Timberwolf Times
September 30, 2024
Travis Intermediate School
Pamela Britton, Principal
Joshua Kelley, Assistant Principal
Aimee Weldon, Assistant Principal
Becky Kemp, Counselor
Nancy Henriquez, Counselor
Email: contacttravis@conroeisd.net
Website: travis.conroeisd.net
Location: 1100 N. Thompson St. Conroe, TX 77301
Phone: (936) 709-7000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TravisCISD
Twitter (X): @Travis_TWolves
Theme for 2024-2025
Adventure to Learning
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
Vision Statement
We are a learning community committed to academic excellence by maintaining a growth-mindset in an environment of high expectations that leads to students becoming resilient, collaborative problem solvers.
Mission Statement
At Travis Intermediate, we set high standards for our students. Our focus is the whole child; promoting successful learners and problem solvers; while fostering appropriate socialization and acceptance.
Behavioral Interactions Mission
All staff have shared responsibility to maintain a safe learning environment focused on meeting student needs, building relationships, and proactively teaching expectations.
Community Connection
We want to thank the following organizations and business for their support for our students and staff!
- WeHOP (We Have One Purpose): Donated shoes for students at Travis. #weHOP and www.wehop.org
- Cory's Salon: Donated $25 gift card for faculty winner-Best Dressed for Hispanic Heritage
- Guardado's Tire Shop: Donated $25 gift card for student winner-Best Dressed for Hispanic Heritage
- Walmart: Donated items for student goody bags for attendance raffle winners
- McDonald's: Donated items for student goody bags for attendance raffle winners
- Travis PTO: Donated a welcome back breakfast, lunch, and dinner before Meet the Teacher night for all our staff
- B.E. Blessed: Donated school supply backpacks and hygiene kits for our students
- Woodforest Bank: Donated school supply backpacks for our students
- Joy Class from First Baptist Church: Donated breakfast goodies and snacks for our staff for our beginning of the year staff development days
- McDonald's: Supplied Travis with coupons for happy meals
- Thrive Drip Spa: Donated school supplies for our students
- Chiller Bee: Supplied Travis with a free frozen yogurt coupon for our staff
- Church at Woodforest: The Children's Ministry collected money and purchased composition books, spirals, pencils, glue sticks, Kleenex, and other items for our school.
- Conroe Service League: Donated snacks and drinks for staff, along with decor and microwaves for staff lounges.
Cell Phone Tips
A Message From Mrs. Britton
Dear Travis Families,
Our Travis PTO is working hard to provide opportunities to raise funds that go directly back to our students and staff. This could be purchasing items for instruction, classroom incentives, treats, special recognition items, etc. By joining our PTO, you help put funds towards this goal. There are also Spirit Nights our PTO is organizing this year. There is nothing extra for us to do other than visit the businesses on the scheduled days/times and let them know we are there to support Travis Intermediate. The business then gives a portion of the proceeds back to our campus. Thank you to everyone who came to support our first Spirit Day at Chiller Bee! We hope you and your family enjoyed a delicious treat and at the same time, showed support for our school. Our next Spirit Day is coming up on October 16 at Chick-Fil-A Marketplace location. So have a night off from cooking and enjoy some dinner out to support our school.
Attendance is important! Our Communities in School representative, Ms. West, helped organize a celebration of attendance with our H.E.R.O. Day (Here Everyday Ready to Learn On Time) this past Friday. It was so fun to see so many superhero costumes/superhero t-shirts around the building! Students with perfect attendance in September were entered into drawing and received a special treat at lunch on Friday. All students with perfect attendance for September will be receiving a certificate and small treat in their classroom this coming week. We appreciate our parents working with us to make sure students have the best chance to continue to learn and grow by having them on time at school everyday.
Fall Parent Conferences:
Teachers should be reaching out to schedule parent conferences for the Fall semester. This is a time where teachers will share your child's progress in all contents and answer any questions you may have. These conferences can be in-person or via telephone.
Communicating with Your Child's Teacher(s):
Our teachers want to work together with you for the success of your child. If you ever have any questions or concerns, I encourage you to reach out directly to your child's teacher. They are happy to talk with you to answer questions and work together to address any concerns you may have.
Deliveries to School:
The delivery of food, flowers, balloons, etc. to students at school is not permitted. However, if a student forgets a lunch, an assignment or project, or money to pay dues or fines, parents may drop the items off in the front office for the student to pick up during the school day. Instruction will not be interrupted to deliver items or messages to students, unless an emergency, as deemed by the school administrator, exists. Parents/Guardians are welcome to bring lunch for your child when coming to the campus to eat lunch in the cafeteria.
If you have any questions or need anything, feel free to reach out to me. I want us to work together for the success of your child!
Pamela Britton, Principal
Mark Your Calendar
15-Oct. 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
30-Oct 5: Conroe HS Homecoming Week (See flyer for dress theme days.)
