CSD Weekly Update
October 4th, 2024

Culture, Climate & Career Ready Skills Survey
Dear Centennial School District Families,
As mentioned on e-alert on October 2, we announced that our Culture, Climate, & Career Ready Survey will open on October 9 and run through October 18.
The survey allows us to learn more about your experiences within the Centennial School District. This is a reminder that we will be asking staff, students, and families to complete this brief online survey. The family survey link will be sent via e-alert on October 9th.
If you have a child in grades 3-12, we will also be asking for their feedback. This survey will help us to learn more about student experiences at school and about their career ready skill development. The survey shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes to complete. If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether. The responses to these surveys will be completely confidential.
As a reminder, please notify us if you would like to opt your child out of taking the survey by completing this brief form by Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
The survey data will help us identify effective school and district practices as well as opportunities for improvement and will inform action steps for this school year. A second survey window in the spring will help us gauge growth. Key survey findings will be shared with the community as part of a Board of School Directors meeting this winter.
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 215-441-6000 X11025.
Homecoming King and Queen 2024: Andrew Pratt and Teagan Noll
National Merit Scholarship Recognition
We are incredibly proud to celebrate this outstanding achievement with Anne! Anne’s dedication to academic excellence is a testament to her hard work, perseverance, and passion for learning. She not only excels in her studies but also makes meaningful contributions to the culture and community of William Tennent High School (WTHS), consistently striving to make a positive impact on those around her.
Anne’s recognition as a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist reflects her exceptional abilities and commitment to success. Here at Centennial School District (CSD), we are inspired by students like Anne who set the bar high and lead by example. Her accomplishments bring great pride to the entire district, and we look forward to cheering her on as she continues to shine.
We are so proud of you, Anne—keep up the fantastic work!
McDonald Top Dog Awards Assembly
We are excited to share highlights from our first-ever Top Dog Awards Assembly held on Wednesday, October 2nd! This special event celebrated our outstanding students who exemplify the four Be's plus One:
- Be Kind
- Be Safe
- Be Ready
- Be Your Best
- Be Proud to be a McDonald Bulldog
In addition, we recognized students who demonstrated the character traits of Respect and Kindness, as part of our Purposeful People initiative. It was inspiring to see our Bulldogs shine!
The Prize Cart made a fun appearance, allowing students who have received Bulldog Bones to select a prize. We’ll continue to bring the Prize Cart around to classrooms in the coming weeks, so there are more chances for our students to celebrate their achievements!
We're also thrilled to announce that starting this month, our fifth-grade ambassadors and safeties will have the opportunity to award Bulldog Biscuits to fellow students who consistently embody the four Be's plus One. This initiative empowers our older students to be role models and encourages a supportive community within our school.
Thank you for your continued support in fostering a positive environment at McDonald Elementary. We look forward to seeing our students continue to grow and shine!
Log College Visits the PA Renaissance Faire
Hear ye, hear ye! The Log College 7th Grade had a great time at the PA Renaissance Faire. There were jousts, dragons, knights, and pageantry....and our students took in the sounds, sites, and of course....the food!
Author, Jordan Sonnenblick, visits Klinger!
On October 2nd, acclaimed author Jordan Sonnenblick visited Klinger Middle School. Sonnenblick is the author of Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, the One Book, One School selection for the current academic year.
During his visit, Sonnenblick spoke to the students about his personal experiences growing up and provided valuable advice on how to become a happy and successful adult. He also shared insights into the background and inspiration behind his novel Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie.
As part of the school's "Win a Book Wednesday" initiative, Jordan Sonnenblick picked the names of three lucky winners. Those students were given copies of his books as prizes. The author also hosted a lunch for select students and personally signed their books.
The visit was an exceptional and inspiring experience for the Klinger Middle School community, providing students with the chance to engage directly with a renowned author. Many thanks to teachers Julie Goodling and Megan London for bringing One Book, One School to Centennial and for coordinating this unforgettable author visit!
A Parent's Guide to Phonics Videos
Looking for more information and a free copy of A Parent’s Guide to Phonics: Understanding How to Help Your Child with Reading and Spelling?
Centennial School District is proud to offer:
follow-up videos on the CSD YouTube Channel
a free book for each family (contact your child’s school office)
Thank you to the CSD Elementary Reading team members who created these videos: Kim Flounders, Miriam Infanti, Dawn Kremer, Lisa Laatsch, Erin Landy, Danyel Masey, Jennifer McArdle, Rose Miele, Kelley O’Leary, and Susan Stackhouse.
Log College Fall Sports
Fall Sports are in full swing. Last week, the Log Volleyball Team scored an impressive victory in its first home match; JV followed with a victory on Tuesday.
Final Reminder for the K-5 Summer Reading Take Home Book-Packs ThoughtExchange
Dear CSD K-5 Community,
Good news - we’ve had lots of participation in the Take Home Book-Pack ThoughtExchange since it opened on September 26!
The Exchange will be open until 11:59 p.m. on October 4, 2024.
We invite you to join the Exchange and help prioritize key areas by sharing and rating more thoughts: https://tejoin.com/scroll/134642889
Thank you for your feedback and your continued support!
