🦅Wings to Soar!🦅
February 2025

February 2025
Information from the Office
Cortland Eagle Express - Emailed every Friday @ 3:30
We send lots of communication home through Harmony throughout the school year. This includes parent notifications about upcoming testing, upcoming events, visits to the nurse, events in the community, reminders that report cards have been published, etc. Please take a minute to make sure your email is up-to-date.
You can login to your Harmony account and update your email under demographic data or you can contact the Cortland office at anytime during the school week and Mrs. Bonita will be happy to update your email for you!
Parents will receive a Friday email reminder if their child's meal account is below $10.
Changing Weather
With the change to colder weather, please remember we send children outside for recess during the winter when the temperature and wind chill is above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. It is highly recommended that children wear hats and coats to school during the cold months.
School Closing / Delay Information
In the event of weather that would close school, we would follow these types of inclement weather days. We will clearly communicate this information using Harmony and Facebook. You can update your contact information on Harmony HERE.
Online: Seymour Community School Corp. website at scsc.k12.in.us.
Social media: Seymour Community Schools Facebook, Cortland Elementary School Facebook
Text alerts/automated call system: School Messenger for all registered students. (Please ensure we have your current cell phone number and carrier on file)
Currently, we have one more built-in snow day available before we transition to a synchronous eLearning day. We will provide more information regarding your child's synchronous eLearning schedule soon. On this day, students will log into Google Classroom according to a schedule provided by the school. At least 50% of the instructional time will be conducted in real-time with their teacher(s).
Community Service
Kids Heart Challenge
We will learn how to care for our OWN hearts while helping those with sick and special hearts get better! Cortland Kids Heart Challenge - February 11th, 2025
This is your chance to be a hero to help save lives. Students will participate in 40 minutes of fun
games, stations, contests, team challenges, and many exciting activities. Students will need to
dress appropriately for physical activity. We will supply all the needed equipment. Students can
bring their packets into the office by Monday, February 10
💜🤍💜🏀💜🤍💜 Seymour Lady Owls Basketball team members will be here to help with Kids Heart Challenge events.
Kindness Week - February 10 - 14
We are excited to announce our upcoming dress-up days! Students and staff are encouraged to participate by dressing up on these designated days. Participation is completely optional; if you prefer not to dress up, that is perfectly fine. Additionally, you may choose to dress up on select days that appeal to you.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and this uplifting initiative!
Eagles View of Upcoming Important Dates:
- February 1 - Cortland Robotics Tournament
- February 7 - Cortland PTO Movie Night @ 6 pm
- February 10 - Progress Reports
- February 12 - Kids Heart Challenge (during PE times)
- February 17 - Presidents Day - Dress up like your favorite President
- February 20 - National FFA Week - Thank a Farmer – AG Career Dress-up Day
- March 6 - Spring Pictures
- March 10 - March Madness Week
- March 14 - End of 3rd Nine Weeks
- March 17 - 21 - Spring Break
News from the Cafeteria
Breakfast Hours
All Seymour Community School students Breakfast FREE of charge
Cortland Breakfast is served from 7:45 - 8:10
Please encourage your student(s) to participate in this opportunity!