March 11, 2024 - March 15, 2024
Jerabek News
Upcoming Events - February
March 7: SGT/SSC/ELAC Meeting1:00 PM
March 8: Jerabek Jog-a-Thon
March 9: Spring Fling
March 11-14: Literacy Week
March 14: Literacy Night
March 15: Music Assembly Grades K-3
March 18: School Tour- 9:00 AM
March 20: Scripps Ranch Cluster Meeting- 4:30 PM
March 21: Award Ceremonies 1st - 3rd- 8:45 AM
March 21: Award Ceremonies 4th - 5th- 9:15 AM
March 21: Award Ceremonies UTK/K/Preschool- 9:45 AM
March 21: Kindergarten Math & Science Night- 5:30 PM
March 22: Spirit Day - TBD
March 22: Movie Night - Movie Night 6:00 PM (Movie starts @ 6:30 PM)
March 28-29: Min. Day - Spring Conferences
Are you returning Message
March is Women in History Month
Click here for book holdings in the Jerabek Library that highlights Epic Women in history!
Click here for the SDUSD Women's History Month resource page.
Spring Photo Orders Due
After School Needs Assessment Due March 5th
Site Governance team is the structure used at a school site for shared decision making. Members of the SGT include parents, administrators, staff and students to make collaborative decisions to improve instructional programs and culture of our school.
Our Site Governance Team (SGT) needs your input to make collaborative decisions regarding our school's afterschool programming. Please take a moment to fill out this survey. We are gathering your valuable input to provide quality options for after school academic enrichment programs. Please complete the survey linked here:
We will share your feedback at our next SGT meeting on March 7th.
March is National Nutrition Month!
Happy National School Breakfast Week! This year's theme is Surf's Up! Let's kick off the week with a quiz about school breakfast. See what you know, what you may not know, and more about the most important meal of the day.
Breakfast fuels learning! Students who eat school breakfast tend to perform higher in reading and math, score higher on tests, concentrate better in class, and more!
#NSBW #SchoolNutrition #FoodQuiz
Marshall MS Special Education Presentations
Special Education Info for Incoming Students
Marshall Middle School will be hosting informational meetings for parents of incoming students. Ed Specialists will share an overview of supports and services at Marshall Middle School and will answer questions following the presentation.
Click here for the dates and times.
2024-2025 School Calendar
As we begin to prepare for the next school year and coordinate summer plans, please not that school will begin a week earlier on Monday, August 12, 2024.
For the entire 2024-2025 SDUSD Instructional Calendare please click here.
Leader in Me: Habit 5
Our next Leader in Me focus is Habit 6: Synergize. Our next awards assembly on March 21st we will recognize students who synergize!
People who synergize understand that everyone has unique talents and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. They also work together to arrive at new and better alternatives.
Kid Language
Together Is Better: I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.
Ways to practice Synergize:
- Write down three things that you’re really good at. Then write down three things that someone else you know is good at.
- Watch your favorite sports team play a game. Pay extra attention to how all of the players work together as a team.
- This summer put up a lemonade stand with your friends. One person can create a poster, one can make the lemonade, and one can set up the table and bring the cups and ice. Have fun!
Nursing & Wellness is announcing the launch of a new resource for students, staff and families offering information and connections to community, health and district resources
This linked communication will be going out to all staff and families
Resources to promote the hotline on your campus, school websites, and social media can be found here
Health & Wellness Hotline, 760-334-7878, is open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Closed on District holidays.
Counseling and Guidance Resources
The SDUSD Counseling Department has shared a few resources and tools to assist students and families with managing their emotions, feelings, and stress. This first resource is the SDUSD Virtual Calming Room.
The next is the Community Mental Health Resource Guide for the Scripps Ranch community. Click here to access the guide.
55 People still need to select a meal.
Follow these steps on your phone:
- Login in:
Click the top left personal profile icon
Select "Tickets"
Click on your name
Scroll down and make sure you have a meal selected. If not, choose one and press SAVE.
Click the back arrow and make sure you click on your guest's name too so they have a meal selected! OR you can click on their name and select "Resend ticket" for them to complete the ticketing process for their ticket.
If you don't have a meal selected by Tuesday, March 5, you will enjoy a chicken entree.
