Better You Bingo
A Podcast Interview with Clark County STASHA
New Podcast Episode
More On Better You Bingo
Better You BINGO is a tool that invites other youth ages 12-19 from the community to participate in a self-paced "healthy coping challenge" that introduces them to or leads them to complete activities that will focus on healthy coping skills for a chance to win a healthy coping themed PRIZE. Some examples of the challenges that youth will be presented with include reduced screen time, recognizing nature, and taking time to exercise.
The campaign was developed by the youth volunteers and peer educators at Clark County STASHA as part of their annual prevention project for the community. For more information, email or visit
Hear All Our Episodes
"Welcome to the Prevent Coalition Podcast. We're sharing stories and strategies to help coalitions and organizations reach their full potential."
Listen at The podcast is also available on Google Podcasts, the Apple Podcast app and other familiar streaming services.
- Episode 0 - Welcome
- Episode 1 - Rural Network
- Episode 2 - Policy Change
- Episode 3 - Secure Your Cannabis
- Episode 4 - "Better You Bingo" with special guests from Clark County STASHA!
Episodes archived at
Connection Is the Best Prevention
Our mission is connecting and supporting communities to build resilience and prevent youth substance use. We envision a healthy, thriving community free of substance abuse.
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Location: 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver, WA, USA
Phone: 360-952-3457
Twitter: @supportyouthnow