Stonegate Elementary Newsletter
March 23, 2024
Dear SGE Families,
We hope this finds you enjoying your Saturday! We had another great week with our students showcased their learning on NWEA. Thank you for sending your student(s) prepared to do their best on the test! Parents of students who took CogAT and/or IREAD3, assessment reports were communicated via email on Friday.
Next week is a 4-day week. There will not be a Stonegate Newsletter next week. Please enjoy spring break. If you are traveling, we hope you do it safely!
We are entering a fast time of year. We will blink and we will be at the end of school. Upon the return from spring break, our 3rd and 4th graders will prepare to take the ILEARN assessments. Please do all you can to avoid absences and late arrivals during the month of April.
Looking ahead to the upcoming weeks:
- 3rd Grade Specialty Fair- 3rd grade students will show their animal knowledge next week on Tuesday.
- Report Cards- Report cards will be available on PowerSchool on March 26th.
- PTO Spirit Day- Wear your favorite vacation shirt on Thursday, March 28th.
- Spring Break- Spring break begins on Friday, March 29th. School will resume after the eclipse on Tuesday, April 9th.
- Book Fair- We are trying a new book fair vender--Literati! The book fair opens the week we return from break. See details below for community hours.
- PTO VIP & Me (Girls)- This will take place the Friday we return from spring break.
- Electronic Device Reminder- We want to bring your attention to the handbook language regarding electronic devices in school. This would include smartwatches, such as Gizmos. Students bringing and using devices at school has become a growing issue. Please review the handbook information below. Thank you for your cooperation in reducing student distraction during the instructional day.
We hope you enjoy your weekend and the upcoming spring break!
Mrs. Connie Largent, Principal
Mrs. Kathy Drake, Assistant Principal
Important Dates and Events
Important Dates & Events
26 - 3rd grade Specialty Fair
28 - PTO Salad Bar Pitch-In
28 - PTO Spirit Day: Favorite Vacation Shirt
28 - PTO Dine for Dollars at Papa John's
29 - Spring Break Begins
9 - School Resumes
10 - PTO Meeting at 2:45pm in Room 220
11-12 - PTO Book Fair from 8:00am-3:00pm
12 - PTO Book Fair from 6:30pm-8:00pm
12 - PTO: VIP and Me Girls Event
12 - 2nd Grade Market Day
13 - PTO Book Fair from 10:00am-12:00pm
19 - PTO Dessert Dive
25 - PTO Dine for Dollars at Papa John's
26 - PTO Spirit Day: Crazy Socks
1 - PTO Meeting at 2:45pm in Room 220
6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
8 - 4th Grade Music Concert at 6:00pm
9 - 2nd Grade (Bourff and Smith) Field Trip to Eagle Creek Park
13 - 2nd Grade (Charboneau and Delp) Field Trip to Eagle Creek Park
16 - Stonegate Singers Concert at 6:30pm
17 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to Zionsville Walking Tour
17 - Kindergarten to Holliday Park
23 - PTO Dine for Dollars at Papa John's
24 - Field Day
24 - PTO Spirit Day: Hat Day
27 - No School: Memorial Day
29 - 2nd Grade Insect Expo
31 - Last Student Day & 4th Grade Graduation
Electronic Devices & Other Restricted Items
The following items are restricted on school grounds: toys, trading cards, valuables, and electronic devices not academically necessary including but not limited to cell phones, tablets, and smart watches. These items may NOT be used by students in the building or on school-sponsored transportation, unless the student has permission by the supervising adult. Electronic devices are to be used for educational purposes only. When not in use for educational purposes they need to be off and stored in the student’s locker or backpack during the school day. A reminder that communication for a student’s dismissal change should not be made through a student’s electronic device but always needs to be made directly to the teacher or school office. The school accepts no responsibility if these items are lost, stolen or damaged and is not responsible for investigating the loss or damage of these items. The student and parents/guardians accept full responsibility for these items.
Page 20, ZCS Elementary Handbook
Kindergarten Pre-registration is Now Open!
Kindergarten (Pre) Registration is Now Open (required in order to attend Round Up)!
Kindergarten pre-registration for the 24-25 school year is open. To access kindergarten registration information, please follow this link: https://www.zcs.k12.in.us/apps/pages/kdg_and_new_families
All ZCS elementary schools will host Kindergarten Round Up in the afternoon/evening of March 26th for registered families. More information and details to come soon.
Stock the Lounge & SGE Team Wishlist
Our office team has created an Amazon Wish List. We would love your support in two important ways.
First, our staff works so hard every day. To show our appreciation, help us “stock the lounge” with their favorite snacks all year long! Next, we have also added in items that would be helpful to our team and used in a variety of ways. As always, we thank you for your partnership!
Miss Wetzel's Counselor Corner
Second Step-Emotion Management
So far, our students have learned about skills for learning and empathy. Skills for learning help students gain skills to help themselves learn, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, use self-talk to stay on task and be assertive when asking for help. When discussing empathy, students learned to identify and understand their own and others’ feelings, how to take another’s perspective and how to show compassion. Students will now begin to discuss emotion management during their Steps to Strong in Every Way time. Students will learn specific skills for calming down when experiencing strong feelings, such as worry or anger. When we are able to recognize and label feelings in oneself and others, we can facilitate problem solving, self-management and social competence much better! Below are the Emotion Management unit home links for each grade level so you can learn more about what your child is learning, why it is important, and activities you can do at home with your child!
Family Assistance Form
When basic needs are met, students are better able to focus on education and learning. Therefore, there is assistance available for our students and their families to help with various needs that may arise throughout the school year. If you are currently in need of assistance, please fill out this Family Assistance form. This information will be kept in strictest confidence.
