The Reese Report
August 2024

Note from Dr. Erdie
The start of the new school year is upon us! We are very excited for this school year and know your student will have a successful experience at Reese in their program and absolutely flourish!
We had a great turn out at our Back to School Bash! Thank you to those that were able to make it! We met so many amazing students and families!
If you were not able to make it, this newsletter holds a lot of the information we reviewed.
IMPORTANT: Tomorrow is FBISD's first day of school, students WILL NOT report to Reese. They will report to their home campus and stay there. Each high school is holding different activities. We are sending our teachers to the high schools to assist. Students first day at Reese is Friday, August 9, 2024.
Make sure to follow us on "X"! We always post action pictures of students in their respective programs and classes!
Please read carefully and reach out if you have any questions!
Best Wishes,
Dr. Julia Erdie
Uniform Expectations
- Students expected to wear program-specific uniforms to class, no exceptions every day to every class while at Reese.
- Repeated violation of this expectation will result in a referral. We will follow the Behavior Flow Map.
Students are expected to wear their uniforms by August 19, 2024.
Uniform Distribution
Uniforms were distributed during the Back to School Bash, if you were not able to attend your student will receive theirs during the first few days of school.
Uniform Orders-Optional
The following programs can use the link below to order uniforms: Vet Med, HVAC, Health Science, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts and Automotive student store for purchases of extra pieces.
Store closes Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Uniforms are expected to be delivered at the end of September to students at Reese.
We are still working with the vendor to get a store set up for our remaining programs.
For inquiries regarding Reese Center schedules, the best method of contacting Dr. Valenzuela is via email at Denisa.Valenzuela@fortbendisd.gov
Student Parking Permit Info.
In an effort to get ahead, for student's that plan on driving, please scan the QR code below and complete the required steps to get a parking permit.
Removal from Reese
DAEP Placement: Students referred and placed in DAEP for any reason in the current school year will be removed from JRCTC and their program. They will not be allowed to return that school year.
Behavior Flow Map
Frequently Asked Questions
1.Are uniforms free?
Answer: Yes, uniforms are free. You can purchase extra uniforms if you wish. Students must wear their uniform everyday to Reese.
2. Do students keep the uniform?
Answer: No, uniforms are checked out to the student for the school year and must be returned at the end of the school year.
3.What is the cost for a student parking permit?
Answer: $10. Complete the required documents.
4. What do I do if I need to change my schedule or drop?
Answer: Speak to your home campus counselor.
5.What do I do if my student is absent for a Reese class?
Answer: Submit excuse within 5 business day to attendancerctc@fortbendisd.gov
6.What is the process to leave early from Reese?
Answer: Parent/guardian must physically check out student at Reese or send and email. Verification will take place.
7. Is there a cafeteria at Reese?
Answer: No, there is no cafeteria at Reese. Although, FBISD breakfast and lunch is offered.
8. How does transportation work at Reese?
Answer: Students may ride the district bus to and from their home campus, get dropped off/picked up, or apply for a student parking permit.
9.What do I do if my student misses the Reese district bus?
Answer: The parent/guardian must make arrangements to get the student to/from Reese.
10. Do tardies count at Reese?
Answer: Yes! Students that arrive tardy, must sign in at the front office to attain a tardy slip.
11. Who do I notify if my student is sick?
Answer: Email Nurse Bostic at natalie.bostic@fortbendisd.com.
12. What is the schedule at Reese?
Answer: Look above for bell schedule information.
13.Where is the student drop off/pick up?
Answer: Front of school by the flagpole.
14. Can deliveries, such as food, be made to Reese?
Answer: No, deliveries are against campus rules.
Campus Team
Mrs. Elizabeth Guerra-Canchola, Associate Principal
Dr. Denisa Valenzuela, Counselor
Mrs. Colette Michalis, Executive Assistant to Dr. Erdie
Mrs. Carol Rodriguez, Attendance Clerk & Administrative Asst. to Mrs. Canchola
Mrs. Hasita Kartick, Bookkeeper
Mrs. Natalie Bostic, Nurse
Ms. Julissa Rivas, Receptionist
James Reese Career & Technical Center
Email: JamesReeseCTC@fortbendisd.com
Website: http://fortbendisd.com/jrctc
Location: 12300 University Boulevard, Sugar Land, TX, USA
Phone: 2813277323
X: @CTEReeseCenter