To'Hajiilee Community School
Weekly Newsletter: December 16-20, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024: NATIONAL CHOCOLATE COVERED ? DAY
- The history of chocolate dates back more than 5,000 years, when the cacao tree was first domesticated in present-day southeast Ecuador. ...
- Spanish conquistadors encountered chocolate in 1519 and brought it to Spain as a medicine.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024. NATIONAL Wright Brothers DAY
In 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright, two brothers from Dayton, OH, became the first people to fly a heavier than air, power controlled machine, known as the Wright Flyer.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Staff Dinner and Christmas Program
Dress like your favorite Charlie Brown Character!
Half Day Wednesday: Elementary and Secondary Dismissal at 1:15 p.m.
Staff Dinner: Cafeteria at 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
XMAS Program 5:30- 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 19, 2024. National Hard Candy Day
The origins of hard candy can be traced to ancient civilizations where early confectioners boiled sugar and honey to create primitive forms of candy. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all made early versions of hard candy, often incorporating nuts, fruits, and spices
Friday, December 20 2024 TCS KESHJEE CELEBRATION
The Shoe Game, Keshjee', is centuries old and is not a "game." This sacred Navajo ceremony tells and shows the story of how the cycle of day and night came to be. Long ago, in ancient days, the night creatures and the day creatures did not understand the importance of the cycles of the universe. Each group wanted it to be either day or night all the time. A contest was held to see which group had the most power and this was the first Shoe Game.
Navajo Word of the Day
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year: We Appreciate You!
A Charlie Brown Christmas Week
Class of 2025 Donation
SENAI Striking Eagle Basketball Invitation: December 26-28, 2024 at UNM
Monday, December 16, 2024: School Days & Grades
School Days
As of Monday, December 16, 2024, we have four days left until the end of the second nine-weeks.
Grades & Parent/Teacher Conference
Teachers, second nine-week grades will be due January 9, 2025 in NASIS.
A reminder, parent-teacher conference will take place on January 22, 2024 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024: JROTC Cancelled & Bus Monitor Schedule
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 JROTC has been cancelled. Please let students know they will not be going to Atrisco Heritage School on this day.
Bus Monitor Schedule
All bus monitors, please be on time for bus departure at 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024: Staff Christmas Celebration
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Schedule
9:30 a.m. Christmas Program Rehearsal in the gym
1:15 p.m. Student Dismissal
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Staff Dinner
5:30 p.m. - Christmas Program
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Christmas Program
CLASS Schedule December 18, 2024
Secondary Teachers please keep students with grade level sponsors and submit attendance to Varlene in the morning. Take this day to practice and prepare for the Xmas Program for the evening. All staff should be helping during the 5:30-7:00 pm program. All SPED EA's should be working with grade level teachers and their programs to support students. Have a fun filled evening with students and families.
Thursday, December 19, 2024: Christmas Treat Bags
Thank you to food services and student council for preparing Christmas treat bags. Christmas treat bags will be distributed to all TCS students, teachers and staff.
Thursday, December 19, 2024: Dual Language Program
On Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 12:30 p.m., the Dual Language Program will be butchering two sheep. If you are available, you are more than welcome to help.
Thursday, December 19, 2024: Christmas Ham
Friday, December 20, 2024: Class Christmas Parties (optional)
Teachers, you may schedule your class Christmas party on Friday, December 20, 2024
Friday, December 20, 2024 Christmas Luncheon
10:30 a.m. Lower Elementary Lunch (teachers/EA's to remain with students) (May get to-go-trays)
11:00 a.m. Upper Elementary Lunch (teachers/EA's to remain with students) (May get to-go-trays)
12:15 p.m. Secondary Lunch (Sponsors to escort students to the cafeteria to receive to-go lunch trays)
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Christmas Community Luncheon
Please inform parents about the time allotted for the community dinner and encourage them to come during the hours provided. All visitors must sign in and get a visitors badge before going into their child's classrooms during this time. Teachers please monitor your students and do not leave them unattended at any time.
Friday, December 20, 2024. Bus Dismissal & Monitors
On Friday, December 20th, buses will depart at 2:00 p.m. from TCS
Dismissal Times as follow:
1:50 p.m. : Secondary Students
1:55 p.m. Elementary Students
2:00 p.m. Bus Departure
*All monitors, please be on the bus with students. Buses will not depart until all monitors are on the bus. Please be on time.
