The Who's News
Willett PTA Newsletter: Week of January 6, 2025
Important Upcoming Dates
1/10 (Fri) Coffee with the Principal, 8:30am
1/15 (Wed) Davis Creamery Treat Night to Benefit Willett 5th and 6th Graders
1/16 (Thu) Spelling Bee
1/20 (Mon) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day - NO SCHOOL
1/21 (Tue) Willett Band Winter Concert, Brunelle Hall, 6 pm
1/22 (Wed) January PTA General Meeting, Willett Staff Lounge, 7 pm
1/29 (Wed) Davis Parent University, Virtual, 7pm (info below)
1/31 (Fri) Last Day to purchase valentines treats to support 6th graders
1/27-31 (all week) Sly Park Week for Willett 6th Graders
2/8 (Sat) Lunar New Year Celebration at Willett, 1-4 pm
Subscribe to the Willett PTA Calendar HERE.
What's Happening at Willett?
Coffee with the Principal THIS FRIDAY at 8:30 a.m.
Join us THIS FRIDAY, January 10th, at 8:30 a.m. for coffee with the principal. We will meet in the Willett Multipurpose Room and coffee will be provided. See you there!
Davis Creamery Treat Night: Wednesday, January 15th
•Details: Wednesday January 15th
•From 2-8pm
•To Benefit Willett 5th and 6th Graders
•Ice cream sales only
•Present flyer at time of purchase
Willett PTA Meeting: WEDNESDAY January 22, 7pm, In-person and Virtual
Please plan to join us for our monthly PTA General Association Meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 7 pm at Willett in the Staff Lounge. We will be meeting in-person with a virtual option. If you are not yet a member of the PTA, join today and help support our school!
Our PTA provides funding for: Chorus, Library, Art/Cartooning in the Classroom, Garden, Davis Parent University, Paraeducator salary contribution, playground equipment, fun community-building events & more. Please consider donating and/or joining today!
Mark your calendars for the Willett Lunar New Year Celebration (LNYC) on Saturday, February 8th, from 1 to 4 pm in the Willett Multipurpose Room. Join us for crafts, displays, games, and foods from countries who celebrate LNYC, such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korean, Singapore, Malaysia etc. We will be looking for volunteers to lead each section and decide on content (watch for a SignUpGenius link from PTA soon).
6th Grade Sly Park Reminders
Sly Park is the opportunity for our 6th graders to experience Outdoor Education Science Camp here in Northern California. The following are important upcoming links and dates:
•Here are slides from the Sly Park Information Night presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/177vE1j4XEBj4TuZzeZrIjFvyBn3LedRvzo-tDwJlFN0/edit?usp=sharing
•Here is the website for Sly Park: https://slyparkcenter.org/
•The code for online registration is REW.
•All students can attend regardless of whether their families provide any money, but financial contributions are requested if you are able.
•Monday, January 13th - Last Day to submit Sly Park Medication Forms
•January 27th-31st - Willett 6th Graders at Sly Park
Order your 2024-25 Willett Yearbook and be a Volunteer Photographer!
Interested in being a yearbook photographer!? We need your photos! Please submit any photos taken of Willett-related activities to yearbook@willettpta.org.
The Willett PTA will be purchasing yearbooks for all 6th graders this year. All other students can purchase yearbooks by clicking the link.
Know anyone getting a new bike this holiday season? Considering what to do with an old bike still in good riding condition? Save it to donate on behalf of our school at the 12th Annual Chavez Bike Swap in April 2025. Willett will receive 75% of the sales proceeds. This is a fundraiser for ALL participating Davis Schools - and tax deductible too! Questions? Email davisbikeswap@gmail.com or visit the CCE Bike Swap website.
Other Helpful Info
SAVE THE DATE: January 29, 7 PM, Virtual Event - Davis Parent University Presents NYT Bestselling Author Jessica Lahey
SAVE THE DATE: January 29, 7 PM, Virtual Event - Davis Parent University Presents NYT Bestselling Author Jessica Lahey. As a parent or educator, are you looking for evidence-based guidance for raising autonomous, competent, fulfilled young people, and are you curious about how these traits help prevent substance use? Then please join Davis Parent University (DPU) virtually on January 29, 2025 from 7-8:30 PM when DPU hosts Jessica Lahey, New York Times bestselling author of The Gift of Failure and The Addiction Inoculation. Sharing material from both of her books, Jessica will discuss how stepping back and embracing kids’ failures helps them become self-reliant, confident, successful adults who are at a much lower risk for substance use. FREE registration and more details available.
Easy Ways to Support Willett!
Nugget Scrip Cards: Cards available in the front office or at Nugget. After you get a card, register HERE and then show your card when you shop at the Nugget! Willett PTA will get a small percentage back each time you shop!
Farm Fresh to You Produce Boxes: Farm Fresh to You will give 10% back to Willett PTA if you enter the promo code WILLETTOWLS during checkout, or add it to your Account Summary if you (or someone you know) already receives a box. Sign up and browse options here.