Cougar Connection
January 10, 2025
TK had their first Art Docent lesson today!
Upcoming Dates
1/7-2/7 District Climate Survey window
1/13-2/14 iReady Assessment Window - Diagnostic #2
1/14 SJUSD Board Meeting
1/15 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
1/15 PTA Board Meeting 7:00pm
1/16 Cougar Cruise Thursday!
1/20 MLK, Jr. Day - No School
1/21-1/24 6th grade to Sly Park
1/22 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
1/22 Hearing Screening grades 1, 2, 5
1/22 Jimboy’s Tacos Restaurant Night Fundraiser
1/23 Cougar Cruise Thursday!
1/23 Progress Reports Viewable in Parent Portal
1/23 Superintendent’s Parent advisory Committee 3:00-5:00pm
1/28 SJUSD Board Meeting
1/29 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
1/29 Skate Night 5:00-7:00pm
1/30 Cougar Cruise Thursday!
1/30 100th Day of School
2/3 Kindness Week Kick-off Assembly
2/3-2/7 Kindness Week
2/4 Spring Picture Day
2/4 Nick the Greek Restaurant Night Fundraiser
2/5 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
2/5 Twin Lakes Night at the Kings Game
2/6 Cougar Cruise Thursday!
2/6 School Site Council 7:30am
2/11 Donuts & Discussion with Mrs. Rowan 9:00am
2/11 SJUSD Board Meeting
2/12 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
2/13 Cougar Cruise Thursday!
2/17-2/21 President’s Week Break - No School
School Climate Survey
Twin Lakes Elementary and San Juan Unified would like to invite you to take the annual district climate survey. Your feedback is vital and informs school and district leaders of the changes needed in their communities. The deadline for the survey is Feb. 7.
Paper surveys were sent home this week with all Twin Lakes students, and are also available online at: sanjuan.edu/parentsurvey
We greatly value your feedback and thank you in advance for your participation.
Volunteers Needed for Kindness Week
We need volunteers to support our lunchtime activities during Kindness Week, February 3rd-7th. If you are able and willing to support during our lunch periods from 11:20-1:35 on any or all of these days, we would be so appreciative!
Please sign up for you preferred day/time on the survey linked below.
Skate Night is coming!!!
Please join us for another fun Family Skate Night at Sunrise Rollerland! January 29th from 5pm - 7pm.
We have a NEW feature to purchase your tickets ON-LINE! Click the button below to order your tickets today!
Additionally, we are having our PTA Association Meeting at 6PM. Agenda and more information will come to you before the meeting. We will need your VOTES to approve needed items for our school.
See you at Sunrise Rollerland!
Art Docent Donations Needed
25-26 PTA Board Members Needed!
For the 25-26 school year, we will need some NEW volunteers to serve as PTA Board Members.
The PTA promotes, plans, and presents events to raise funds for our students, teachers and staff at Twin Lakes Elementary. Without the PTA Board and volunteers, events and funding will not move forward into the next school year.
Current Board Members serving in each position are excited to guide any PTA member interested in becoming a Board Member. They will also offer training for members in new Board positions for the 2025/2026 school year.
New Board positions will be voted on in April, and new Board Member roles will go into effect in July with the review of the current budget, the establishment of the 25-26 working budget, and the calendaring of events for the 2025/2026 school year.
Joining the Board and volunteering with the PTA is incredibly rewarding to you and your student(s)! With your participation on the board you achieve marketable skills, great leadership training, community respect, increased self confidence, computer skills, public speaking training and most importantly, support and friendships from a great group of people.
PTA Board Positions:
( 2 ) Vice-Presidents
Financial Secretary
PTA Coordinator Positions:
Membership Coordinator
Room Parent Coordinator
Donation Coordinator
Social Media Coordinator
Hospitality Coordinator
Website Coordinator
( 2 ) Yearbook Coordinators
If you would like more information on any of the positions above please reach out to current PTA President, Michelle Quartarolo at the link below! She will send you the detailed job description, expectations and time involved to support the position, and share your name with the Nomination Committee.
Best of Orangevale
Thank you to the member(s) of our Twin Lakes community that nominated Twin Lakes, and our very own Tricia Lakey (1st grade teacher), for recognition in the "Best School" and "Best Teacher" categories of the Best of Orangevale People's Choice Awards. Win or lose, we so appreciate that our community values the work we do and the effort we make to ensure that good things happen for our students and for our Twin Lakes community.
If you'd llike to add your vote to these (and many other categories) please click the button below.