***All teachers and staff will be on bus duty to assist bus drivers.
Bus Monitor Schedule
All bus monitors, please be on time for bus departure at 2:00 p.m.
Friday, December 20, 2024: Keshjee (Navajo Shoe Game)
Keshjee Volunteers
The following volunteers are needed for this event:
- Fry Bread Makers
- Set Up Crew- Cafeteria prep for Community Feed and/or Gym Set Up for Game
- Take Down Crew-Clean Up after event
Please see Marty or Elayne for specific details
January 6, 2024: Write Tools Training - Mandatory for Instructional Staff
Professional Development: January 6, 2024
On January 6, 2024, all instructional staff (teachers and education assistants along with administration) will attend the mandatory Write Tools training.
Time: 8:00 a.m.-3:00 pm
Training Location: School Cafeteria
January 14, 2024: SPELLING BEE
I hope this message finds you well!
We are excited to announce that our annual School Spelling Bee will take place on January 14, 2025. To ensure its success, we are forming a Spelling Bee Committee and would greatly appreciate your participation and support.
Achieve 3000 & Smarty Ants Professional Development Schedule
Avel eCARE
Avel eCare School Health for our students is now available. If you have any student that is not feeling well, please send them to the front office.
On Tuesday mornings, CBNHC doctor is still on campus to provide services along with Behavioral Health.
- Avel eCare School Health nurses can:
- Care for students with unscheduled, urgent health care needs due to injury or illness, including COVID-19 symptoms, head lice, and anxiety
- Guide care for students with chronic or complex health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, life-threatening allergies and seizures
- Refer students to providers and connect families with local resources
- Support case management and serve as a point of contact for medication refills, side effects, order changes, nursing care to be provided at school, mental health needs, etc.
- Design school health programs and provide education to help maintain a safe environment and minimize health-related barriers to students’ ability to learn
- Develop emergency health plans
- Offer medical advice for 504 and Individual Education Program (IEP) plans
How It Works
- A student experiences an injury, illness or needs assistance with a health condition such as diabetes, asthma, etc.
- The designated school staff utilizes a telehealth tablet to request support from Avel eCare School Health
- Typically, in less than 1 minute, Avel eCare School Nurses respond on video, and begin to provide care
- The Avel eCare School Health nurse completes the assessment of the student, leveraging thermometers, stethoscopes, otoscopes, exam cameras as appropriate
- Based on the assessment, the nurse will advise staff members on how to help the student, connect with parents, or checks back in with the student after a short observation period
Winter Sports Schedules
Special Education Updates
Service Logs and Progress Reports
Service logs and progress reports must be completed by December 20, 2024 and submitted to the SPED Office. no later than 4 pm.
TCS is launching a new school-wide initiative called "A Passion of Kindness," aimed at fostering a positive and supportive environment throughout our school community. Project is sponsored by the Gifted and Talented (G&T) class and is designed to recognize and celebrate acts of kindness among students, teachers, and staff.
Objective: The goal of this project is to encourage and acknowledge acts of kindness within our school community. Kind deeds will be reported and reviewed weekly by the G&T class, and every Monday morning, three individuals who have demonstrated exceptional kindness will be recognized during the school-wide announcements.
Project Components:
1. Kindness Reporting System: Students, teachers, and staff are encouraged to fill out forms reporting acts of kindness they have witnessed.
Forms for reporting will be available at the Front Office.
A clearly labeled submission box is located in the Front Office for ease of access
2. Weekly Review and Selection: Each Friday, the G&T class will review the submitted forms and select three individuals based on notable acts of kindness.
3. Awards and Recognition: Every Monday, during morning announcements, the three selected individuals will be publicly recognized for their kindness. They will receive custom-designed certificates and tokens of appreciation.
4. Kick-Off Announcement: We will officially launch the "A Passion of Kindness" project on September 23, 2024, with a school-wide announcement.
5. Expected Outcomes:
Increased Kindness: We expect to see more acts of kindness and empathy within our school community.
Student Engagement: The G&T students will gain valuable leadership and project management skills.
Community Building: A stronger sense of community and support among students, teachers, and staff.
Recognition and Motivation: Regular acknowledgment will encourage positive behavior and a healthier school environment.
