St. Clare Weekly News
Enter to learn, Leave to serve
From the Principal
Dear St. Clare Families,
As we enter the third week of Advent, we are filled with hope and joy as we continue our journey toward the birth of Christ. The Christmas season is a time of reflection and gratitude, and we are so thankful for the vibrant community that our school family shares.
We are excited for the return of our Christmas Concert tonight! The students have been working hard, and we look forward to sharing the joy of the season through music and performances. Please join us at 6:30 PM as we celebrate the Christmas season with song and community.
As we approach the holiday season, we wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas, filled with peace, love, and blessings!
Many Blessings,
Sarah Hensien
Principal, St. Clare of Montefalco
Important Reminders - PLEASE READ EACH WEEK!!
- Protecting God's Children classes MUST BE TAKEN BY for all school volunteers. To sign up for these online classes, please go to You must register in advance
Spanish Club 4th-8th grade- Winter session started Tuesday, December 3rd. The cost is $10 for the 6 week session for returning students and $20 for new students (to cover the cost of the book)
- School Christmas Program is TODAY, December 19th at 6:30-7:15pm (afterglow with refreshments ) Instrumentalist call time: 5:20 - Boys Vocal Group call time: 5:30 - All Other students arrive by 6:00!
- Friday, December 20th is a half day of school! Dismissal is at 12:00
- Christmas break runs from, December 20th-January 5th. School resumes on Monday, January 6th
- Chess Club will begin on Tuesday, January 14th and run through Tuesday, May 25th! (3:45-5:15)
- We Need Volunteers to help clean the PTO closet on Friday, January 3rd (10 AM-12 PM)
- Please read the attachment that highlights changes that have been made to our school handbook! The changes include dress code and class parties!
- SAVE THE DATE-Auction will be held on Saturday, April 5th at 6:00pm
Family Fun School/Church Events! GET IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!
Sunday, December 22nd: Special event at St. Clare on Sunday, 12/22: Breakfast with Santa following 9:00 am mass (All are welcome! )
Tuesday, December 24th: Christmas Eve Open Gym for St. Clare players and their families 11:00-12:30. This is a fun tradition we like to offer & both parents and kids have fun. As a reminder, St. Clare has mass at 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at 10:00 am.
Facts Family Portal for Grades
Steps to access student grades in FACTS:
- Go to the Family Portal website (this can be accessed through the school website)
- Type in district code: SCM-MI
- Click on 3 horizontal lines in to left corner of the page
- Click on student
- Click on student home (if full page doesn't show, click on 3 lines in top left corner again)
- Full list of classes and grades and teacher will be listed
- Click on grade to see details (classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, projects) in each class
Auction - Planning is underway and we NEED YOUR HELP!
Auction planning is underway and we need your help! Please go to the volunteer link and sign up for a Team Leader or Team Member position that suits your God-given talents, skills, and availability. Remember, each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours towards the auction! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Meghan Price, this year's Auction Chairperson.
Auction Volunteer Sign Up Link
Please add the following dates to the S'mores and the calendar on the school website for upcoming auction meetings. The following is a Microsoft Teams Meeting code for the meetings as well.
Auction Meetings Virtual link (if unable to attend in person)
Upcoming auction meeting: Monday, November 18 6-7pm on the 2nd floor of the Sweeney Center.
Sports-Basketball Season
St. Clare Basketball
Hello Falcon families,
St. Clare is away again this weekend. Congratulations to all six teams in their victories this past weekend.
As it is the time for Christmas concerts at all schools, we would like to acknowledge the St. Clare School students who have their concert this Thursday evening in the St. Clare church. We can't wait to hear you all perform!
Spirit wear orders may be in this weekend. We will communicate when we receive them. Fingers crossed before Christmas.
Schedule this Saturday, December 21st:
3-4 Boys Black - at St. Paul at 9:30 am
3-4 Boys White - at St. Isaac at 10:30 am
JV B2 - at Warren Woods Christian at 9:30 am
JV B1 - at Star of the Sea at 8:30 am
VB - at Star of the Sea at 12:30 pm
VG - at Star of the Sea at 10:30 am
There is a Santa Breakfast this Sunday, December 22nd following 9:00 am mass (10-11:15ish) in the Vineyard (church social hall). All are invited. The Knights of Columbus is putting on the event. It's a fun, low pressure visit with Santa if anyone is interested in attending. If anyone would like to help out, please reach out to Mr. Lou with St. Clare's Knights of Columbus at (313) 815-0279. He said he could use 2 kids or so to help with crafts, and I'm sure other tasks.
Christmas Eve Open Gym, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm. Please enter through practice doors. It is a tradition we like to offer to get the children (and maybe mom or dad) out of the house, moving & having fun on Christmas Eve.
Additionally, don't forget that St. Clare offers Christmas Eve mass at 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm and Christmas Day at 10:00 am.
We do not return home until the new year, on Saturday, January 11th.
3-4 Boys Black - vs. St. Thecla at 10:00 am
3-4 Boys White - St. Paul at 9:00 am
JV B2 - vs. St. Joan at 11:15 am
JV B1 - vs. St. Joan at 12:15 pm
VB - TBD due to confirmation retreat
VG - TBD due to confirmation retreat
Other schedule updates received this week:
Wednesday, January 22nd:
JVB 1 at Liggett at 5:30 pm
VB at Liggett at 6:30 pm
May God bless you and your families during this season of Advent. Have a very Merry Christmas.
St Clare Athletics
8th Grade Wreath Sale
Thank you for supporting our 8th grade wreath sale!
We Need Your Help! We need volunteers to help clean the PTO closet on Friday, January 3rd
(10 AM-12 PM) Meet at the school!
Next meeting is on January 8th at 5 PM
PTO would like to wish our St. Clare Families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Caerise Williams PTO President
(313) 778-2221.
St. Clare of Montefalco
Location: 16231 Charlevoix Street, Grosse Pointe Park, MI, USA
Phone: 3136475100