St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 10.1.25
This week...
Happy New Year!
We hope you all enjoyed a lovely Christmas period.
It's been wonderful to welcome our children back into school this week. After a difficult start with severe weather and our unfortunate need to close school on Monday, we were delighted to see our smiling children again on Tuesday!
It's been a super week, and we've been impressed with the great, hard-working and kind attitudes with which our children have started 2025!
Thank you, as always, for supporting us to
Live, love and learn with the Lord.
Mrs Ronicle
Feel free to follow our social media accounts. Our Twitter has the most photos/videos, but we also have a more limited Facebook account too, designed for those who don't use Twitter!
Our virtue this week is: Friendship
Please make sure you let us know when your child demonstrates any of our virtues at home - it's lovely to celebrate these in school too!
We listened to you...
As part of our (very positive!) family survey last year, a few families mentioned that they would like to have a clearer idea of what their children are learning in school. If your children are anything like my own two, they'll probably come out of school each day and tell you they've done, 'nothing'!
As usual, we have long term plans and lots of curriculum information on our website:
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School & Nursery - Learning
We have also now started sending curriculum maps to families each term (you should have received your last one in September). The children will be coming home with paper copies of these today, and they will be emailed to you too.
Carols around the Christmas Tree!
It seems a long time ago now, but thank you so much for coming along to celebrate the start of the Christmas period with us, as we enjoyed carols around our Christmas Tree!
We can't believe how packed our hall was!
I'm sure you'll all agree that it was a wonderful experience and a really special way to usher in the Christmas holidays as a community.
Book Bingo!
This week, we celebrated our Book Bingo winners in our weekly celebration assembly. Wow - we were blown away by some of the super, dedicated, and creative ways in which you completed your challenges over the Christmas holidays! Well done to our winners, who were awarded special prizes by Miss Savelli this morning.
We are in the process of building our new website, and we'd really love to get some quotes from our families about why you choose St Joseph's for your children, and what makes our school such a special place!
Please email any quotes (they don't need to be lengthy at all!) to our school office:
Back to School - family support
Please see below for useful tips on easing our children back into the school routine, as the new year begins:
Attendance Update
Whole School Attendance this week: 96%
This week, our attendance is above National Average, which we're delighted about - we know the huge benefit that good attendance has on children's wellbeing and attainment!
This week, we have been learning...
St Francis Class (Nursery / Reception)
We have welcomed some new friends this week and all had a lot of fun settling back into our learning together. We enjoyed playing outside in the wintery weather and even brought some ice and snow back inside to paint with too! We explored how colours can be mixed to create different shades and what effects we could make with the paint and the ice!
St Bernadette Class (Year 1/2)
In Maths this week, St Bernadette's have been exploring 3D shapes by creating their own, groups! We have loved investigating the amount of rods we've needed to create each different shape!
St Patrick Class (Year 3/4)
In Science, we started our plants topic by trying to grow some! We are going to test which factors help plants grow out of water, sunlight and temperature. We are going to compare our plants each week!
St Therese Class (Year 5/6)
We have been investigating materials in science and have made predictions on whether objects are transparent, magnetic or hard/soft. We have planned our own fair tests and will carry out our investigations next week using chosen equipment such as torches and magnets.
Award Winners!
As announced during our weekly Celebration Assembly this morning:
Stars of the Week
St Francis (Nursery and Reception): William
St Bernadette (Year 1 and 2): Rae
St Patrick (Year 3 and 4): Caitlyn
St Therese (Year 5 and 6): Imogen
Headteacher's Award (for just being an all-round superstar!): Eddie
Teampoint Winners
St John and St Luke!
Book Bingo Winners
Abigail, Edith, Oscar, Charlotte T, Beatrice, Maddie, Favour, Caitlyn, Olive
Upcoming Dates
EYFS Oral Health Workshop: Monday 20th January
KS2 Athletics Tournament (Reed School): Friday 24th January
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 29th January
YoYo Whole School Assembly and Worshops: Monday 3rd February
EYFS and KS1 Trip to Askham Bryan Wildlife Park: Tuesday 4th February
Year 5 / 6 Football Tournament (Sherburn High School): Friday 7th February
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 12th February
School closes for half term holiday: Friday 14th February
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 5th March
World Book Day: Thursday 6th March
KS2 Forest School: Wednesday 2nd April
KS1 Tri-Gold Festival (Barlow School): Friday 4th April
Friends of St Joseph's
Please remember that FoStJ have a stock of pre-loved uniform.
If you have any uniform that has been out-grown but still has life left in it, please donate to us so we can pass it on.
If you need any uniform please let us know us know by e-mailing us (e-mail address below) or speaking to the office or Mrs Ronicle.
As ever, any help and support is appreciated so please do get in touch with us!
Our email address is:
Please find and follow us on Facebook
Shout Outs!
How to get in touch
If you have a query or concern, please feel free to speak to me (Mrs Ronicle) at the gates in the morning; your child's class teacher at the end of the day; or our school admin team at the front entrance or via phone/email.
If this is not possible, feel free to phone or email the office who can forward any messages to staff.
Location: Station Road, Tadcaster, UK
Phone: 01937 832344
Twitter: @StJosephsTad
We are a proud member school of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust: