Decatur Virtual Weekly Update
Director's Corner
Dear Decatur Virtual Family,
This week your students will be taking the STAR test and finishing up their courses. Classes will start right away when return in January. Please look in the platform and make sure your student has courses for next semester. Reach out to Ms. Whatley if you still need classes for the second semester. In GAVS grades will post today after noon. For Pearson, the Grades will be posted 5 days after the end date of the class. We will enter all the grades in Infinite Campus before the break.
If your high school student has failed a class (below 70), please contact Dr. Jones or Ms. Whatley to adjust your student’s graduation plan. Here is a video that shows how to access the final grades in GAVS.
Ms. Whatley
DVA Events and News
Sign Up for DVA by Choice for Spring
The window to sign up by choice is now closed. The window to sign up for Fall 2025 will open in March.
More Meet Up Dates
DVA has meet ups each month on early release days. There will not be check ins or student sessions on these days so that our kids will be free to attend. We hope all students will take advantage of these opportunities to meet up and interact with peers and adults each month. They will all be at noon unless otherwise noted at various locations around Decatur. Please mark your calendars:
Additional early release days:
January 22, 2025
February 26, 2025
March 26, 2025
April 30, 2025
Counseling Corner
If any rising 9th grade DVA student plans to earn their Personal Fitness credit by participating in Marching Band including Color Guard/Winter Guard, a Sport (as recognized by GHSA), or JRTOC; please fill out this form - DVA ONLY: Personal Fitness Alternative Plan Intent
Dr. Jones’ VIrtual Office - Dr. Jones's Virtual Office 2024-2025
College Admissions Test Dates:
ACT - December 14
ACT - February 8
SAT - March 8
SAT - May 3
SAT - June 7
ACT - June 14
ACT - July 12
Do you have a question, concern, or need to set up an appointment with your DVA school counselor? To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jones, use this easy booking link: https://drkimberlyrjones.youcanbook.me/
DVA Resources
Presentations from First Week Events
Missed a Meeting? All the information is here:
Calendar and Important Dates
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Holidays
November 30-December 6: Final Exams Week
December 13-14: STAR Reading and Math
December 9-10: Milestones Winter EOC TestingDecember 10: Pearson Classes End
December 12: Final Grades Released
DVA Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
DVA Brochure
Be sure to sign the honor contract!
School and Community News
Please see your school newsletter for important news from your home school and CSD.