The Westgate Wire- Special Edition
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Important Information for the First Day of School
Allie and I are so excited to welcome back our Westgate Wolverines tomorrow!
On the first day of school, students should meet their teachers by their assigned door. The teacher will be holding up signs with their names so they will be easy to see. At 9:05 a.m., teachers will lead their classes to the front circle drive, where we will say the pledge together as a school, celebrating the start to the school year!
Parents are welcome to stay for the pledge of allegiance; however, we ask that they move to the sidewalk area by the street and not stand with the classes to allow for social distancing. Also, the front circle drive will be closed to traffic on the first day of school only. We encourage families to walk to school or ride their bikes. If you are driving your child to school, please allow yourself extra time to find parking.
Our goal is to keep our staff and students healthy!
All students, staff, and visitors are asked to wear masks while in the building. Masks are not required when outside or during recess. We will not be using recess zones this year. Students will be able to run and play freely on the playground.
Below is a list of approved masks. Please help us have a positive start to our school year by sending your child with an approved mask!
Our classrooms have been set up to allow for effective in-person classroom instruction. Although students will be seated at least 3- feet apart, they will be able to move around the room, participate in small group instruction and utilize various seating arrangements!
Here's to the best year yet!
Click Below for the 21-22 Westgate Parent FAQ
SHIELD Testing Information
District 25 is planning to begin the SHIELD testing program in our schools for the students who have opted-in on September 8, 2021. In order to opt-in for your child to participate in SHIELD testing, fill out this form and turn it into our front office..
The SHIELD Illinois saliva-based test developed by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), is able to detect COVID-19 and its variants in symptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and asymptomatic individuals. For more information in the form of a Q&A on the COVID-19 SHIELD test in our schools, click here.
Here is one common question we are being asked:
Can I opt my child in to be SHIELD tested for when they are a close contact, only, thus opting them out of being tested weekly?
No, in order to guarantee a student's participation in the SHIELD testing program when they are a close contact, they must already be an opted-in participant. We are working with a 3rd party provider, and that provider needs time to get a student entered into the program. We cannot guarantee that someone could be entered on day 1, 3, 5, or 7 in order to test-to-stay.
CAP Supervisors Needed
The Arlington Heights Park District runs a before and after school student supervision program at all District 25 Elementary Schools and they are in need of and currently hiring CAP supervisors/activity leaders!
For more about the positions and to apply, click the link here:
If you have any questions about the job, you can email the AH Park District's CAP and Day Camp Supervisor, Katie Waszak (
For information on the CAP Program, CLICK HERE or read below.
Important Upcoming Dates
- First Day of School-8/19
- Curriculum Night-8/24 (schedule TBD)
- Back to School Block Party- 8/27 from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
- No School- 9/6 and 9/7
- No School-9/16
- Picture Day-9/21
- No School-10/11
- Parent/Teacher Conferences-10/21 and 10/22
- Picture Retakes-10/26
- Fall Break-11/22-11/26
- Winter Break-12/20-12/31