1: Student Council Meeting; 5th & 6th Social Studies Quarterly Assessment
2: Kona Ice Day- $3 for students; School Custodian Appreciation Day
3: Girlz to Ladies Meeting; 5th and 6th Science Quarterly Assessment
4: Art Club & Boys to Men Meetings; Monthly Fire Drill;
7: Mentor/Mentee Day; 5th & 6th Reading Quarterly Assessment; National Coaches' Day
8: Ambassador Meeting; PTO Meeting 9:00-10:00, Travis Band Students at Moorhead Stadium with Peet JH Band
9: 5th & 6th Math Quarterly Assessment
10: Girlz to Ladies Meeting
11: No school for students
14: Holiday-No School for Students and Staff
15: Student Council Meeting
16: -Students and Staff are Invited to Wear Orange to Represent Anti-Bullying; Travis PTO Chick-Fil-A Night 6:00-8:00 at Conroe Marketplace Location
17: Girlz to Ladies Meeting; Choir Feeder Concert at Peet JH
18: Art Club & Boys to Men Meetings; Travis Pep Rally
21-25: School Bus Safety Week
24: Girlz to Ladies Meeting
25: Boys to Men Meeting
26: 6th Solo Contest at Cryar
28-Nov. 1: Red Ribbon Week (See flyer for theme dress days.)
30-31: 5th Hearing/Vision Screenings
31: Girlz to Ladies Meeting
Safe gun storage is critical to preventing unintentional shootings, suicide, and other tragedies. Learn more about the Keep ‘Em Safe Texas initiative and view resources at the provided link. Gun locks are also available through the Conroe ISD Police Department.
English letter: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/ezGFN
Spanish letter: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/xpSwo
CHS Homecoming Parade...Calling All Future Tigers!
Conroe High School Theme Days
We invite our staff and students (future Tigers) to join in CHS Theme days!
**For the October 11, PJ day- All PJs must be school appropriate.
Travis PTO
We are so excited to announce our PTO Board for the 24-25 school year. These parents have agreed to hold board positions to work together with the campus in order to provide opportunities and materials for our students and staff. We invite our families to join our PTO and get involved with what is happening on campus. At Travis we want to foster a home-school connection with our families and one way to do that is to have our parents/guardians get involved with the school! Our Travis PTO is looking for volunteers. If you would like to find out more information, please contact Ms. Hernandez at ohernandezocasi@conroeisd.net or call the school at 936-709-7000.
Our PTO will meet monthly and all parents are welcome to attend. Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month from 9:00-10:00, unless there is a conflict with the district calendar. Our next meeting date is Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
Are you ready to vote?
If you’ve moved, changed your name, never registered, or are unsure about your voter registration status, visit https://elections.mctx.org by October 7 for the November 5, 2024 election. Already registered? You can confirm your information at the Montgomery County Elections website, too.
Important Campus Information
Morning Drop Off/Car Rider: Our morning drop off and afternoon car rider pick up will be on Pauline St. through our school cafeteria. Staff members will be on duty to receive students from 7:30 a.m. until 8:50 a.m. when instruction begins. If your child arrives to campus after 8:50 a.m., parents will need to park in the front and bring their child in to the front office to check in. If students are car riders in the afternoon, we ask that they are picked up no later than 4:15 p.m.
Early Start: Travis will again offer early start drop off beginning at 7:30 a.m. through the cafeteria entrance on Pauline St. Staff members will be on duty beginning at 7:30 a.m. to receive students. We ask that for the safety of our students, please do not drop off prior to 7:30 a.m. as students will not be supervised.
School Hours: 8:50 am - 4:05 pm
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Our instructional day begins at 8:50 am. If your child does not ride a bus to school, please make arrangements for them to arrive no later than 8:45 am. This will give them time to get into the building and to their class for instruction to begin. Students who arrive after 8:50 will be counted tardy. Doors open at 7:30 to receive our students at our car rider drop off/pick up on Pauline St. through the cafeteria.
Dismissal will begin every day at 4:05 pm. All car riders will need the 24-25 car rider sign. All car rider tags will only be given to a parent or guardian. That parent/guardian may ask for as many tags as necessary to pass out to other drivers picking up their child. Proper ID is required to receive car rider tags. If you need a car rider sign, they can be picked up in our front office from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. We ask that all car riders are picked up no later than 4:15 pm.
School Meals:
New Charging Policy- Very Important!
Child Nutrition offers meal service for breakfast and lunch to the children of Conroe ISD from EC-12th grade on a daily basis during the school year. Per CISD Board of Trustees Policy CO (Local), students are allowed 15 days (breakfast and lunch) to charge their meals. Once the 15-day charges have expired, the student is no longer allowed to charge.
What does this mean for you? Students will receive an alternate meal after 15 days of charging. Breakfast is cereal and milk. Lunch is a sandwich and milk. Please complete the online application for free or reduced lunches if you think you will have difficulty paying for meals.
