Blazer Blast
August 9, 2024
Are You Ready Trailblazers!?
We are less than a week away from the start of the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to welcome back the students to our classrooms next week.
For your convenience, you can always find updates on our school website Abraham Depp Website and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Please check out the information below about some of the back-to-school happenings.
See you soon!
Troy Ehrsam, Principal
Important Back-to-School Events
Wednesday, August 14th - 12:00-12:30 p.m - AM Kindergarten Walk Through
Wednesday, August 14th - 12:30-1:00 p.m. - PM Kindergarten Walk Through
Wednesday, August 14th - 12:00-1:00 p.m. - 2nd Grade Walk Through
Wednesday, August 14th - 1:00-2:00 p.m. - 1st & 4th Grade Walk Through
Wednesday, August 14th - 2:00-3:00 p.m. - 3rd & 5th Grade Walk Through
* Depp Spirit Wear will be on sale at the walk throughs
Thursday, August 15th - First Day of School (Kindergarten Phase-in Day 1)
Friday, August 16th - Kindergarten Phase-in Day 2
Monday, August 19th - First Day for All Kindergarten Students
Wednesday, September 4th - 5:00-5:40 p.m. - AM/PM Kdg Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Wednesday, September 4th - 5:40-6:20 p.m. - 2nd Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Wednesday, September 4th - 6:20-7:00 p.m. - 4th Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Thursday, September 5th - 5:00-5:40 p.m. - 1st Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Thursday, September 5th - 5:40-6:20 p.m. - 3rd Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Thursday, September 5th - 6:20-7:00 p.m. - 5th Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Thursday, September 19th - Fall Picture Day
Friday, September 20th - 6:00-8:00 p.m - Depp Dash (Community Fun Run)
Wednesday, October 16th - 4:00-7:45 p.m. - Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 17th - 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Fall Festival at Leeds Farm
Thursday, October 24th - 4:00-7:45 p.m. - Parent Teacher Conferences
Car Rider Arrival and Dismissal Protocols
These are requirements for safety
- All cars must stay in the carline unless permission has been granted by Administration.
- No parking and walking students up.
- Parents/Guardians must stay in the car, do not exit to get your student and their belongings out. Staff will help if needed.
- Students exit curbside (passenger side of car).
- Students may not begin unloading cars until 9:00am
- Suggestion: Have students prepare to exit the car while waiting in line to ensure a smooth process.
- Do not park and walk up to get your student unless permission has been granted by Administration.
- Parents/Guardians need to stay in the car. Staff will assist your student if needed.
- Please avoid distractions (i.e. texting and talking on the phone)
- Students need to enter the vehicle on the curbside.
Thank you for adhering to these requirements as we work to ensure a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal.
Window signs for car riders will be available for pick up at our meet the teacher event on August 14th. This is to be placed in the windshield or visor with your student's last name during dismissal.
Transportation/Bus Route Information
Bus routes will be posted in Infinite Campus student portal under Transportation
District Back to School Information
Click HERE for the Dublin City Schools e-newsletter Inside DCS that was sent out to all district families on Monday, July 29, 2024. You will find important Back to School Information including:
- Step by Step Instructions to complete the REQUIRED Annual Update
- Links to access Infinite Campus Student Portal and Parent Portal
- Links to apply for Free/Reduced Lunch
- Links with information about Free/Reduced Lunch and Food Services
Depp School Supplies
Thank you to all of our parent volunteers that helped deliver school supplies to the classrooms on Friday! Teacher will work with students next week to get them organized for the school day. If you still need to purchase supplies, see the Depp School Supply Lists for a complete list. You can bring them to the walk through on Wednesday.
New Family Orientation (Thursday, Aug. 8th)
We had a great turnout at our annual new family orientation on Thursday. Students participated in an ice breaker activity, school wide scavenger hunt, and concluded their time with popsicles on the playground. Welcome new Trailblazers!
Welcome New Staff
We will have lots of new faces at Abraham Depp this year. Please welcome our new Crew members!
Burt Stellers - Assistant Principal
Jennifer Wilson - PM Kindergarten
Natalie Miller - 1st Grade
Amanda Apple - 3rd Grade
Bree Sims - 3rd Grade
Katie Crowell - 4th Grade
Mike Nemeth - 4th Grade
Amanda Byers - 5th Grade
Nick Byorth - 5th Grade
Peggy Henderson-Murphy - Media Specialist
Kelly Miller - School Nurse
Becky Haselbarger - Masters of Social Work (MSW) Intern
Mary Hoenes - Mental Health Specialist/Syntero Clinician
Kelly Mayer - Mental Health Specialist
Chelsea Atha - Intervention Specialist
Macie Sporleder - Intervention Specialist
Hinal Patel - Instructional Paraprofessional
Chrissie Silber - Instructional Paraprofessional
Megan Petrus - Instructional Paraprofessional
Drew Massey - Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA)
Allison Stafford - Gifted Intervention Specialist
Anna Gilbert - Full Time Reading Support
Erin Green - Crossing Guard (Gardenia)
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering at Depp, you will need to begin the background check process through Secure Volunteer. It's easy and takes less than 5 minutes! There will be multiple volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
After School Activities
Families can now find direct links to Enrichment Activities and Visual & Performing Arts Activities available in our community and beyond on the Enrichment Opportunities page on the DCS website.
Community Resources Available to our Families
Are you experiencing economic hardship such as: job loss, death of a family member, sudden move, divorce, health issues, or an unexpected emergency? Dublin City Schools partners with many organizations that can help!
Representatives from girl scouts and cub scouts will be at walk through if your family is interested!
Wednesday, August 14th
Meet the Teacher Day - Times Listed Above
Thursday, August 15th
First Day of School (1st-5th Grade)
Kindergarten Phase-In Day (#1)
Friday, August 16th
Kindergarten Phase-In Day (#2)
Abraham Depp Elementary
Troy Ehrsam, Principal
Burt Stellers, Assistant Principal
Diana Mack, Teacher/Administrator on Special Assignment
Amy Diller, School Counselor (Last Names A-L)
Christin Loose, School Counselor (Last Names M-Z)
Abraham Depp PTO (DeppPTO@gmail.com)
Instagram: abrahamdepp
Facebook: Abraham Depp PTO
Email: depp_info@dublinschools.net
Depp Website: https://depp.dublinschools.net/
Location: 9001 Gardenia Drive Plain City, Ohio 43064
Main Office Phone: 614-718-8642
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at ades_attendance@dublinschools.net. You can also call our attendance line at 614-718-8642
District News
Coming Soon!