*Also, please make sure you have completed the ticketing process. This will give you access to a QR code for EXPRESS check-in! This is also the only way you will receive important pre-event communication and begin bidding prior to the event. Make sure you have a phone number entered for bidding updates and turn on Notifications within OneCause.
Do you like standing in line? Me either. Verify that you AND YOUR GUEST are set for EXPRESS check-in.
How do I verify that I am all set for EXPRESS check-in?
Login in:
Click the top left personal profile icon
Select "Tickets"
If you see the below image, you are all set
Can't find your ticket? Be sure you use the same email attached to your Google or Apple Pay (or find the original email with the ticket link from OneCause). Once you are in, you can change your email preference.
New Spirit Wear Designs!
New styles have been added to our online website
Rock your Koala swag!
Look out for our special edition $15 Spirit Wear shirts during the March 8 Jogathon and March 22 Spring Movie Night!
Questions, email
Spring Fling Koalapalooza
Are you ready for the awesome Spring Fling Gala addition that is the Koalapalooza? Are you intrigued and want to know more? Wait not longer...
Koalapaloozas are adventures that range from kid-friendly to adult-only events that are sponsored by your fellow Jerabek families. Bid your way into a Superhero Adventure with Coach George for your child! Ready for yoga and champagne? Bid it up for our Sip and Stretch Soiree at Scripps Ranch's newest yoga studio. Are you and your child wanting to improve your Rubik's Cube skills? Get your bid on to Conquer the Cube in the STEAM Lab hosted by an amazing mother-son duo. We can't wait to see who will win these spots in our inaugural year of Koalapaloozas!
You might remember cutting out box tops from cereal boxes, or you might not... but Box Tops has entered the 21st century and it is easy peasy to earn money for our school! No more cutting boxes!
Download the Box Tops App HERE
Select Jerabek as your school
Take a picture of your receipt every time you shop
Box Tops will turn your purchases into cash for Jerabek! Woo hoo!
JOG-A-THON MARCH 8TH - Updated Times
Friday, March 8th
4th – 8:45 – 9:30
5th – 9:45 – 10:30
2nd – 10:45 – 11:30
1st – 11:45 – 12:30
3rd – 12:45 – 1:30
UTK/TK/K – 1:45 – 2:30 (Half track for UTK/TK/K)
Please note:
- Parking is on the street only, no parking in the staff lot.
- All JAT guests and volunteers must sign in at the front gate.
- All guests and volunteers must go directly to the track prior to the run, and exit directly out the front gate after the run - no classroom visits.
Jerabek Families!
Please send pictures of your child and/or their friends to
-Please include the event/grade level/teacher name in your email
-Only send HIGH Resolution images in JPEG or IMG format
-Images from: First Day of School, 100th day of school, Spirit Days, Classroom activities, On the Playground, Art Corp, Steam Lab, Family Art or Science Nights, Birthday Signs, etc.
If you have questions about pictures, email
Thank you for your contributions!
Jerabek Library School Wide Reading Program
Jerabek Library School Wide Reading Program 2024
Students receive a tracking bookmark during Library Time. Students log their reading time on the bookmarks by coloring:
One spot marker for each 30 minutes read (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5thgraders)
Or . . . One spot marker for every 2 books read (TK, K, 1stgraders).
Color all 24 markers then turn the bookmark in to the library. Students’ reading journey will be tracked on the library bulletin board with a name badge and as they progress through the bookmark journey (a yellow compass, a blue tent and a green mountain).
The School Wide Reading Program runs through the Friday before Spring Break (March 29, 2024).
- Program starts on student’s library day during the week of January 16th – January 19th, 2024.
- Program ends on student's library day during the week of March 25-29, 2024, (10 weeks).
- Students should read age-appropriate books.
- Adults must verify the time read by signing student’s bookmark before the students turns it in.
- Prizes and new tracking bookmarks are ONLY given out during the student’s library time.
Family Faculty Organization of Jerabek Elementary School
The Family Faculty Organization of Jerabek Elementary School, or FFO, is an organization similar to a PTA, made up of parents, community members, and staff who work together to provide students with added enrichment to their existing curriculum. Everyone who has a child at Jerabek is automatically a member of the FFO.
Volunteers for any activities large or small are always welcome! For specific school volunteer information, see below link.
Jerabek Elementary School
Location: 10050 Avenida Magnifica, San Diego, CA 92131
Phone: (619) 605-1700