Attention, Elementary Families!
CSD is proud to announce that, in response to parent and board feedback, we are expanding use of a single learning management system (LMS), Canvas, to all grades. While Canvas has been our LMS for Grades 6-12 for the past decade, families with students in Grades K-5 will now also have visibility into digital learning resources used in the classroom as well as extension and remediation activities in RELA and Math to engage with, as desired, at home.
Our full K-5 Canvas adoption will occur during SY25-26. This year, elementary students and families will be gradually introduced to Canvas should we experience a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). Over the next few weeks, students and parents may receive notifications as elementary teachers set up and publish Canvas pages. This is to be expected and does not require any engagement. Should the district elect to use a FID, further communication will be sent to students and parents.
All parents are automatically connected to any of their CSD students, in any grade level, as a view- only observer in Canvas. Please use our Classlink sign-on portal to access Canvas as a parent.
October's SEAL Focus For Our Elementary Schools:
We are excited to announce a new way for families to receive important updates and school communications! Download the free ReachWell app today then tap the plus button to search for the Centennial School District AND your child's individual school name. We’ll share relevant notifications, upcoming events, updates, due dates, and much more! Download today at http://reachwellapp.com/app!
To see instructions on how to Download the ReachWell App in other languages please use this link to find your language.
ReachWell verification codes are being sent out weekly to those who are not yet verified! Please check your email inbox or SMS text messages for your unique verification code. If you did not receive your code, we encourage you to submit a ticket through IncidentIQ as soon as possible. Our dedicated tech support team is ready to assist and ensure you are properly connected. Please understand that this is a slow rollout, and faculty/staff who choose to incorporate ReachWell will utilize it at their convenience. In order to get access to the new ReachWell App, you need to update a cell phone number in the second space for each guardian in Skyward. For directions, see the Skyward section below.
October 18: Early Dismissal Grs. K-12; Grs. K-12 Inservice - Professional Learning
November 1: Early Dismissal Grs. 6-12; Grs. 6-12 Grading; Grs. K-5 Full Day of School
November 5: All Schools Closed; K-12 Inservice - Professional Learning
November 22: Elementary Schools Closed; Grs. K-5 Inservice - Grading Day; Grs. 6-12 Full day of School
November 26: Early Dismissal Grs. K-5; Grs. K-5 Conferences; Grs. 6-12 Full Day of school
November 27: All Schools Closed; Grs. K-12 Conferences
November 28-29: All Schools & Offices Closed (Thanksgiving)
For the Full Calendar Click HERE.
(Back row from left to right): Mr. Flemming Godiksen (Vice President), Mr. Mark Gindhart (Assistant Secretary), Dr. Kathleen Maguire, Mr. Michael Hartline (Front row from left to right): Mrs. Jane Schrader Lynch; Mrs. Patti Crossan; Dr. Dana T. Bedden (Superintendent), Mr. Tony Sadowski, Mrs. Mary Alice Brancato (President), Mr. Charles H. Martin not pictured.
CSD Work/Regular Meeting
- This meeting is public and can be viewed on the CSD Cable Stations or via the CSD Website or YouTube Channel.
- Click HERE for CSD Public Comment Procedure.
Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024, 07:00 PM
48 Swan Way, Warminster, PA, USA
Are you looking to give back to the community and make some money in the process? Then we have the job for you! Join Centennial School District's FREE CDL training program to become a bus driver! If interested in becoming a bus driver or a bus aide, please let us know by clicking CSD Interest or joining us in person at our next Walk-In Wednesday, October 9th anytime between 8am-12pm at 48 Swan Way, Warminster PA 18974. Also, please feel free to explore the CSD employment page for any other opportunities that may interest you. We hope to hear from you or see you soon!
Start Your Career at Centennial!
Spread the word that Centennial School District is hiring!
Check out our employment webpage for a complete list of vacancies. https://www.centennialsd.org/employment
If you know anyone who might be interested in these positions, please have them apply. We offer competitive rates, excellent perks, and benefits, including a pension. For questions, please call 215-441-6000, Ext. 11034.
CEF Puzzle Competition
Sign your team up for the Centennial Puzzle Competition on Saturday, October 26th!
Get ready for a serious but fun afternoon of speed puzzling!
Can you and your team be the fastest to complete your puzzle first?
We provide “ABOVE AND BEYOND” educational experiences!
A Child's Place 2024-2025 School Year
Each year, more and more people and organizations are turning to our District to help get the message out about various activities, events, fundraisers, etc. The intent of this process is to support student achievement and to provide mutual assistance and benefit through shared information. Our district spends a great deal of time collecting, reviewing, and posting flyers to the District eFolder. The District no longer is posting eFlyers to any social media outlets or the District cable channel. You may refer to Policy 913 for additional information.
Please click on this link to connect with all the community eFlyers of the month
Centennial School District
Website: www.centennialsd.org
Location: 48 Swan Way, Warminster, PA, USA
Phone: (215) 441-6000
Facebook: facebook.com/centennialsd
Twitter: @Centennial_SD