2024 Flu Shot Clinic
Reminders Student Supervision
1. Secondary teachers please stand outside your classes during transitions. Hallways need to be monitored.
2. All teachers please follow bus duty, there should be teachers on the bus to supervise students and behaviors at the end of day. Early release Wednesday we can have two teachers, one Elementary teacher and one Secondary teacher supervising as buses are full and behaviors can result.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans are due bi-weekly & are to be submitted to
- October 7, 2024 Bi-Weekly Plan Due
- October 21 Bi-Weekly Plan Due
Teacher Bus Duty Schedule
Elementary Cafeteria, Recess and Specials Schedule
In an effort to support coverage in the morning we are asking teachers to help out, please find the quarterly schedule for coverage this year for secondary teachers. If you have any questions please follow up with Ms. Carroll
Early Morning Duty Schedule
Teacher Evaluation Information
Professional development Plan Template
Please make a copy before typing into document as all will have access to this format.
Teacher/EA Timeline and Activities
Please keep dates on your calendar for reference.
Self Reflection Form Template (1 -2 page Word or Google Doc)
Please do not type into document, please make a copy
First Walk Thru's, WOW's and WONDERS. November 18-22, 2024
Walk Thru Debrief sessions with Coaching feedback, November 19-December 6, 2024
New Due Date for Peer Observation will be in January 2025
Native American Student Information System - Information Management & Technology (IMT)
Please follow instruction sent by Varlene Johnson, School Registrar/Office Manager on how to establish your eDOIU login for Information Management & Technology (IMT). This training is required for teachers to access the Native American Student Information System (NASIS). NASIS is used to take daily student attendance. If you need assistance, please reach out to Varlene Johnson.
Digital Leave Request
Special Education
Service Logs
Service Log are now on the google drive and overseen by case managers and Bernie. EA's please work with case managers if you have questions. Bernie has shared the template with all SPED staff. Case managers and Bernie will review these on a weekly basis, please stay on top of daily reports for the log.
Please keep in mind if you are subbing a class please document in the service log. While subbing if you are providing direct services with an inclusion student (s) please document this separately. For example if you have your inclusion student in the class you are subbing the times will be different.
- Providing sub coverage for Ms. Carroll's class for 40 mins, 10 mins was direct support for inclusion student TC in this class. Total class time was 50 mins.
If you have any questions please contact Bernie or Ms. Carroll
Human Resource
Vacancy Announcement: Athletic Coaches
Exciting news!! TCS now has an Elementary Cross Country program for this cohort. I’ve attached the Athletic Coach Vacancy Announcement, if interested please e-mail me your letter of interest as soon as possible.
Stipend Positions:
HR is now accepting letters of interest for all stipend positions for this school year. Attached are the vacancies for Stipend positions.
FYI: The health care enrollment is not until mid-November.
FYI: If you have NOT completed your SCAN Training, please register for the next training date and submit your sign-in sheet to me after your training has been completed. Below are the dates.
Friday, September 27, 2024
10:00 AM -12:30 PM (MDT)
Canoncito Band of Navajos Health Center (CBNHC)
CBNHC medical and behavioral health team will continue to provide services to students every Tuesday morning at the Teen Center portable building.
Dual College Courses
New Mexico State University
Dr. Shawn Secatero will be offering two NMSU courses to our 11th and 12th grade students during 2025 Spring Semester.
This course is open to only TCS students as a hybrid class. Students will meet on the last two Wednesdays of each month from 1:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. and they can also submit their assigned work on CANVAS.
This course is an online course and available to all NMSU Grants students including dual credit. The TCS students who have already taken LEAD 2210 can take this course if they want to earn more college credits. They can also meet and attend class on the Wednesdays of each month from 1:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the computer lab.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Elementary Master Schedule 24-25
Secondary Master Schedule 24-25
Bell Schedule
Wednesday Schedules
Full day and half day
First two Wednesday's of the month will follow normal full day schedule.
Last two Wednesday's of the month will be early release Wednesday schedule.
* To remain consistent Wednesday schedule will remain regardless of holiday/school closure or no school to avoid disruption for teachers and parents.
Teacher Resources
Student Handbook Link
Shelter In Place, Lockdown and Fire Evacuation Procedure MAP
Here are the links:
Please refer to your Emergency Procedures Quick Reference COOP Book for details.
