MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Friday, August 2nd
Location Change for Monday, Tuesday, and Friday Events
Due to construction, our Monday/Tuesday Orientation Days and our Friday Start Right Day for grades 4-8 will be held at John Sevier Elementary School's auditorium. The address for John Sevier is 2001 Sequoyah Avenue, Maryville, TN 37804. Please park in front of the school and look for the red MVS flags to mark the entry door.
Orientation Videos
Please watch the below orientation videos to learn about our attendance policy and how MVS works!
Grades 4/5-
Grade 6-
Grades 7/8-
Grades 9-12-
Reminder of Orientation Details
1. All students will receive a video of the orientation presentation for your grade level later this week via parent and student email.
2. All students need to come to John Sevier Elementary School with a guardian during one of the following "drop-in" times to have a school picture taken, receive class schedule, pay the school fees ($55), and complete the data verification, if not already completed. Students in grades 9-12 will then be issued a Dell laptop. Students in grades 4-8 will receive their work for the week and will be issued their laptop during the Start Right day. Note that you will receive information form the from the photographer about proof and purchase information. Seniors will be asked to have their pictures taken as well, so we can issue school ID cards.
- Monday, August 5 from 8:30 to 11:30am
- Tuesday, August 6 from 8:30 to 11:30am
Time Change Start Right Day for 4-8 Details
Students in grades 4-8 will need to attend a Start Right Day session to meet their teacher, meet other students, review classroom procedures, and receive/setup their laptop. This meeting will get the elementary and middle school students in gear to start the school year right! More details about drop off and pick up will be coming from your main teacher soon.
Friday, August 9th at John Sevier Elementary School
- Grades 4-5-- 8:30 to 10:30am
- Grades 6-8-- 12:00 to 1:30pm