Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, September 13, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
It was another awesome week for us at Roundtown! The days seem to be flying by and the children continue to work hard and have settled in nicely to the regular routine of school. The teachers have been working to assess the children in their fundamental skills to best plan for instruction to meet a variety of needs. Our teachers have been planning together and working harder than ever to implement a consistent quality approach to teaching mathematics and reading. I am beyond proud of our collective efforts to increase the achievement of our students!
We honored those we lost on 9/11 this past week. I reflected on where I was 23 years ago (which was right here at Roundtown!) and how our world was impacted by the events of that day. As a much younger man and early in my teaching career, I remember more about the day after and making sure my students felt safe and comfortable. I remember how their hearts opened up and images and thoughts poured from them as they tried to make sense of what had happened. The school paused for a moment of silence on Wednesday and the children did an amazing job honoring our country.
Have a great weekend! My Steelers are 1-0! Maybe this weekend they can actually score a touchdown! Take some time to enjoy the beautiful weather and stay well!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
Our first PTO Meeting was a success on Tuesday and thank you to all who came out to help plan for another great year of fun opportunities at Roundtown! Our next PTO meeting (October 8) is an evening meeting from 6-7PM, to accommodate for families who work during the day. Join us!
Kindergarten had fun participating in their color day with "BLUE" day on Wednesday! Thank you to everyone who participated.
The children participated in a different type of safety drill this past week involving our cafeteria and playground in the event of an emergency. Our children amaze me during these drills as they really focus and listen about safety. We are NOT scared! We ARE prepared!
The school participated in its first all-school community meeting on Friday. What an amazing time we had celebrating hopes and dreams, and Roundtown PROUD, and of course, gifting our kindergarteners their new PROUD shirts! You could really feel the community inside the room as we celebrated our great school.
Clifford, the "Big Red Dog" visited our first graders on Friday to talk about our public library system and get them excited about books.
Coming next week…
Kindergarten will host "Yellow" Day on Wednesday so wear something yellow!
The school will conduct its September fire drill next week.
Friday, September 20 is our first half day of school for a teacher in-service. On Friday, we will dismiss beginning around 12:25. Buses will be leaving our school between 12:35 and 12:45 so please plan accordingly. Kindergarten families are reminded someone must be present at the stop.
The District’s new Volunteer Registration Portal is now live and parents/guardians/families may register to volunteer for this school year.
The District utilizes a new volunteer registration process within School Gate Guardian, our current visitor management system, to streamline the registration process and efficiently track, maintain, and check in volunteers throughout the school year. With this online registration process, there is no longer a requirement to complete paper packets or drop off paperwork at the District Office.
Prospective volunteers can check their status in the portal after uploading necessary clearances and will receive an email notification when they are approved. Please note that returning volunteers will be required to upload their active clearances within the portal to place them on file in the new system. Please allow up to one week for processing.
Volunteers will receive a self-expiring printed volunteer sticker during each visit upon check-in at the office.
For more information, please refer to our Volunteer page on the District Website
Congratulations to our first two Roundtown Students of the Month!
Each month, Roundtown will honor and recognize two students at our monthly school board meeting. Students honored must consistently demonstrate aspects of our core values including: Character, Perseverance, Accountable, Community, and Excellence. Congratulations to our first two Students, Keegan and Jordan!
Spirit Wear!
Looking for high-quality spirit-wear? Look no further! Use the following link to order Central Spirit Wear all year long! Click here to access the store!
PTO Volunteer Opportunities
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please use the survey below to indicate your interest and specifically identify particular events you would be interested in.
•A reminder that in the mornings, the right-side of the school/parking lot is designated for parent drop-off. Families should NOT be driving/parking on the left-side of the school is this area is designated for school buses ONLY. Thank you for your help with this!
•Looking for some after-school activities for your child? Our district website regularly updates its site with community flyers and information on outside-of-school activities for our students. Click here to view.
•Looking for some special words to say to your child rather than, "How was school?" Read on!
Safety and Technology Resources for Families
Central York School District is excited to announce that we have partnered with Linewize by Family Zone, a leading education technology company, to provide District families and students with the highest quality of online safety and digital wellness education.
As members of the Central York Community, you have access to an Online Safety Hub, as well as free parent/guardian access to the Qustodio App, a parental control app that allows families insight and control of their child’s device usage.
Qustodio App
The Qustodio App allows parents access to monitor and supervise their child’s time online. By signing up, parents can monitor their child’s activity on their school-issued device, as well as up to two additional personal devices at no cost.
The app enables parents to:
- Receive reports and alerts on your child’s school-time activity
- Enable and disable internet access
- Receive guidance and tips on digital trends and threats
Access to features on your child’s school-issued device will be effective during non-school hours. Usage on two free personal devices is 24/7. Parents must use the email associated with their Skyward account.
Online Safety Hub
The Online Safety Hub includes helpful parent advice guides, app and game reviews, online safety quizzes, resources, and access to information about the Qustodio App.
Please note that you may receive an invite or email from the Qustodio App. This is an optional service offered to District families.
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
9/18 - Kindergarten's Yellow Day-Wear something yellow!
9/20 - 12:30 Early Dismissal
9/23 - Parent Volunteer Meeting 2-3PM (Need to attend 1 only)
9/25 - Parent Volunteer Meeting 9:30-10:30AM (Need to attend 1 only)
9/25 - Kindergarten's Green Day-Wear something green!
9/27 - Picture Day!
9/27 - Family Night Glow Dance Party 6-8PM