Two-Way Radio
Please follow radio usage:
Please label your radios with your name so when they are turned into the front office we can return them to the owners.
Radios must be carried at all times from the beginning of your tour of duty to the end of your tour of duty.
When initiating a call on the radio determine which setting is appropriate CAN (teachers) or ADMINISTRATION (TCS personnel) , first identify who you wish to contact (e.g. Front Office), then identify yourself (E.g. Your name)..
C.A.N. Channel (#1)= For emergency use only for fire drill, shelter-in-place, lockdown, and return to normal operation. All teachers and education assistants are to have channel C.A.N.(#1) on your two-way radio.
***Please do not use C.A.N. station for any other purpose.
ADMIN Channel (#2) = Used daily by security, maintenance, front office, custodians, bus drivers and administration.
C.A.N .Report QR Code and EMAIL Link
IT Support
Message from Camnet: IT Support Digital Form
To submit IT Support requests, please fill out this form for each issue you are having, and Camnet will get to your request as soon as possible.
Nainoa and Jim will be onsite on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Link to form:
QR code to form:
Camnet will no longer be checking the binder at the front desk. Please use the online form for IT Support requests from now on.
COGNIA Standards
Family Engagement
Family Engagement Calendar
Parent Newsletter
December 16, 2024 (Staff Only Sale). Burger, chip, drink
December 17, 2024: Snack Sale (Student Council) from 11:45-1:00 p.m.
December 19, 2024: Snack Sale (Class of 2025) from 11:45-1:00 p.m.
16th: A Charlie Brown Christmas: Holiday Pajama Day
16th: TCS vs. Mountainair (Home)
17th: A Charlie Brown Christmas: Ugly Sweater Day
17th: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
18th: A Charlie Brown Christmas: Dress Like Your Favorite Charlie Brown Character
18th: Staff Christmas Celebration @ 2:30 p.m.
18th: Half Day Wednesday (All Grades Dismissal at 1:15 p.m.)
18th: Christmas Program
19th: A Charlie Brown Christmas: Wear Holiday Accessories, Jewelry, or LIghts
19th: TCS vs. Laguna-Acoma (Away)
19th: Middle School TCS vs. Magdalena (Home)
20th: A Charlie Brown Christmas: Christmas Movie/Character Day
20th: Christmas Community Luncheon 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
20th: All Grades Dismissal at 2 p.m.
20th: Keshjee, Navajo Shoe Game
21st: TCS vs. Grady (Away)
23rd-Jan. 3rd: Christmas Break
25th: Christmas: School Closed
26th-28th: Varsity and Middle School @ SENAI Tournament
6th: Professional Development - Write Tools (No School for Students)
7th: Students Return
7th: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
7th: TCS vs. Alamo (Home)
8th: Full Day Wednesday (Elementary Dismissal @ 2:05 p.m.; Secondary Dismissal @ 3:00 p.m.)
9th: TCS Girls Only vs. Evangel Christian (Away)
11th: Middle School TCS vs. Alamo (Home)
14th: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
14th: TCS Girls Only vs. Rehoboth (Away)
15th: Full Day Wednesday (Elementary Dismissal @ 2:05 p.m.; Secondary Dismissal @ 3:00 p.m.)
15th: TCS vs. Laguna-Acoma (Home)
15th: Middle School TCS vs. Mountainair (Away)
16th: Middle School TCS vs. Edgewood (Home)
18th: Archery @ Rio Rancho High School Tournament
20th: Holiday; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No school for students and all teachers and staff)
21st: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
21st: Middle School TCS vs. Santo Domingo (Away)
22nd: Parent/Teacher Conference 12 pm to 6 pm. (All Grades Dismissal at 12:00 p.m.)
23rd: Smarty Ants Professional Development 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm
24th: Continue Smarty Ants Professional Development 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm
25th: Archery @ Espanola Valley High School Bullseye Tournament
25th: TCS vs. Shiprock (Home)
28th: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
28th: TCS vs. Tse Yi'Gai (Away)
29th: Half Day Wednesday (All Grades Dismissal at 1:15 p.m.)
29th: Middle School TCS vs. Magdalena (Away)
29th: Achieve 3000 Professional Development 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
31st - Feb. 02nd: Archery @ NASP City 3-D Championship Tournament