Main Street Roar!
Weekly Parent Newsletter 10/25/24
For The Betterment of Our Students!
Hello Main Street Family!
Our students were excited to receive free coats courtesy of the Auto Dealers CARing for Kids Foundation New Coat Program! Please place your child's name in their coats.
Our students and staff participated in our annual Main Street Walk for the cure today. Thank you to all who supported our Breast Cancer fundraising efforts. This week is the last week for lollipops sales. All proceeds will go to a person currently battling breast cancer.
Thank you to all who are ensuring your students report to school daily!
Our yearly goal for average attendance is 95%. We are currently at 91.9%. We are inching towards our goal! We can do it!! Send your child to school every day! They enjoy hearing their homerooms shouted out for perfect attendance!
Enjoy this safe and happy weekend!
Annual Harvest Costume Parade Tuesday, October 31st @ 1:30 PM
Students will participate in our Annual Harvest Costume Parade Tuesday, October 31st @ 1:30 PM. Students must bring costumes that fit over their clothes to school. Students will change into their costumes at school and wear them home. Costumes must be kid-friendly and not scary. Parents are invited to view the parade from outside.
All proceeds will benefit Breast Cancer Awareness
Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month from 6PM-7PM. Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 21, 2024!
Please send refillable plastic water bottles with your students.
In an effort to enhance sanitary measures in our building, all drinking fountains have been removed from the building. They have been replaced with water stations. Students can fill their water bottles during the school day. Please send refillable plastic water bottles to school with your children.
Car Line
You must remain in your cars when entering the car line. Please refrain from making u turns in the car line during dismissal. The safety of our children and parents is of utmost importance to us. We would like to move the cars through the line without any disruptions.
It is important your child(ren) attend school every day. The chart below indicates how much instruction your child(ren) will miss if they are not present.
Main Street's Annual Walk For The Cure!
- October 31st - Main Street Harvest Parade - 1:30 PM
- November 4th - November 22nd - Main Street House Challenge Canned Food Drive and Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Sale.
- November 5th - Teacher Inservice Day - School is closed for students.
- November 8th - First Marking Period ends
- November 11th - 17th - World Kindness Week
- November 13th - 1/2 day for students - 11:45 AM Dismissal
- November 15th - Tiger of the Month Breakfast
- November15th - Wear Red shirts to raise awareness for homeless children
- November 19th - Tiger Dollar Painting Party for Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
- November 20th - Tiger Dollar Painting Party for 3rd -5th Grade
- November 25th - Canned Food Drive House Winner Celebration
- November 26th - Parent/Teacher Conferences - School is closed for students.
- November 27th - 29th - Fall Break - School is closed for students.