Golden Family Newsletter
October 4th, 2024
Golden Yearbook, Journalism, and AV attend J Day at CU Boulder
A 90% excused attendance rate is mandatory for the Homecoming dance. If you are planning on bringing a friend, stop by the office and pick up a dance permission form. Once the form is filled out, bring it back to the front office or during ticket sales on October 14th-October 16th.
Parent Volunteers Needed!
We would love your help with this year's Homecoming Dance on October 18th from 8-10:00 p.m. at Golden High School. Please review the available slots here and sign up for an open time. You can sign up for one or multiple shifts. Thank you!
The Golden Pages, a club at Golden, is hosting their annual book drive accepting any old or unused books of any subject in any condition. The books will be sorted through to be redistributed and recycled back into the community by Dreambooks. You can donate to the green box by the bus loop or to your English classrooms. Feel free to email thegoldenpages0@gmail.com with any questions or concerns and go to their WEBSITE to learn more. Thanks!
Accountability Committee Meeting
There will NOT be an Accountability Committee Meeting on October 8th. We will meet again on November 12th, at 4:30pm.
Senior Spotlight: The Class of 2025
Order your Senior Panoramic Photo Now!
Please use this link to order your panoramic class pictures: http://bit.ly/BestClassPicture.
The order deadline to get the best price is FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18TH. After October 18th there will be a $10 late order fee. All orders will be online through the website. Pictures will be mailed to the address specified in the order form in about 4 weeks.
Please email the photographer, BestClassPicture@gmail.com, if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.
Colorado Free Application Days
- The 2024 Free Application Day$ are October 15 – 17th.
- Begin filling out your admission application(s) now.
- While the admission application must be submitted during this three-day period to be eligible for the fee waiver, students are encouraged to begin working on their application(s) now so that they can submit their applications stress-free during Free Application Day$.
- If you need assistance, counselors will be in the Library on Tuesday, October 15th to help with your CommonApp application.
Counseling Corner
Youth Exploring Stewardship Conference
October 5-6. Free for all high school students. Students participate in hands-on stewardship actions and fun outdoor activities. Learn more.
Secondary Extensions & Contest Opportunities
Students can participate in a variety of contests. Learn more.
Next Week's College Visits
Students must register to attend ahead of time in their Naviance account:
University of Oregon: Tues, 10/8, 9:00am
University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Tues, 10/8, 10:00am
St. Lawrence University: Tues, 10/8, 11:00am
Arizona State University-Tempe: Wed, 10/9, 9:00am
University of Denver: Wed, 10/9, 10:00am
University of Colorado - CO Springs: Wed, 10/9, 1:30pm
University of Utah: Wed, 10/9, 2:30pm
University of British Columbia: Fri, 10/11, 9:00am
Gonzaga University: Fri, 10/11, 1:30pm
University of California-Davis: Fri, 10/11, 2:30pm
School Photos Have Arrived!
Student school photos have arrived. If you ordered a school photo, your student may pick it up in the Main Office during lunch or an off block.
Late orders are still being accepted online through Dorian Studios. It will ask you for an access key which you can obtain through this link.
Dorian will return for picture retakes on October 25.
Performing Arts
Stage Right Productions
Hamlet Tickets and Subscription Packages for the season can be purchased starting today at stagerightgolden.org. Please plan ahead to buy your Hamlet tickets, as we only have 45 seats available each night!
Our booster meeting is Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Choir Room! ThesCon will be an area of focus for us.
Please click here to view this week's Stage Right Family Newsletter.
Join JeffCo Alpine Ski Team
The Jefferson County Alpine Ski Team is looking for new recruits. Join us on Tues, Oct. 24th at 6:30 p.m. to learn more! We will meet in the Evergreen High School library for a short informational meeting about the ski team and what we’re all about. Coaches and racers will also be there to provide additional information.
We'd love to learn more about you and your interest in joining the team. Please take a moment to fill out this interest form.
Girls Soccer
Please join us for an informational meeting about GHS Girls Soccer Thursday October 24th @ 6:00 p.m. in the library. Meet the coaches and booster committee. Learn more about our program and all we have planned for the upcoming season. We hope to see you there!
If you are new to GHS Girls Soccer and would like to be on our TeamSnap, please email Shellanne Pasquale at shellskate@msn.com
GHS Cheer Team:
The GHS Cheerleaders work hard to bring cheer and spirit to sporting and school wide events all year long. Please support the GHS Cheerleader’s bid to compete at Nationals. There are many opportunities for you to show your support! A little goes a long way and we appreciate all the support you can give! Mark your calendars and please help spread the word about these great opportunities to come together to support our Golden Cheer Team!
Restaurant Fundraisers
October 22 | Chick-fil-A Denver West | 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Upcoming Events
October 7 - 11 - Parent Teacher Conferences (Virtual)
October 8 - Fall Choir Concert (7 p.m.)
October 13 - Demon Dash (8 a.m.-11 a.m.)
October 13 - STUCO Powder Puff (12 p.m.)
October 14 - 18 - Homecoming Week
October 15 - Fall Instrumental Concert (7 p.m.)
October 17 - Homecoming Dance (8 - 10 p.m.)
October 18 - Homecoming Parade (4 p.m.)
October 18 - Varsity Soccer Senior Night (5 p.m.)
October 18 - Homecoming Football Game (7 p.m. @ Mines)
October 25 - Picture Retakes
October 25 - Fall Play: Hamlet (7 p.m.)
October 26 - Fall Play: Hamlet (4 p.m.)
October 30 - Trick or Treat Street
October 31 - Radium Girls (7pm)
November 1 - Fall Play: Hamlet (7 p.m.)
November 2 - Fall Play: Hamlet (4 p.m.)