Brookside Bulletin
May 2024
Message From the Principal
We've made it to May! I want to thank each of you for all your support in helping make this year so successful. I hope you have a wonderful last few weeks of school and a relaxing summer spending time with family and friends and enjoying the sunshine.
Ms. Grant
Important Upcoming Dates
May 1= 4th Grade Track Meet
May 3= Evacuation Drill
May 7= BYU Folkdance Assembly for Grades K-5
May 7= Kindergarten and 5th Grade Graduation Pictures
May 8= 3rd Grade Track Meet
May 14= Kindergarten Field Day
May 15= PTA Meeting at 11:30
May 16= Kindergarten Graduation 10-11am
May 16= Last Day of Kindergarten
May 17= First Grade Talent Show
May 17= PTA Zeppes Night
May 20= First Grade Sprinkler Party
May 21= Field Day for Grades 1-5
May 22= 5th Grade Celebration
May 23= Last Day of School (Dismiss at Noon)
Last Day of School
Class Placement for 2024-2025
Dear Parents,
It’s that time of year again where we wind down one school year and begin thinking about the next.
Class placement is a difficult task and one that I take very seriously. As this year ends, teachers will be meeting together and dividing up the students into their classes for next year. The teachers do not assign specific teacher names to these class lists but focus on balancing the classes (behavior and academic needs, gender, etc.) for the next grade level. Teacher input will be one of the greatest factors in placing students. After teachers submit these lists, I will assign teachers to classes.
Along with teacher input, I also believe it’s critical to hear the concerns of parents as I make final decisions about class placement for a student. I am inviting you as a parent to give me your input about what you believe is best for your child. I prefer that these emails/visits do NOT contain a desired teacher’s name or a list of friends. A more helpful approach would be to state your child’s personality and a personality type that would best meet your child’s needs. Also, information like special medical needs, social concerns, academic needs, or extenuating circumstances would be helpful for me when finalizing class lists.
If you have information that you would like to share that would be helpful in placing your child in a class, please feel free to either email me or call the front office and schedule a time to meet personally with me. All recommendations MUST be submitted by Thursday, May 23.
Again, I will accept emails or visits (by appointment only) up until the last day of school, May 23. Emails can be directed to me at If you’d prefer to meet in person, please call our office at 801-489-2830. Our secretaries will help schedule an appointment.
If you know for certain that your student will not be returning to Brookside in the fall, please let the office know as soon as possible or let me know via email. This will help as we balance classes for next year.
I look forward to helping make your student’s time here at Brookside memorable and successful!
Jennifer Grant
May PTA Newsletter
Dress Code for Field Day
Dress Code Reminder
Just a reminder of the Dress Code expectations for the following activities:
Swimming at the Springville Recreation Center
All types of swimsuits are acceptable to wear for this field trip.
Field Day Activities On School Property
Girls: Swimsuits may be worn for this activity, however, a wide strap tank top is required to wear over the swimming suit top and shorts on the bottom.
Boys: Swimsuits may be worn for this activity, however, a T-shirt must be worn at all times.