 | Spirit Day: Pajama Day!
Jan 9 | Lockwood PTA General Meeting 7-8:30pm with guest speaker Rebecca Weaver
Jan 15 | Dr. Martin Luther King Day (No School)
Jan 19 | Family Dance Night
Jan 24 | Staff Appreciation: Winter Warmth Wednesday!
Jan 29 | No Student Day (No school)
A Note from Nurse Trina
Please ensure that if your child is injured or has any other reasons for limitations during their school time that you contact the nurse at troufs@nsd.org or 425-408-5806. Nurse Trina will then share that information with your student's teacher, playground staff, and physical education teachers.
Interested In Learning More About PACE?
PACE at Lockwood is now conducting tours for the 2024-2025 school year! Parents Active in Cooperative Education (PACE) is a choice educational enrichment program offered to Northshore School District (NSD) students in grades 1-5. Join us on one of our tours to learn more about the program and to see if it would be the right option for your family. Taking a tour is a great way to learn more about PACE at Lockwood and includes more in-depth information about the program including enrichments, participation requirements and the opportunity to ask questions. We offer both in-person and virtual options, with the in-person tours providing an opportunity to briefly observe our classrooms.
Tours run now through February 7th with both virtual and in-person options. Please sign up for a date of your choice here: https://bit.ly/3FmkD3z. For questions, please contact our Membership Chair, Kelly McDonald, at membership@paceatlockwood.org
Spirit Day
Friday, January 5th is School-Wide Pajama Day! Students are encouraged to wear school-appropriate pajamas.
Monthly Spirit Days are planned by Lockwood Student Council.
January 5 - Pajama Day
February 2 - Happy Heart Day
March 1 - School Colors
April 5 - Look-a-Like Day
May 3 - Ready for Summer
June 7 - Tye Dye