Family Bi-Weekly Update

Family Bi-Weekly Newsletter
April 19, 2024
Open in browser to see ALL the opportunities available to families!
Social, Recreational & Learning Opportunities
American Youth Soccer Organization - Very Important Player Program
*Please note - Some leagues may have started but are still accepting registrations.
Family Resource Center on Disabilities Webinars
presents The Illinois Respite Coalition: Emergency Respite
The Future Begins Today Fair
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Harper College
1200 West Algonquin Road,
Palatine, IL 60067
Attendees should park in Lot 14 using the Roselle Road campus entrance.
Volunteers will help guide guests to the fair following the keynote speaker panel.
The Future Begins Today event is an informational evening for parents and guardians of individuals with a wide-range of developmental disabilities and mental health needs. 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM Keynote Speaker (Wojcik Conference Center, Building W)
Navigating Tomorrow: Utilizing PUNS for Future Planning
Presented by:
Ruth Aguilar - Senior Ligas Family Advocate- The Arc of Illinois
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Transition Resource Fair (Building A, 2nd Floor Entrance)
Information is being shared by over 40 adult service providers and community resource agencies.
Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU)
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Financial Planning
Entitlement Programs (SSI/Medicaid)
Guardianship Planning
Job Skills Training
Post-Secondary Education Options
Independent Living
Home-Based Services
Residential Options
Recreation and Leisure Programs
Important Funding Changes
Being Purposeful About Technology
This program is free and takes place online. Tues., May 7 at 12:15pm.
Sarah Pila-Leiderman, Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and JCC Chicago Early Childhood parent, will share information about the effects of media and technology on child development (the positives AND negatives) along with some real-world best practices guided by research in this area.
Transitioning Health Insurance Benefits to Adulthood, May 14 at 6 p.m.
- This training will help you understand how to transition health insurance benefits to adulthood. It will go over different insurance types, including Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance. This presentation will help you know what to start thinking about for health insurance benefits as you or your child nears adulthood.
- See the Transitioning Health Insurance Benefits to Adulthood flyer for more details.
- Register on Zoom for Transitioning Health Insurance Benefits to Adulthood
Chicago Hearing Society Events
Sensory Sensitive Sundays at Chuck E. Cheese
Participating Locations
Please make sure to call ahead to ensure the location is hosting at this time.
AMC Dine In at Northbrook Court
Our Sensory Friendly Film program is available on the second and fourth Saturday (family-friendly) and Wednesday evenings (mature audiences) of every month.
AMC is proud to partner with the Autism Society to offer unique movie showings where we turn the lights up, and turn the sound down, so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing!
Please check your local theatre listings for specific showtimes, and don't forget to share your family fun with #AMCSensoryFriendly.
We Rock the Spectrum Kids Gym and Activity Center
Protected Tomorrows’ 2024 Parent University
Family/Sibling communications. What they should know. What do they think they know and don’t know? If utilizing Corporate Guardians and Trustees, when to start to bring them into your process? How to find peace of mind about the future.
Mary Anne Ehlert will host this online Zoom class on:
May 9th, 2024
12:00pm – 1:00 pm CDT
Oak Wealth and New Trier High School Special Needs Planning Presentations
A series of 3 presentation will be held at:
New Trier High School
385 Winnetka Ave.
Winnetka, IL
Room E231/233 from 6:00-7:00 PM
Enter through N19
Planning for Adulthood and Continuity of Care
Presentation 3: Wednesday April 24th
Please join us for an informational hour with Founder and President of Oak Wealth Advisors, Mike Walther. This presentation will focus on planning and decision-making for individuals entering adulthood. Parents and guardians will learn about Guardianship, Powers of Attorney, Supported Decision Making. Housing, employment, transportation, other planning challenges will also be discussed. We’ll review the essential need for a care guide or letter of intent that will document your loved one’s wishes, routines, health care needs, strengths, and challenges so that future care givers can be effective at retaining their quality of life. Handouts and a takeaway checklist will be provided to help you with the next steps. This presentation is beneficial for families with a loved one who is in high school or has recently entered adulthood.
Adaptive Climbing Group Chicago
Interested in climbing? Join Adaptive Climbing Group Chicago for their monthly youth sessions held once a month on Saturdays. These youth clinics are geared toward climbers ages 5 - 18. Be sure to save the dates of February 17th, March 16th, and April 20th, and sign up at the beginning of each month to climb. All disabilities are welcome.
