JTE School of Innovation
May 31, 2024- Summer Edition
Dear Tyson Tiger School Families,
We just finished our last day of school this week. On Tuesday, we held our 4th Quarter Tiger Pride Award Assembly. Students had so much fun at Field Day. We would like to thank our PTA for renting bouncy houses for our students and to Coach Smith and Coach Simmons for planning such fun outdoor activities. On Wednesday we began the day with our Talent Show. Students sang, played the piano, told jokes, and did magic tricks. We had a special performance from our own, Miss Jordyn Evans, and Miss Emma Keen, Mrs. Keen’s daughter, sang a special song in honor of Mrs. Therese Thompson, 5th Grade teacher, who is retiring after 35 years of teaching, and all at JTE! We love Mrs. Thompson and wish her the very best! Students also got to sign the Accelerated Reader - Readers are Leaders - Wall of Fame if they met their AR goal all year! Students love this annual end-of-year tradition at JTE!
Some very exciting news!!!! We were informed by Secretary Oliva, the Secretary of Education for the state of Arkansas, that we have been designated as a School of Innovation! We will take a team to Jonesboro for the Office of Innovation for Education Rally where we will be announced as a School of Innovation. Be looking for pictures from this event next week. We will share more information about becoming a School of Innovation soon.
We want to encourage each of our Tigers to continue reading over the summer break. Setting reading goals, like reading 20 minutes per day, writing and reading their own books on topics they choose, reading to a sibling or family member, family members reading to them, family asking them questions about what they have read, visiting our local library, accessing our school website for resources, et cetera, are all great ways to help students continuing to practice their reading skills. At JTE, we say…Readers are Leaders!
Next year, all of our students, including K-2 students, will take ATLAS assessments. We will no longer take the NWEA MAP assessments. If you would like to know more about the new assessment, please visit this link to find information and practice tests for students: K-3 ATLAS Test practice for families https://atlasportal.org/families.html (you can use this link for summer practice).
Kindergarten registration for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year will be online at www.sdale.org/enroll. If you have any questions about Kindergarten registration, you can contact our school office at 479-750-8862.
We hope all of our Tigers have a great summer!
There’s no place like JTE!
Thank you for your partnership,
Shelly R. Poage, Principal, and Ashley Kirby, Assistant Principal
Important Dates & Information
August 8…Meet the Teacher Event and Ice Cream Social 4:30-5:30
August 12…School begins for the 24-25 school year
Summer Opportunities
Attention Bus Riders!
Will your child be riding a bus to school? Springdale Public Schools has implemented a new bus routing system and parent portal to better communicate with our families and to further improve student safety. The link to the portal was shared with you by our transportation department. If your child will be riding the bus this year, please go into the portal and register your child.
More information can be found in the newsletter from our transportation department linked below.
Registration Gateway-Update Your Child's Information
2024-2025 District Academic Calendar
About John Tyson Elementary
Principal: Shelly Poage
Assistant Principal: Ashley Kirby
Website: https://tyson.sdale.org/
Location: 1967 Chapman Ave Springdale, AR 72762
Phone: (479) 750-8862
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnTysonElementary