Navigating the River

December 13, 2024
Each week, you will receive our newsletter containing important dates, events, and school news. Navigating the River is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what's happening at the River and ways to get involved to help make this school year the best yet! #RMStheGOLDstandard
Currently Happening at the River!
Upcoming Events:
- December 14th - Robotics Competition (Otwell MS)
- December 16th - ELA Midterm Exams
- December 16th - Informational Meeting for 2024-2025 Oratorical Contest (Mr. Long's room during Panther Time)
- December 17th - Math Midterm Exams
- December 17th - Winter Chorus Concert (Johns Creek United Methodist Church - 6:30 PM)
- December 18th - Science and Spanish Midterm Exams
- December 19th - Social Studies Midterm Exams
- December 20th - Last Day to Pay and Return Permission Slips for 6th Grade Field Trip
- December 20th - Last Day to Claim Items from Lost & Found
- December 20th - End of Semester 1 and Early Release Day
Connect With Us On Social Media!
Get important information even faster by following us on Facebook and X!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riverwatchms
Georgia School Climate Survey
If you have not already done so, please take a minute to fill out the Georgia School Climate Survey. Your answers help provide feedback for Riverwatch MS and Forsyth County Schools. It also compiles with other data points to help determine our calculated CCRPI score! Even if you have already taken the survey for another school in Forsyth County, please take the survey for RMS as our scores and feedback are on a school-by-school basis.
A Reminder about the Midterm and Final Exams Dates and Policy!
Welcome to Riverwatch Middle School!
The halls of Riverwatch are a little more welcoming with the installation of our new Welcome message! Currently, there are 28 different languages represented to welcome our diverse community! Don't see your home language represented? Let us know so we can add it!
6th Grade Parents:
6th Grade students will be visiting the Tellus Science Museum at the end of January. Students will get to see exciting science exhibits, mine for minerals, dig for fossils, visit the planetarium, and shop in the gift shop. Payment on SCHOOLPAY and the permission slips will be due Friday, Dec. 20th.
Notes from PTSO:
RMS Parents, please take a moment to review and vote on this year's PTSO Budget.
RMS PRIDE Periodical:
2024-2025 Oratorical Contest - Information:
The 2024-2025 Oratorical is sponsored by Forsyth-Cumming Optimist Club and Northside Forsyth Hospital.
The Forsyth County Optimist Club is honored to conduct an annual oratorical contest. This program is offered to all Forsyth County students in grades 5 through 12. Students create and present a speech based on a specific topic. The 2024-2025 topic is “How Optimism Has Guided Me Through Trying Times”.
If your child is interested in learning more about this competition, they are invited to attend an informational meeting on Monday, Dec. 16th. This meeting will be held in Mr. Long’s classroom during Panther Time. Students need to sign up in the Student Support app to attend. If your child is unable to attend, they can message Mr. Long or Mrs. Kennedy to find out about the contest.
#RMStheGOLDstandard Spotlight:
Congratulations to the students below who participating in the DECA Region Conference. RMS was proud to be the only middle school competing against high schools!
Asha A
Sindhura B
Samaira B
Adya D
Sadie K
Aayush K
Sanika K
Ellie K
Audrey K
Ishita K
Sridattha K
Ashaz M
Shreeya S
Nihira V
Safia K
The following students placed in their event and will move on to the next round of competition at State in January:
Theme Speech: Safia A (1st Place)
Principles of Entrepreneurship: Aayush K (2nd Place)
Personal Financial Literacy: Sanika K (3rd Place)
Principles of Hospitality & Tourism: Samaira B and Asha A (Top 7)
Principles of Marketing: Adya D (Top 7)
Principles of Business Mgmt & Admin: Sridattha K (Top 7)
We are so proud of ALL of them for taking a risk and competing in a VERY competitive Forsyth County HS region!
December Teacher and Staff Member of the Month - Nominations Open Now!
Don’t forget to get your nominations in or just show gratitude to a teacher or staff member for December TOTM/SMOTM. Click HERE to nominate!
#RMStheGOLDstandard Spotlight:
Thank you to everyone for helping support the Generosity campaign by donating to the gift drive and encouraging our students to participate. With your help, we were able to donate over $500 worth of gift cards and 4 large boxes of gifts! Our donations will help bring holiday joy to over 2000 Forsyth County students this year!
#RMStheGOLDstandard Spotlight:
Asher M.
Kaden K.
Luna H.
Isha M.
Mahi T.
Kavya J.
Alisha J.
Monica Y.
Winter Chorus Concert - December 17th
You are cordially invited to join us as we "sing" (ring) in the season with our Winter Chorus Concert Tuesday, December 17th. The concert will be held at Johns Creek United Methodist Church. Doors will open to the public at 6:30PM and the concert will begin promptly at 6:45. This is a free event. We hope you can join us!
*In Case You Missed It*
2025 Technology Competition - Registration Open Now!
The 2025 Technology Competition will be held on January 11, 2025 at Midway Elementary School.
All students in grades 3-12 who are schooled within Forsyth County, Dawson County, Lumpkin County, and Union County may participate in the 2025 Forsyth Regional Technology Competition.
For more information, please visit https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/Page/50113
Registration is open until December 20th. Register for the 2025 Lanier Regional Technology Competition!
We're seeking judges for the Technology Competition on January 11, 2025, at Midway ES.
In return for your help, we'll provide breakfast, lunch, and a t-shirt. If you're interested in assisting, please sign up using the link below:
Things end but memories last forever...with your yearbook. Purchase your yearbook now!
· Go to www.YearbookOrderCenter.com
· Enter Order number 1287 or Search for Riverwatch Middle School.
· Click on the icon labeled Yearbook & Ads
· Follow the instructions on the website.
If you have any questions, about your yearbook order, please call Herff Jones at 1-800-837-4235
From the Panther Pit Stop:
Important Information:
School Safety - P3 Campus Reporting
P3 Campus - See Something, Say Something
The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office and Forsyth County Schools work together to provide P3 Campus Reporting, which provides an avenue for all members of the community to submit anonymous tips about non-urgent illegal activities such as unsolved cases, vandalism, theft, the sale and distribution of drugs, possession of weapons or information about crimes that are being planned on their schools' campus.
Students are encouraged to report information about dangerous or harmful situations to the principal, an assistant principal, a teacher, or another trusted adult. Anonymous TIPS can also be reported to the Forsyth County Schools P3 Campus Anonymous Reporting in one of three ways.
1. Download the App on App Store or Google Play
2. ANONYMOUS Web tip at https://www.p3campus.com
3. Call the ANONYMOUS tip line at 770-888-3466 ext. 1 or 3.
Anonymous reports can also be made by calling the State of Georgia School Safety Hotline Number, 1-877-SAY-STOP (1-877-729-7867).
*Callers will not be asked to reveal their identity.
Attendance Impacts and Information:
For more information on the Riverwatch attendance policy, please click here!
Lambert Connected - Unplugged Nights:
A Big THANK YOU to Our Partners in Education!
No business? No problem! Partners in Education covers businesses, families, and individuals. Our Partners in Education help the school by donating necessary materials, whether through a monetary donation or the items themselves! If you or someone you know would like to help us be #RMStheGOLDstandard, consider partnering with us!