Sessions are $10 and include equipment and volunteer support. For more information, contact: chicago@adaptiveclimbinggroup.org
Play for All
Who: Children and families with disabilities, and CCM members.
The first 250 children and families with disabilities who register will receive FREE admission! Pre-registration is required for free admission.
Where: Chicago Children’s Museum
June 1, 2024
August 3, 2024
The museum opens at 10 am exclusively for Play for All guests, before opening to the public at 11 am.
Kohl Children's Museum - Everyone at Play
Everyone at Play
Sunday, May 19, 2024, 02:00 PM
2100 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, IL, USA
Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association
Special Events!
NSSRA is gearing up for unforgettable Special Events
- FREE! Family Movie Night: April 21, 2024 - Learn More
- Earth Day Expedition: April 28, 2024 - Learn More
- Spring Formal: May 3, 2024 - Learn More
- Cinco de Mayo Fiesta: May 5, 2024 - Learn More
- Ventures in Volo: May 12, 2024 - Learn More
- Cruise & Cuisine: May 19, 2024 - Learn More
- Bags & Burgers: June 1, 2024 - Learn More
Ehlert Financial Group Proudly Presents Our "LEARNING TO SAVE" Series
Mark your calendars for a new series geared towards teens and young adults (ages 16-35). Please feel free forward this email to your children or grandchildren, ages 16-35, that may be interested in participating. This 3 part series will include the following classes:
- Class #3 Powers of Attorney - to be held on 05/14/2024 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm.
Full class description provided here.
Registration is required. Click here to register for the first class. Each webinar will be recorded and sent to the registrants.
Curt's Cafe...the place to be!
Looking for a warm and cozy place to hang out on a Monday morning, either by yourself or with friends? Come by to enjoy a hot cup of coffee and fresh scone while you support TrueNorth Transition students demonstrate their amazing job readiness skills at this job training site. We're open for business every Monday that school is in session, from 9-11 am. Curt's Cafe is located at 1766 2nd Street in Highland Park.
The Insect Asylum
Click below for Sensory Friendly Events
Abilities Expo
June 21-23, 2024
The Chicago Abilities Expo brings you life-changing opportunities. It could be the products and tech. It could be the chance to play quad rugby or meet a mini horse. It could be the workshops or connections you make with others in the disability community. It's free so join us and register today.
Research Opportunities
Do you have experience with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?
What is our purpose?
We are interested in learning from students with disabilities
and/or families of students with disabilities about their
experiences with Section 504 in schools.
Who can participate?
You must either be: a student (aged 12 or older) who
applied for or currently receives Section 504 supports
from your school OR the family caregiver of a student
who applied for or currently receives Section 504
supports from school.
What will you do?
You will complete a short demographic survey. Then, you will
participate in a zoom interview for 1-1.5 hours. After the
interview, you will be asked to check your interview
summary for accuracy.
How can you enroll?
Complete the consent form here:
https://redcap.link/kfrm7u39 or contact Meghan Burke (meghan.burke@vanderbilt.edu; 615-585-1420)
IATF Seeking Parents/Guardians’ Feedback
on Understanding of the High School (Secondary) Transition Process
The Illinois Autism Task Force (IATF) Transition sub-committee is seeking parents/guardians’ feedback on their understanding of the high school (Secondary) transition process. The survey is designed for parents/guardians of children with autism (all ages-young adults) who have an IEP.
The Autism Transition Subcommittee is conducting this survey to assess parent/family knowledge when it comes to understanding services available for the autism population leading up to and during their high school transition years. By gaining understanding of this, the IATF as well as autism-based service entities and schools can target their messaging and parent education to better guide parents, students, and families with the goal of improving student success after high school.
The survey will be available beginning September 1, 2023, ending April 30, 2024:
If you are a parent/guardian of a child with Autism, please follow the above link and complete the survey. The survey should take 15 minutes and your responses are completely anonymous. We genuinely appreciate your participation and hope our results will help us in our work to prepare families and improve services in Illinois as students transition from school to adulthood.
Admitted to the Hospital? Call on Aaron's Coffee Corner for a Free Cup of Coffee
APS board member, Carolyn Koppel is founder of this important non profit organization that provides 24/7 access to free, fresh, quality coffee to the family, friends and caregivers of critically ill children admitted to the pediatric and neonatal intensive care units at Lurie Children’s Hospital. For more information Click Here!
Camp Directory
Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Pre-K
Mental Health Resources
Rush Inclusive Resource Directory
Although the Autism Resource Directory is targeted to families with a family member with Autism many of the resources listed are for individuals with varying disabilities.
