YSSD Back to School Family Guide

Get ready for the upcoming school year with our new Back to School Guide! Scroll down for important dates, directions on updating forms in Infinite Campus, school supply lists, a student meal update, details about a first day video, and information on new programs coming to York Suburban this school year. We hope you find it helpful to have all this information in one location.
Teacher Assignment & Bus Rider Information
Check Infinite Campus to see your child's schedule!
Starting Monday, August 5, teacher, class, and schedule information for all students will be available in Infinite Campus (IC). On Monday, August 12, bus information will also be available. We kindly ask parents to double check bus arrival time information again the day before school starts. As new students continue to enroll in the district, bus pick up and drop off times are likely to change.
Logging into Infinite Campus
If you do not recall your IC username or never set up an account, look for an email on the afternoon of August 5 with the subject: YSSD Message: Parent Student Account Information with those details. If you have multiple children in the District, these emails may be grouped together in your inbox.
Helpful Infinite Campus Links
In addition to the Infinite Campus access, elementary students and their families will receive a message from their child's teacher. Teacher messages will be sent in the U.S. mail for Grades K-2 and via email for Grades 3-5. Please check your spam/junk mail folders if you do not see a message in your inbox.
Note from Transportation: Thank you in advance for your patience during the first week of school. As new routines are established in the morning and afternoon, the bus could arrive late. Additionally, while families may request changes to their child's bus schedule, most approved alterations will not be effective until September 3.
For those who will be on the roads at the same time as our students, please be sure to stop when bus lights are flashing, be alert as you pass bus stops, and be on the lookout for student walkers.
Important Dates
As they are finalized, dates and times for school events are being added to our online calendar.
Marching Band Preview Show
Thursday, August 8, 7:30 p.m.
York Suburban H.S. Stadium
Fall PIAA Sports Begin
Monday, August 12
High School Athletic SchedulesTransition Day: Kindergarten, Grades 3, 6, and 9 Only
Tuesday, August 20
First Day of School for ALL Students
Wednesday, August 21
Information about first day signs and video below.
No School: Labor Day Day Break
Monday, September 2
Deadline for Updating Back to School Documents in Infinite Campus
Tuesday, September 3
Homecoming Activities
Thursday, September 26
5 p.m. - Powder-Puff Game at the Stadium
6 p.m. - Parade followed by Bonfire at the Baseball Field
7 p.m. - Powder-Puff Championship Game
Homecoming Football Game
Friday, September 27
6 p.m. - Pregame Show and Announcement of Homecoming Queen at the Stadium
7 p.m. - Our Trojans will face the Dover Eagles
Updating Back to School Documents in Infinite Campus
Deadline: Tuesday, September 3
Again this year, parents are expected to update their child's general information, emergency contacts, communication preferences, and health history in Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus can also be used to pay student fees or purchase a student parking permit.
It is very important that your family's contact information be current to ensure we can reach you in an emergency. For step-by-step directions and related documents, click here. If you have more than one student in the district, be sure to complete these tasks for each child.
School Supplies
We are committed to providing the necessary items to make sure students receive a quality education in our schools. If your family is experiencing financial hardship, and can use assistance with school supplies, please contact your child's counselor. We can help!
As we have done in previous years, we will provide all basic supplies students will need for learning in kindergarten, first, and second grade. First and second grade students are asked to bring a set of headphones/earbuds for their use in school, and all primary students are encouraged to have a backpack. If you would like to donate items, school staff can always use extra glue sticks, dry erase markers, and crayons.
Recommended supply lists are available for intermediate level students. If you cannot provide these items, they will be supplied by the District for your student.
At the middles school, a basic supply list is available for each grade level. During the first week of school, teachers will notify students if there are any additional supplies needed or recommended items for their particular class.
On the first day of classes, teachers will provide their students with specific items they may need for their class during the school year.
School Day Hours
School Day Start & End Times
Secondary Students - 7:50 a.m. - 2:55 p.m.
Elementary Students - 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Early Dismissal Schedule
Secondary Students - 12:10 p.m.
Elementary Students - 12:45 p.m.
