BMHS Weekly Update #21
January 26th, 2024
In This Smore:
- Last Week To Purchase Your Yearbook!
- NJHS Selection Criteria
- Reminders
Last Week To Purchase Your Yearbook!
Please don't miss your chance to purchase the 2025 yearbook! So much has happened this year and we're doing our best to include all the celebrations and milestones. Grades 6-12, you're included! Go to Jostens.com to make your purchase by JANUARY 31, 2025. Don't miss out! If you have questions, please email julie.gayle@fwisd.org. Thank you for supporting our Bobcats!
If you are a student in grades 6-8 and are interested in becoming a member of the BMHS Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society, please review this linked selection criteria to learn more about eligibility requirements and the criteria used by the faculty council in selecting members. Letters will be delivered to eligible candidates the week of March 10th. Questions can be directed to lisa.heick@fwisd.org
Middle School Academic UIL Practice Begins
Middle School UIL practice begins Friday January 24. Practices will be from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. every Friday in Mr. Peterson’s room (216 in building A). Events include:
• Art - Grades 4-8
• Calculator Applications - Grades 6-8
• Chess Puzzle - Grades 2-8
• Dictionary Skills - Grades 5-8
• Editorial Writing - Grades 6-8
• Impromptu Speaking - Grades 6-8
• Listening - Grades 5-8
• Maps, Graphs & Charts - Grades 5-8
• Mathematics - Grades 6-8
• Modern Oratory - Grades 6-8;
• Music Memory - Grades 2-8
• Number Sense - Grades 4-8
• Oral Reading - Grades 4-9
• Ready Writing - Grades 3-8
• Science - Grades 6-8
• Social Studies - Grades 5-8
• Spelling - Grades 3-8
Mr. Peterson coaches all events. This year’s meet is March 1 at Benbrook Middle High School.
High School Academic UIL Teams
Our high school academic UIL team is still accepting participants. Please see the appropriate teacher for more information based on the event you are interested in:
- Tiffany Giddens: Current Issues, Social Studies
- Jamie Krempa: Debate
- Yenifer Morales: Prose & Poetry
- Ryan Peterson: Math, Calculator, Number Sense, and all Journalism events.
- Jared Spoon: Spelling, Accounting, Computer Science
- Samuel De Valdenebro: Science
- Wade Veillon: Ready Writing, Literary Criticism
VOE's (Verification of Enrollment)
Reminder: 24 hours notice is required for all VOE's. Also VOE's are only good for 30 days from the issuance date and then they expire.
Benbrook France Trip 2026
Hey Benbrook families! We’re going on a student tour to France in summer 2026! Make sure to RSVP for the info meeting to learn more here https://bit.ly/3z4Flpi
Middle School Free Dress Friday for Medal Holders
Middle school students who received a medal this week for either A or A/B honor roll from the first six weeks are able to participate in Friday free dress day. These students, with the stipulation that they must wear their medals on Fridays, are able to be out of the normal middle school dress code.
Pay attention to these specific caveats:
No short shorts
No pajama bottoms
No crop tops
Students must wear their medals to participate in Friday free dress day.
Athletic & Fine Arts Schedules
Bobcat Nation is already in full swing and would love for you to be in attendance at all of our events!
As schedules are set, they will be added to these folders.
Thank you for your support!
Middle School Students at Sporting Events
Middle school students will not be allowed to attend sporting events on campus without a parent or guardian present as a chaperone. Thank you for helping us with this.
Dress Code
Parents and students,
If a student is out of dress code, they will be given the opportunity to change their attire to be compliant and return back to class. If a student is unable to change their attire, their parent will be called to bring up an appropriate item to get them compliant and return back to class. With this enforcement, we want to limit the loss of instructional time. Your help and cooperation with this expectation is greatly appreciated.
Dress code violations include the following, per FWISD Policy:
Clothing considered too revealing (bare midriffs, tube tops, tank tops, cut-off shirts, low-cut tops, crop tops, see-through shirts, fishnet clothing, bandos)
Clothing with lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene pictures, emblems or language
Clothing with advertising that depicts tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs or any substance prohibited under Board Policy FNCF (LEGAL)
Shorts, skirts, and skorts must be at least finger-tip length
Food Deliveries
We are still having issues with food deliveries. In order to ensure your student's continued safety, we are disallowing food deliveries by Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. However, anyone who is on your students emergency card can make food deliveries. These deliveries can be made at the main office of the respective building.
Please know that we will be turning away anyone who is not on students emergency card, which includes third party food deliveries. Please make sure your student is aware of these changes so that they can adjust accordingly. Again, this is all about ensuring the commitment we have to our students' safety.
Parents, pick up and drop off for Building B is directly in front of Westpark Dr. Parents should enter the drive nearest 2871, which will take you to the loading zone and then back around to the exit.
Pick up and drop off for Building A is directly off of Overcrest Dr., leading to our main office. We ask that you do not drive between buildings for pick up as this is our bus lane. Additionally, we ask that you do not pick up or drop off your student in the lower area closest to the football field, as this is an area with higher foot traffic.