For example, dentists or doctors available to families.
Start Your Recovery - Illinois Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers & Support Services
Keeping Families Covered
Several times each month, our mobile pantry visits 6 locations to distribute free diapers (babies, toddlers and adults) and period supplies to families who are struggling to afford them. ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED 24 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR FIRST VISIT TO A DISTRIBUTION DAY and must be completed using the form below.
Identification for the parent/guardian and child(ren) is required.
Diapers are provided for children up to age 3. Pull-ups are provided for children up to age 4.
Incontinence products are provided for seniors and disabled adults (65 years old and up). Individuals from 4 - 64 years old can receive products with a doctor's note/diagnosis.
WAUKEGAN (10am - 12pm)
Lake County Health Department
2400 Belvidere Rd. Waukegan, IL 60085
January 17, February 21, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 19, July 24, August 21, September 18, October 16, November 20, December 18
HIGHWOOD (3:30pm - 5:00pm)
Fort Sheridan Metra Station
461 W. Old Elm, Highwood, IL 60040
April 5 & 19, May 3 & 17 ADDITIONAL DATES TO BE ADDED
Winnetka Voices
Winnetka Voices is a podcast hosted by The Winnetka Public Schools, featuring candid conversations on issues relevant to education and shared resources to support our students and families.
Ongoing Support Groups
SPOKEN: Supporting Parents of Kids with Extra Needs
Haven Youth and Family Services is offering a virtual group for parents of school-age kids beginning January 9th.
Email: ali@havenforyouth.org
Click the Flier to find other parent support events in the North Shore!
Children In Therapy and You - Dad's Hang Out
This month's hang-out will be at 7:00pm at Spears in Wheeling.
Email: hello@cityofsupport.org with any questions or to sign up for email alerts. No RSVP required.
New! CATCH Conversations
Are your child's mental health struggles impacting you and your family? Are you wondering how to start finding help?
We recommend seeking support for yourself first with a CATCH Conversation.
Sign up and a CATCH volunteer will reach out to schedule a time to talk, meet for a cup of coffee, or go for a walk to give you a chance to share what's going on and learn how CATCH can support you.
Join us for information, resources, tips and strategies on a variety of topics to empower you in your parenting or caregiving journey with your child with autism. Come to connect and interact with others navigating a similar journey! Parents of newly diagnosed children are strongly encouraged to attend.
Sound Experience: a social experience for families of children with hearing loss
Lurie Children's Sound Experience is a social experience for families of children with hearing loss. We offer Sound Experience four Saturday afternoons throughout the school year at our Outpatient Center in Westchester.
The program aims to provide:
- A network of parents of children with hearing loss who are going through or have gone through similar situations and to share experiences and information
- Information for families about hearing loss and how it affects our children
- An opportunity for children with hearing loss to meet other children with hearing loss
What to Expect at Sound Experience
- Parents informally share information and stories before the formal breakout sessions
- Children and siblings of all ages are entertained with a dedicated staff of volunteers
- Parents meet in an adjoining room to discuss the meeting’s topic
How to Get Involved
To learn more about Sound Experience, ask your audiologist or contact Cara Donahue at 312.227.3061 or cdonahue@luriechildrens.org.
ParentConnect: a family support group offered in partnership with The Chicago Lighthouse’s Virtual Parent Support Group
APH FamilyConnect and The Chicago Lighthouse are pleased to offer this virtual support group for parents and families of children who are blind or visually impaired. These monthly sessions are for families to connect with and learn from each other about the joys, challenges, and adventures of raising children with visual impairments and blindness. These sessions are open to families. You only need to register once for this ongoing series. The No ACVREP or professional development credits will not be available.
About the Association of Parents and Staff
The Association of Parents and Staff (APS) is an organization of parents who have children in any of TrueNorth's 18 member school districts, and the staff who serve them. Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of our children with disabilities through advocacy, partnership and support. Together with our staff partners, we hope to heighten awareness and understanding of learning differences, provide ongoing training and education, and offer support and connections to all.
Whether children are enrolled in a TrueNorth instructional classroom or receive services through their local school district, all parents of children with learning differences are welcome.
If you would like to connect with your district representative or have questions for our Parent Engagement Facilitator, Nicole Magesis, please email us at apsnewsletter@truenorth804.org
TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804 neither endorses nor sponsors any external organization or activity represented in this material. The distribution or display of this material is provided as a community service.
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