Toll Gator Gazette
Toll Gate Elementary - Week of October 16, 2023
Toll Gate Elementary School
Assistant Principal: Cindy Davis
Assistant Principal: Scott May
Secretary: Tassie Hall
Office Assistant:Jaclyn Davis
Counselor: Darren Drake
Nurse: Tami Tackett
Health Assistant: Nick Root
Update from Mrs. Lomonico
Dear TGE Families,
We have SO MANY great things going on for our school community between our parent/teacher conferences, trunk or treat, red ribbon week, an evening learning walk, book character parade (families welcome -- see below), and a family fun run (just to name a few). Please look over this newsletter carefully, and reach out if you have any questions!
Parent Teacher Conferences are virtual again this year. Your child's teacher should have sent it home. If not, please contact the teacher to set up a conference.
Parent-Teacher Conference Dates Remaining:
October 16th- 8:30-4:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences Grade (K-8 only) NO SCHOOL
October 17th- Parent/Teacher Conferences Grade (KG only) NO School for K only! (1-4 have school)
Our first learning walk will be on October 26 from 5:30-7:30 PM (open house style). It will be a time for your student(s) to guide families (they are your tour guide) around the buliding to see their work along with work from all students in our school. It is a great opportunity for families to see what all students are learning at TGE! We know that Pickerington is also having a "Haunted Village" event this same evening. We would love for your to stop by TGE first if you are going to both. We hope you can join us!
Erika Lomonico
TGE Principal
Erika A Lomonico
Cindy Davis
Assistant Principal
Scott May
Assistant Principal
Did you know?
- This newsletter can be translated into different languages. See the dropdown menu at the top of the page to translate.
- You will receive news, updates, and message the principals and teachers via Talking Points. The message is sent out in your language.
Important October Dates to Remember:
- Oct. 16 - No School - K - 8 P/T Conf. 8:30 - 4:00 pm
- Oct 17 - Kindergarten P/T Conf. (KG only) NO School for K only! (Grades 1-4 have school)
- Oct 20 - Picture Retakes
- Oct 22 - Trunk or Treat (back parking lot) 2-4 PM
- Oct 26 - Learning Walk at TGE 5:30-7:30 PM
- Oct 27 - Dress Like a Book Character + Parade (see information in this newsletter)
Friday, October 20, 2023
Use the code FE178323 when going on line to look at pictures of your student.
Oh my goodness! I can't explain how excited our teachers were when they opened the fridge! Thanks for all of your donations! PLEASE keep them coming! However, we are RUNNING LOW on everything... Please help us fill the fridge for our hard working teachers!!!
Ideas to donate:
•indiv snack packs
•granola bars/nutrigrain bars
•candy bars
•vitamin water
•celsius energy drink
Book Character Day + parade at TGE!!! - October 27, 2023!
We will be parading around the school, and you are welcome to cheer us on! Grades AM K, 2, and 4 will be parading at 10:15 AM. Grades PM K, 1, and 3 will parade around the school at 2:45 PM. We will start in the back of the school, so if you (parents/families) want to line the sidewalk in the front of the school, we will be parading there, and your students will be excited to see you!
Check out PLSD's Testing Security Plan!
News from Mr. Drake:
TGE will be starting the screening for Satchel Pulse Skills, a tool to help us monitor and improve the social-emotional learning of all our students Grades K-2. The screener window will be October 30 - November 1, 2023. Here is a brief video or flyer to learn more about Satchel Pulse. There will be a parent letter going home with students Tuesday, Oct. 17. Please reach out to Darren Drake ( for further questions or concerns.
Mental Health Series
TGE Hot Cocoa Family Fun Run
PTSO Meeting Notes/Upcoming Events:
Help Wanted...
Yearly PTSO Events
Resources for PLSD Parents
The link below contains FREE resources that are being made available to our PLSD parents through a grant between the Fairfield County Educational Service Center and the Cook Center for Human Connection. They are provided as a convenience for our parents and families.
Mr. May sent out a sign up for times to start coming in for anyone who has filled out a form to volunteer at TGE. If you have recently filled one out (or even if you did it a while ago), and you haven't gotten his sign up genius, please reach out to him so he can get the sign up to you ( THANK YOU!
Additional Trunk or Treat at Panther Stadium!!! It's Free!
Connect with us!
Location: 12183 Tollgate Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614.834.6300
Twitter: @PLSD