Cypress Elementary
September 2024 Newsletter
Jeanne Krapfl, Principal
Bridget Lovelle, Assistant Principal
Cypress Phone: 727-774-4500 Cypress Fax: 727-774-4591
Cypress Webpage:, Cypress Facebook: @ProudtobeaCub
Message from Jeanne Krapfl
This Principal message comes from a place of appreciation! We have had such a great start to the year thanks to our staff working hard, our families being prepared, and our students enjoying school! Our custodial team got busy cleaning our entire school over the summer, and everyone came back to fresh classrooms with an overall rejuvenation of our “home away from home.” I want to thank our food and nutrition cafeteria ladies as they deliver hot meals to our students every day to start their day off right. Don’t forget families that breakfast and lunch are free for every child in Pasco County this year. Once again, we had an amazing turn out on Meet the Teacher Day and I’m looking forward to our October Open House as it is always a pleasure to spend time with our families! Our kickoff for All Pro Dad’s was a packed house! This was a great morning for our students to get that special dad time and thank you to Mr. Carlson for leading this initiative!
Mrs. Lovelle and I kicked off the year by sharing school-wide expectations with each grade level of students, and they are making Cypress a wonderful place to be each day! We also pulled every group of bus students to go over specific bus safety rules. Our buses are full, and the boys and girls know that they must wear their seat belts, use calm/kind voices, and keep their hands to themselves. We have had a few small resets, but overall, the bus rides are better than ever and the partnership with families helps us to keep all students following the expectations; therefore, getting them home safe each day. I know there is frustration over the few late buses, and I have been told there is a class next week to train new bus drivers. Remember there is an upcoming job fair for drivers in September if you, or someone you know, is interested in driving. Just check out our Facebook page as we posted the specific flyer in hopes of helping the transportation department with their recruitment. In the meantime, families are welcome to come pick up students from the school when the bus is late, just call ahead and we will get them ready in the front. We also would encourage neighbor carpooling if possible.
Thank you again for choosing Cypress and I’m looking forward to another fantastic year!
Jeanne L. Krapfl
Principal Cypress Elementary
Click the link below to view our 2024-2025 School Calendar!
Upcoming Events
September 2: No School
September 10: PTO Meeting 4:15 PM
September 12: Student Picture Day
September 13: Primary Popcorn
September 16-20: Start with Hello Week
September 17: AStro Skate forms and money due
September 19: Astro Skate 3:20-6:45 PM
September 20: Primary Popcorn
September 24: Student of the Month
September 25: All Pro Dad Cook-Out 4:00 PM
September 27: SAC Meeting 8:15 AM
September 27: Intermediate Popcorm
September 27: Y-Ties for sale before school starts
October 1: Open House Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 5-6 PM
October 1: Title 1 Parent Meeting 5:00 PM
October 2: Open House Grades 3-5]
October 2: Title 1 Parent Meeting 5:00 PM
Cypress PTO
Join us for next PTO Meeting on Tuesday, September 10th at 4:15 PM in the Media.
Popcorn Days
Primary Popcorn: Friday, September 13th
Intermediate Popcorn: Friday, September 27th
Staff in the Spotlight
Do you want to celebrate a staff member? Please email the Principal at with what you would like to share, and she’ll be sure to acknowledge the staff member.
August and September Staff Birthdays
August 12 Dawane Ledbetter
August 15 Ryah Taggerty
August 19 Grace Lopez
August 20 Ashley Bodemuller
August 24 Bridget Lovelle
September 6 Michele Cornwell
September 14 Linsey Christenson
September 19 Marlene Trentacoste
September 20 Paul Melton
September 20 Yeisa Martell
September 21 Caroline Lewis
Cypress Business and Community Partners
We would like to thank the following members of our Cypress Community for partnering with us. Through donations from the community; our students, staff, and families benefit from necessary resources for a successful school year!
Riverwalk Publix
River Ridge McDonald's
Bay to Bay Roofing
Ferrell Air Conditioning