Rose City Park Elementary School
February 7, 2025

Rose City Park Elementary School
Website: https://www.pps.net/rosecitypark
Location: 2334 Northeast 57th Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-916-6765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoseCityPark
Instagram: @rcp_otters
Message from Principal Bacon
Dear RCP Families,
CHÚC MỪNG NĂM MỚI! Happy New Year!
What an amazing performance by our VDLI students to celebrate Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. Our day ended with a lion dance and li xi (lucky red envelopes). See the pictures above. Hope to see many of you tonight at the big PreK-12 VDLI Tet Celebration at McDaniel High School.
Valentine’s Day Cards, Candy and Celebrations: Generally speaking, as a public school we do not celebrate Valentine’s Day, but inevitably students will want to engage with the traditional customs of giving each other cards and candy. The challenge of course is that in engaging in these activities some kids end up receiving little to no cards or candy while others receive many. If cards and candy are brought from home, then the inequity is perpetuated further with some families not being able to provide such items.
Our school policy is that if there are classroom Valentine’s Day activities, teachers will ensure all students can give and receive Valentines, without having to bring anything from home. Any classroom activities will have an academic tie. If students bring cards from home and they are not part of a planned classroom activity, then they will need to be exchanged after school.
Hold the Dates: Our PTO, HPH and SUN School are collaborating to bring our community together for some fun family-oriented events. Please mark your calendars and join us for the fun. More details to come.
Family Dance Night Friday, March 14th
Multicultural Night Friday, April 11th 5-7pm
Family Learning Night Thursday, May 1st
Carnival Saturday, May 31st
Jr. Rose Parade/Field Day Wednesday, June 4th
Golden Key Quest: This LETTER outlines an exciting opportunity for students to participate in the Golden Key Quest, building anticipation for February 15th. Please distribute this to students so they can start preparing for the date.
Staff parking lot: There will be no access to the staff parking from 2:20 pm-2:40 pm to keep the area safe for our students as they leave school. Please park in the neighborhood if you need to pick up your student early. We will not have staff to unlock the gate until 2:40 pm. Thank you.
For more important school news, please read below.
In Solidarity,
Principal Bacon
PTO Election Results Announcement
We are excited to announce the results of our recent PTO elections. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and participate in this important process. Congratulations to our new officers!
President: Christie Neuhoff
Secretary: Kimberly Zacha-Stephens
Treasurer: Andrea Mayer
We are still looking for a few more volunteers to join our community panel. Please get in touch for more information! Your involvement helps shape the future of our school community! president@rosecityparkpto.org
We will announce the next PTO school meeting when it is scheduled. Thank you!
This week McDaniel students came to RCP and shared books they wrote for elementary students as a part of their Intro to Education class! It was great to see them engage with our 5th graders through their writing and share and discuss their topics around the history of education.
Parents Night Out Opportunity
📋 Sign Up Here! 📋
⭐Here is where you will find items from past newsletters that are still somewhat current!⭐
🎨 Art News 🎨
Hello RCP families,
Second-quarter artworks are now available to view in our RCP Art Gallery. This gallery is a place to gather and showcase the unique cultures of Rose City Park students’ artworks. It is a place for us to connect and appreciate students’ creations of art.
🏀⚽🥍Physical Education 🥍⚽🏀
RCP Bike Bus!
If you want to join the bike bus, we have adults leading and supervising who are cleared through PPS. Check out the routes here:
Bikes and scooters are scheduled to arrive after spring break. FIll out this form so your student has permission to leave campus:
RCP Site Council
Upcoming Events
February 11th: RCP Site Council, 3:45pm-5:15pm
February 12th - March 12th: Elementary School Lottery Window
February 12th: VDLI Prospective Parent Informational In Person Meeting, 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
February 19th: VDLI Prospective Parent Informational In Person Meeting, 9:30 am-10:30 am
February 26th: Early Release 11:50 am
March 3rd: Teacher Professional Development Day = No School
March 5th: VDLI Prospective Parent Informational Virtual Meeting, 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
March 7th: VDLI Prospective Parent Informational Virtual Meeting, 9:30 am-10:30 am
March 19th: Early Release 11:50 AM
March 22nd - 30th: Spring Break = No School