Jessica Wetzel
School Counselor
PTO Information
Raffle Madness
Every student at SGE had a GREAT time participating in the raffle! Please take the opportunity to donate as a thank you to our teachers and staff ($10 suggested donation per student) for their time and effort by Friday, 3/29. These experiences could not happen without them!
Enter to win FRONT row seats (up to 6) to the Stonegate Singers Spring Choir Concert, 4th Grade Concert OR 4th Grade Graduation!
TICKETS: $3 each with a max of 10 tickets ($30) PER EVENT!
PURCHASE: Use the QR code below (PLEASE designate how many tickets and if it is for the Stonegate Singers, 4th grade concert, or graduation), or send in cash or check (payable to Stonegate PTO). If sending in money, please indicate which event and how many tickets. Tickets available through March 28th. Winners will be drawn the week of APRIL 9th.
Literati Book Fair
Discover your next favorite read at the Literati Book Fair! Visit our fair in person, or order exciting new books through our online fair. Our school will earn rewards with every purchase made. We can’t wait for our students to experience our upcoming book fair! Thank you for helping to inspire a lifelong love of reading. It truly means the world. Learn more at efairs.literati.com
DATES: April 11th-April 16th
PAYMENT: Please send in cash, check (made payable to Stonegate PTO) OR purchase a gift card at https://openbook.literati.com/resources/gift-cards/
COMMUNITY HOURS: The Book Fair will be open to the community on Friday April 12th from 6:30-8pm during the VIP & Me Girls Event and Saturday April 13th from 10am-noon. Please enter through Door 11 (back of the building). This is a wonderful chance for families to visit together and for families with preschool age children or incoming kindergarteners to come into the school. Help us spread the word!
ONLINE FAIR: Shop online at efairs.literati.com and create student wishlists to share with friends
and family. When you search for our school, double-check the city and state.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Please click the link for an opportunity to help at the Book Fair! Volunteers will receive 20% off of their book fair purchases!
VIP & ME Girls Event
Join us for a special VIP & Me Storybook Evening on Friday, April 12th at 6:30pm. This is an event for girls + their dads or another special VIP in their lives! Dance the night away to your favorite dance tunes, make your own bookmark, browse fairytale themed books and enjoy light refreshments at the cafe table seating, inside the Stonegate cafeteria.
Tickets for the event are $10 per person and include a special corsage for each girl. Tickets can be purchased using the PayPal link in the SignUp Genius or at the door. Hope to see you there!
Sign up HERE:
We are also in need of volunteers to help set up, help during the event and clean up. If you are available to help with the event, please sign up here:
Salad Bar Pitch In
Please help us show love and appreciation for the staff at SGE by providing them with a healthy salad bar lunch. Please have all items to the school by 10:00 am on Thursday, March 28th. We appreciate your help!
Salad Bar Pitch In: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4DACAE2DA1FF2-48385139-salad#/
Birthday Lunches
Would you like to bring a teacher or staff member lunch or a special treat for their birthday? Simply signup at the link below, then email the teacher or staff member to schedule a date/time to bring them lunch or a special treat. Thank you for showing your appreciation to our amazing teachers and staff!
Birthday Signup for April, May and summer birthdays: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4DACAE2DA1FF2-april2#/
Dining for Dollars
The next PTO Dining for Dollars event will take place at Papa John’s Pizza on Thursday, March 28th. Please enter the school promo code: ISS006. Important: This promo code must be entered online or given over the phone for Stonegate Elementary to receive credit. Please see the attached flyer for additional details. Thank you for supporting Stonegate PTO through our Dining for Dollars events!
Additional Information from SGE and ZCS
Summer Construction Project
Stonegate Elementary will be having some updates made this summer to the interior of the building. During this time, the school will be closed, and the office team will be working from home. We will still be available by phone or email. Our hours will be as follows:
- June 4th–14th 8:00am-2:00pm
- June 17th–July 12th Closed
- July 15th–19th 8:00am-2:00pm
- July 22nd Resume normal school year office hours of 7:30am-3:30pm
We are hopeful that office construction will be complete by July 22nd. Please be sure to check ParentSquare updates throughout the summer. Thank you!
Irish Dancers Workshop
Richens/Timm Academy of Irish Dance is offering a Summer Introductory Workshop (3 class course) June 11, 12 & 13. To register CLICK HERE! For more information visit the Richens/Timm web site https://www.richenstimm.com/ Adult classes are also offered!
Mrs. Torrance's Monthly Wellness Challenge
Guest Teachers Needed!
We are in need of guest teachers! Guest teachers can pick which school(s) to be assigned to, as well as what days/dates work best. If you are available and interested, information can be found on our ZCS website (Guest Teacher Application - District Departments - Zionsville Community Schools (zcs.k12.in.us). Thank you!
Lunch Guests Sign Up!
SGE is now ready to welcome our K-4 Lunch Guests! Here's how it works:
- Due to limited space, we are happy to welcome one special visitor with each student for a total of four different guests per grade level.
- Sign-up to reserve your spot by clicking here.
We have "Visitor Tables" in the front foyer that you will sit at with your child during their lunch time.
Visitor and Volunteer Procedures
During the school day, all volunteers are expected to check in at the front office. Prior to the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check.. Necessary background check paperwork is available on the ZCS website at the Volunteers/BRAVO link and should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the intended volunteer date. Volunteers must also view the state mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website. The volunteer will pay the fee for the full background check which will expire after 5 years.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times. Visitors other than parents/guardians must be prearranged and organized through the main office.