Back to School Newsletter - 2021
Edgemont Jr High
Welcome to Edgemont!
In mid-August, we sent summer informational packets to all families who we anticipated would return or transition to Edgemont for the 2021-22 school year. If you did not receive this packet, please see the attachment at the end of this newsletter.
Student Connection Day - September 1st
First Day of School - September 2nd
What Do Students Need for the 1st Day?
Student Schedules
Bus Routes - Infofinder
Please be sure to enter your home address (don't use any periods or commas), zip code, and the school or grade, and then click the Search button.
In the Address Match tab next to the map, click your street address in the list.
On the tab on the left, three boxes appear showing the name of the school, the morning bus stop information (including the bus stop location, time, and bus number), and the afternoon bus stop information (including the time the bus arrives at that bus stop) are shown. The map also shows the location of your home and the closest bus stop. If you click the bus stop icon, the location and time of the bus stop appear.
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
Meal Service
Please note that due to this change, our kitchen will not be accepting any money.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Important Dates to Remember
Here are some important dates to be aware of as we approach the start of the school year:
- Monday/Tuesday, August 30 and 31 - Athletic clearance from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
- Wednesday, September 1 - Student Connection Day - 7:20 am - 11:20 pm (more information above)
- Thursday, September 2 - First day of school!
- Monday, September 6 - Labor Day - no school
- Tuesday, September 7 - Fall sports season begins
- Thursday, September 9 - School pictures
- Thursday, September 9 - Back To School Night - 6:30 - 7:30 pm
EJH Athletic Clearance
Things to Know About Puyallup School District Athletics for 2021-2022
Things to Know About Puyallup School District Athletics for 2021-2022
Concussion Baseline Testing
Edgemont Jr High Contact Info
Location: Edgemont Junior High School, 110th Avenue East, Edgewood, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 841-8727