BGVA High School Updates
Weekly contact January 13th - 17th
Weekly Updates for BGVA High School Students
Important Dates!
- January 16th: CASEE Science Night - 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
- January 20: Martin Luther King Day - Non student attendance
- January 23: Dual Credit night - 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
- January 24: End of First Semester - courses must be completed!
- January 27: Teacher Grading Day
- January 28: 2nd Semester begins
- January 29: Teacher inservice day student non attendance
- February 5: 9:00 a.m. ASVAB @ BGHS Sign-up (BGHS students have priority for space)
- February 5th: 11:00 a.m. ASVAB at CAM Sign-up
- February 20: Industry Fair BGHS 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Other Important Links:
CASEE Science Night Thursday, Jan 16th
Attend CASEE Science Night on Thursday, Jan. 16
What, exactly, is CASEE? Come learn about the district’s half-day science-based program for high school students. The Center for Agriculture, Science and Environmental Education is holding their annual Science Night open house on Thursday, Jan. 16, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Visit with teachers and current students, view ongoing experiments and tour the 80-acre outdoor learning campus in Brush Prairie (11104 NE 149th St). Students in grades 8-11, along with their parents/guardians, are welcome to attend. Please RSVP in advance. We hope to see you there!
Dual Credit information night Thursday, Jan 23rd
Battle Ground Public School is hosting a virtual presentation via Google Meet to provide information about dual credit for all students and families, eighth through 11th grades, on Thursday, Jan. 23, from 4-5 p.m. The presentation will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend. Dual credit provides students with the potential to earn high school and college credit at the same time. Information will include Running Start at Clark College, Cascadia Tech Academy (Skills Center), career and technical education dual credit, work-based learning, College in the High School and Advanced Placement classes. If you have any questions, contact Work-Based Learning Coordinator Kris Neal via email at neal.kris@battlegroundps.org.
Final Exams - Important Information
- The last day of the semester is January 24th
- This means that all coursework and final exams must be completed no later than Jan. 24th
- Do not wait until the last day (Jan. 24th) to take all six of your finals - Plan Ahead!
- You do not have to wait until the last week of the semester (Jan. 21 - Jan. 24) to take a final
- You are welcome and encouraged to take your final exams early!
- Finals can be taken any time you reach the end of a course - from NOW until Jan. 24th
- All finals must be proctored by BGVA staff
- Finals can be taken in-person at the BGVA Lab or over Google Meets
- Please contact your teacher with questions about the final exam for each specific class
- Please contact Ms. Mercedes in lab with questions: mehr.mercedes@battlegroundps.org
Recently, we informed you through our weekly newsletter and a specific dedicated email of our new School Data platform. The new School Data platform is a robust tool that parents can use to stay fully connected with their students' academic progress. Check your email for a short video demonstrating the process of creating your account and getting connected with your students' learning.
Click here for the link to begin the login process with our new School Data platform.
Extracurricular Activities
Studies show that students engaged in extracurricular activities have better attendance and higher grades. Make sure you reach out to your local school or contact your BGVA advisor if you have any additional questions regarding these opportunities.
Core Values
- Bold: Be kind/ Best at Getting Better
- Goal oriented: Growth Mindset, work together
- Visionary: Value everyone’s participation
- Adaptable: Any time Any place Any student Any pace
Counselor Newsletter for High School
Please check out our Counselor Newsletter for more information about Running Start, High School & Beyond Plan, scholarships, Cascadia Tech, graduation, and more.
Quick Links:
SENIORS Did you apply for the College Bound Scholarship in grades 7, 8, or 9th Grade?
- Class of 2025 Financial Aid Webinars (WSAC)
Testing Dates Quick Links:
ASVAB Testing at BGHS, sign up link for February 5th @ 9:00 a.m.
ASVAB Testing at CAM sign-up link for February 5th @ 11:30 a.m.
Senior Corner
Order your Cap & Gown and Swag!
Either come in and pick up an order packet in the BGVA Counseling Center, or click on this link to order online.
Graduation is June 11th at 7:00pm at Prairie High School
Character Word for January is: Perseverance
Perseverance is defined as the continued effort to do or achieve something despite its difficulties, failure or opposition (Merriam-Webster)
Perseverance is the driving force that gives us the stamina to achieve our future plans or dreams
Some examples of perseverance include:
- Taking a reasonable step: Keep moving forward without giving up
- Try other solutions: Asking questions to gain deeper understanding to find another way
- Be Patient and give it time: There will be setbacks and failures to overcome and move through.
- Check your school email EVERY DAY!
- Work in your classes every day
- Contact your teachers for any questions or help
- Attend your Advising appointments!
- Wednesday mornings are "late start." Your classes will be available, but your teachers are in meetings until about 10:45 am
- With the possibility of inclement weather, BGVA will follow the BGSD South school schedule when there are snow days or changes in the regular school days