5th Grade News
October 7-11
Picture Day is October 10th!
Parent Teacher Conferences Oct. 10 & 11
Please click on the button below to be redirected to our Sign Up Genius.
Do to time constraints you will sign up for ONE conference time. We do not have enough available slots for you to meet with more than one teacher at this time. You may choose either the subject that you would most like to discuss OR choose your child's homeroom teacher. All subjects will share relevant information with the teacher you choose to meet with.
If you feel the need to meet with the other teachers after we have shared all of your students information with you, then we can schedule those for another time.
Hurry, slots are filling up quickly. We do have several slots open for Friday morning!
All conferences will be conducted in person at Red Oak Elementary unless you indicate that you would prefer a phone conference. Please be sure to include your phone number if this is your preference. In addition, be sure to include your student's name. We can't wait to meet with you to celebrate all the good things we have seen so far this year!
Student Work and Grades
As we are preparing our students to take on more responsibility and be accountable for their learning, in 5th grade and beyond, we are asking them to check skyward weekly. We encourage you to do the same. If your student has any missing work please encourage your student to ask their teacher about the assignment. If you still have questions after your student has advocated for themselves, please reach out to the teacher and we will be happy to clarify any questions.
A Hydrated Brain is a Thinking Brain
We love that our kiddos are bringing cups and bottles! Brain research tells us that a hydration helps us think faster and focus better. Plus, water stimulates the flow of nutrients and hormones that release those feel-good endorphins you need to feel happy! There are so many reasons to stay hydrated.
With that being said we need your help. We are seeing an excessive amount of spills in class and in the hallways. This creates a hazard to safety and electronics. In addition, it interrupts the instruction time.
You can help us with this by only sending cups or bottles that are leakproof, and will not spill if knocked over or dropped.
Focus of the Week
Math - I can compare and order decimals & solve word problems by adding and subtracting decimals
ELAR - Realistic Fiction - I can recognize characteristics and structure of argumentative text.
Science - I can investigate and describe the transformation of energy in systems such as energy in a flashlight battery that changes from chemical energy to electrical energy to light energy. I can demonstrate that electrical energy in a closed circuit can be transformed into motion, light, sound or thermal energy: and identify the requirements for a functional circuit.
Social Studies - I can explain when, where, and why groups of people explored, colonized, and settled in the United States.
School Hours
Parents, please help us set your students up for success by getting them to school on time. School doors open at 6:50. Remember that all students have free breakfast & lunch this year! Students arriving to school at 7:40 have missed a full 20 minutes of instruction. This could more than half of the instruction time for their first class that day.
School starts at 7:20 am and students are tardy after 7:25. Every minute of instruction counts! Dismissal is at 3:05.
Calling all 5th grade artists! We are having our second annual yearbook cover art contest! Our theme this year is BETTER TOGETHER. Students must complete artwork on a 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper. Submissions can be turned in to your homeroom teacher as early as Monday, September 30th.
All artwork must be turned in by Friday, October 18th. No late submissions will be accepted!
Trunk or Treat
Important Information To Help Your Student At Home!
You may have noticed that your student does not have daily homework. The only time a student should have homework is to make-up missed work from an absence or work that was not completed in class.
Here are some suggestions if you want your student to have extra practice.
- Read daily for at least 20 minutes
- Practice fact fluency (multiplication & division)
- Check out Sora, our online digital library.
- Studyjams.com - Science review and extra practice.
Make-up missed work from an absence or work that was not completed in class will be considered homework. If your student was absent they have the number of days they were out to return missed work. For example, if your student was sick and missed two days of school, they have two days to complete the work they missed while they were out. It is the students responsibility to ask for makeup work.
Dates to Remember
Th., Oct. 10 - ROISD School Pantry Food Bank, 4 p.m. at ESC
Oct. 10-11 - Parent Teacher Conferences, Th. 5 - 8 p.m., Fri. 8 a.m. to noon
Oct. 11 - Student Holiday, no school and offices closed
Oct. 14 - Columbus/Indigenous People Day Holiday
Oct. 15-18 - Homecoming Week
Oct. 16 - Unity Day (Bullying Prevention) - Wear Orange
Oct. 18 - Early Release, Parade 2 p.m., Football vs. Cleburne, 7 p.m. at Goodloe
Oct. 21 - Board Meeting, 7 p.m.
Oct. 28-Nov. 1 - Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 31 - Halloween
Birthday Celebrations
We love to celebrate birthdays! Birthday celebrations will take place at the end of the day, on the last day of the week, so instruction is not disrupted. If you will leave any items you want to share with the class in the front, the office will make sure to get them to your child's class.
How to Reach Us
Conference Time: 9:55 - 10:45
Mrs. Amaton
Mrs. Thomas
ELAR & Social Studies - Thomas and Bennett homerooms
972-617-3523 Ext. 1040