December 2024
Baldwin Bobcats
Dear Baldwin Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful break and enjoyed some quality family time, football, and of course, some good food! I can't believe it's already December – time really does fly when you’re learning! As we approach the end of the semester, I want to take a moment to update you on a few important items.
First, registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Please take a moment to log into your Parent Portal and complete the registration process. AISD has worked hard to make this process easier, so it should be quick and simple. This registration is for any student who will be attending any AISD school next year, so if you have a child continuing with us, be sure to take care of it soon.
If you're considering a transfer or applying for a magnet school, I recommend getting started early to ensure you meet all the necessary timelines. For parents of PK students, if Baldwin is not your home campus, you will need to login and register, then request a transfer for their Kindergarten year. Also, if you know of any families who have a child interested in the PK program for the fall, registration for that will open in April.
As a reminder, AISD has an initiative to increase attendance across all campuses. Please help us by ensuring that your child is present every day they are well. We understand that sickness can happen, but we kindly ask that you avoid taking vacations or extended weekends. Student attendance has a direct impact on funding for the district, and your support is crucial.
Looking ahead, we have some exciting events in December. On December 3, 2024, we’ll be celebrating Winter Wonderland from 5:00 - 7:00! Our Book Fair will be open, and Santa will be visiting! Make sure to check out the Baldwin PTA website for more details on making reservations and ordering pizza for your dinner.
We’ll also be having some fun dress-up days throughout the month, with a new theme each day. Please don’t feel the need to purchase anything special – these dress-up days are just for fun, and if your child can’t participate one day, that’s absolutely okay. A "December to Remember" calendar with all the details is attached for your reference.
If you’re interested in signing up for the Human Sexuality and Responsibility class for grades K-5, the last day to register is Monday, December 2nd at 5:00 pm. After that time, the Google form will close. If you miss the registration deadline, don’t worry – the website has all the information you need, and you can review it with your child at home. Students not enrolled in the program will attend an alternative class focused on social-emotional learning.
Our class parties will be held on Friday, December 20th. Please refer to the schedule below for your child’s class party time. To ensure the safety and security of all our students, you will need to present an ID to enter the building, and only students in the designated class will be allowed to participate in the party. If you check out a sibling early, they will not be permitted to attend another sibling’s party, so please make sure to take them out of the building if you plan to leave early.
I look forward to seeing all of you as we wrap up this fall semester. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Murray
Principal, Baldwin Elementary
Winter Party Schedule
PK - 8:00 - 8:45
Kinder - 8:30 - 9:15
1st grade - 1:30 - 2:15
2nd grade - 12:15 - 1:00
3rd grade - 11:30 - 12:15
4th grade - 8:45 - 9:30
5th grade - 9:00 - 9:45
12/2 - 12/6 - Scholastic Book Fair
12/2 - 12/6 - Special Education Staff Appreciation Week
12/2 - 12/20 - December to Remember
12/3 - Winter Wonderland
12/9 - CAC Meeting
12/10 - Winter choir concert
12/9 - 12/13 - Human Sexuality and Responsibility Classes
12/13 - Multi-Cultural Fair
12/167 - PTA Cookie Exchange for staff
12/20 - Class parties
12/23 - 1/6 - Winter Break
Multi-Cultural Fest
December to Remember
Family STEAM Night
Gifted & Talented Updates
Testing for the Fall has been completed. Over the next two weeks, the GT Committee and Advanced Academics will review all scores to determine placement in the Gifted and Talented Program.
December 20, 2024: Parent/guardian decision letters mailed by this date
January 2025: Students newly identified for GT will begin receiving services at school
Students who are currently identified as Gifted and Talented in Science and/or math, are REQUIRED to complete a Science Fair project but can opt out of having the project judged in the Baldwin Science Fair. Newly identified GT students for Spring 2025, do not need to complete a project but are welcome to.
Upcoming Lockdown Drill
On Monday, January 13, 2025, our teachers will conduct a lock-down drill review. The goal of this exercise is to familiarize students, teachers, and staff with the procedures to follow in emergency situations. During the drill, students will not be required to hide or wait for doors to be unlocked. Instead, their teachers will discuss the necessary procedures and protocols.
We kindly ask that you talk with your child about the upcoming drill. Explain that it is a precautionary measure designed to keep everyone safe and reassure them that there is no real emergency. Emphasize that the purpose of the drill is to ensure everyone is prepared and confident in the event of an actual emergency.
Thank you once again for your support and for helping make the first semester of school so successful. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
STAAR: Save the Dates
Please don't forget to avoid scheduling appointments on these dates.
Book Fair
Please save the date for our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. This is our primary fundraiser to purchase new books for our library and supplies for our Makerspace. If you'd like to volunteer to help with decorating or sales, please sign up here. Information about setting up an e-wallet account for your child will be sent home soon.
Celebrate your child's birthday with a Birthday Book!
Did you know that you can donate a book to the Baldwin Library in honor of your child's birthday? Your child will choose from a carefully curated collection of books, and we will place a bookplate with their photo inside the cover. This is a wonderful way to support the library and celebrate your child! Please visit this link to purchase a birthday book
Guidance Insights from November
Our November guidance lessons with grades K-5 took a deep dive into what is anxiety, how do I recognize feelings in my brain, body, and behavior, and what coping skills do I use to keep myself calm and regulated to be my best self?
We used this book as an anchor for our learning, Wilma Jean Worry Machine by Julia Cook. You may watch it here on YouTube. Here are a few visuals we used in our lessons you may find helpful at home.
Baldwin Care & Share
Thank you for your generous support of our Baldwin Care and Share for the 2024 holiday season. We have a few items that still need to be picked up by a generous family. Thank you for your support of this awesome program! bit.ly/45HzAYx
Please turn in all Care and Share items on or before December 13 so we can distribute items to families in time for the holidays.
Attention: 5th Grade Parents
Please check out our Baldwin Middle School Transition site for all the latest information regarding middle school information sessions and applying for magnet programming.
Parent Resources
Confident Kids, Confident Parents https://confidentparentsconfidentkids.org/
Resources for Regulation and much more https://robyngobbel.com/freeresources/
Today Parenting Guides https://www.today.com/parenting-guides
The Child Mind Institute https://childmind.org/article/can-help-kids-self-regulation/
Lynn Lyons, Anxiety Expert, https://www.lynnlyons.com/
Reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns that we might be able to support you with this school year!
How to reach us:
Mrs. Chapman heather.b.chapman@austinisd.org (2nd, 3rd, 4th)
Mrs. Pruet kaitlyn.pruet@austinisd.org (PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 5th)
512-841-8900, our website or the counselor referral link here
**If you have siblings who are in grades that cross between the counselors, please do not worry, we collaborate on families and it is okay to talk to one of us
Lost & Found
Please make sure you label your student’s jackets, hoodies, lunch boxes, reusable water bottles, etc. Many items are left behind at the playground, in the cafeteria and around campus. If you are missing items, please have your child check lost and found by the cafeteria. All items are donated in late December before winter break.
Jennifer Murray
Amber Reue
Jamie Eubanks
Assistant Principal
Dyslexia Interventionist
Dyslexia Interventionist
Kaitlyn Pruet
Heather Chapman