Student Meal Update
Student Meal Prices
Breakfast - Free for ALL students
Elementary Lunch - $2.60
Secondary Lunch - $2.85
High School Super Meal - $3.75
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
NEW: Depositing Money Into Your Student's Account
All schools are using SchoolCafe this school year. This system allows parents to monitor their student’s account balance, view meal purchases, and make online payments. There is no charge to monitor student account information; however, a convenience fee will be charged by SchoolCafe when used to add funds. For additional information about setting up a parent account in SchoolCafe, please visit the District website. If parents prefer not to use the online service to deposit funds, money may be added to student accounts by sending cash or checks made payable to “YSSD Food Service Fund” to school with students. Please note your student's ID number and grade on the check.
Free or Reduced Price Meals
Students may receive free or reduced price meals if their households meet federal income guidelines. For additional information about applying, please visit the District website. As a reminder, families must reapply each year. This year the application can be completed in SchoolCafe.
Physical Exam & Immunization Reminder
Deadline: Friday, September 6
Physical examinations are required for children upon entry into school, in grade 6, and in grade 11. Additionally, a variety of immunizations are required for all students with additional immunization requirements for entry to grades 7 and 12. For a complete list of requirements and related forms please visit the District's Health Services website.
First Day of School Signs and Welcome Back Video
Students and staff are encouraged to show off their school spirit with our first day signs! Visit our website to download and print your sign(s). Then snap a picture on the first day of school and share it with us to be featured in our Welcome Back video this year. The deadline for video submissions is Wednesday, August 28 at noon. Signs and submission details can be found on our website at https://www.yssd.org/first-day.
Parents, you do not have to use one of our signs in order for your child to be in the video; however, please be mindful of what personal information is available in your photo.
Coming to York Suburban this School Year!
Portrait of a Graduate
Inspiring a BOLD Future
Our Portrait of a Graduate illustrates the attributes and competencies we wish to develop in our learners. Throughout the school year we will highlight each of the six competencies in our monthly newsletter. For a sneak peek at what is to come, click here.
Raptor Visitor Management System
This year, as part of our ongoing efforts to support the safety and security of our students and staff, we will begin using the Raptor Visitor Management System. Part of keeping students and staff safe is knowing who is in our buildings at all times. Raptor will assist us in doing that and in screen visitors.
Upon entering a district building, visitors will be asked to present an ID such as a Driver’s License, which can either be scanned or manually entered into the system. If a parent or guardian for any reason does not have a US government-issued ID, the school staff member can use any form of identification and manually enter the person’s name into the Raptor system.
Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of his/her visit. A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork. Thank you in advance for your understanding and your support in enhancing the school safety protocols in our district.
Talking Points Communication System
Talking Points is a two-way communication system that translates automatically between the school and the family using text messages. This program was piloted in the 2023-2024 school year and will be available to all District families in 2024-2025. Text messages will come from a phone number that is assigned to the teacher for the year and will include an introductory message the first time it is used. If interested, a Talking Points app is also available.
Quick Links
- Annual Notices - School Districts are required by federal and state laws and regulations to provide several annual notices to parents and guardians. These required notices are available in our handbooks and board policies, but can can easily be referenced from the Annual Notices page on our website.
- Employment Opportunities - We have a variety of open positions perfect for individuals interested in working a schedule similar to our students.
- Important Information for Families & Students - In addition to the building level handbooks, this document provides useful information for all families and will be particularly valuable for families new to the District.
- Online Registration - If you moved into the district this summer and have not yet registered your child for the 2024-2025 school year, please do so as soon as possible.
- Renovation and Construction Updates - The District conducted two district-wide feasibility studies to review building conditions, educational goals, and enrollment capacities. Through those studies, we identified several conditions that directly impact our ability to inspire a BOLD future for ALL students. A summary of efforts to date regarding our plans to construct a new intermediate school, renovate the high school, and address capital projects district-wide can be found on our website.
- School Board Meeting Dates and Agendas - Board meetings are streamed live and archived for viewing after the meeting on the District YouTube channel.