- Breakfast: All students will receive a free breakfast this year at Travis. For students who are car riders, they must arrive by 8:30 in order to have time to go through the breakfast line and eat before our instructional day begins at 8:50.
- Lunch: Lunch will not be free for students unless your family registers for free and reduced meals. Even if your child qualified last year, you need to re-apply every year. If your child qualified last year, the last day they will receive free meals is September 25. Please make sure to apply as soon as possible at https://www.myschoolapps.com/ .
- View Menus by clicking here
Deliveries to School:
The delivery of food, flowers, balloons, etc. to students at school is not permitted. However, if a student forgets a lunch, an assignment or project, or money to pay dues or fines, parents may drop the items off in the front office for the student to pick up during the school day. Instruction will not be interrupted to deliver items or messages to students, unless an emergency, as deemed by the school administrator, exists. Parents/Guardians are welcome to bring lunch for your child when coming to the campus to eat lunch in the cafeteria.
Parent Access:
Now is a great time to sign up for your parent access account. This is a great way to keep up with your child's grades, attendance, etc. You can find the link below in this newsletter.
Congratulations to our Amazing Travis Artists
Travis art students submitted artwork to the District art show. The follow pieces were selected to be displayed in the Conroe ISD District Offices representing Travis Intermediate for the 24-25 school year.
Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15-October 15
You can receive notifications about your child's bus, including departure and bus stop arrival times. Sign up for the SMART Tag Parent Portal!
Please note: SMART Tag replacements for students who have damaged or lost them is $5 each.
Early Pickup Cutoff Time and Transportation Changes
The time cut off for picking up students early and for any transportation changes is 3:15 pm.
Transportation Changes:
In order to ensure the safety of our students, we are not able to take transportation changes by telephone. Transportation change requests must be in writing. You may send a note to school with your child or you may email the change to the campus email address listed below. Please include your child's first and last name with all transportation requests with a subject line "Transportation Change". A copy of your ID with the message is needed to verify the identification of the person requesting the change.
Travis School Email- contacttravis@conroeisd.net
Lunch Visitors
Travis is excited to welcome our parents into the building during lunch time to eat lunch with their child. All guests will need a valid ID to check in at the front office prior to going to the cafeteria. Due to limited space, we will only be able to have 1 parent/guardian come to eat with their child during their designated lunch time. Parents are welcome to bring lunch for their child only if you come and eat with your child.
Please read below on how you can help our cafeteria stay safe and run efficiently. We hope you ENJOY your lunch with your child this year!
Travis Regular Lunch Times
A Lunch 11:00-11:30- Salomon, Gattis, Strickland, Sopon, Gunn, Boylan, Ramos, Conley
B Lunch 11:35-12:05- Gonzalez, Tamayo, Lewis, Walker, Bermejo, Perez
C Lunch 12:10-12:40- Reome, Beckett, Powell, Conger, Julian, Bacchus, Rocha Lobo, Morris
D Lunch 12:45-1:15- Forestier, Gomez, Rivera, Canales, Ortega, Steinmann
Dress Code Highlights
Our dress code addendum will be sent home with all students. The following is a summary of the highlights of how our Travis Timberwolves "Dress for Success":
- Proper shoes (tennis shoes) for P.E. are required. Wheeled shoes, house shoes, slides or flip flops should not be worn.
- Pants with holes or rips must be worn with tights or shorts underneath long enough to cover the student's thighs.
- Pants should be worn at waist level, not sagging.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses should be fingertip length. When arms are straight down along a student's side, material should be long enough to touch the tips of the fingers.
- Clothing that may refer to or advertise tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, narcotics or any other prohibited substance or displays vulgar/inappropriate language, obscenities, or graphics/pictures of any kind that are inappropriate for the school setting are not allowed.
- Hoods covering the head should not be worn in common areas inside the building. (hallways, cafeteria, auditorium)
- Pajamas are not to be worn to school. *Principal designated dress up days will be an exception.*
WeHOP Donations
WeHOP Donations
WeHOP Donations
Safety is a Priority
Safety continues to be a top priority for our campus. We currently conduct frequent perimeter checks, door checks, and ensure visitors to our campus are scanned through our RAPTOR screening process.
Additionally our front office staff have camera access to see what is happening on the outside of the building while we are on the inside of the building. You will also see a CISD police officer patrolling the area and frequently conducting campus walkthroughs.
If you see a concern please don't hesitate to call our front office at 936-709-7000.
Applications for Free and Reduced Lunch
Please complete your applications on-line at https://www.myschoolapps.com/ or call the school for questions/assistance at 936-709-7000.
- When you sign up for free and reduced meals every year you not only support your family with a needed benefit, but Travis Intermediate also receives increased funding for the school year. That extra funding is purely based on the number of students who receive service. You are helping your family and the school by completing the application every year. Please do not miss out on these available benefits.
- Complete one application per household. Eligibility is based on family income and size, or if the family has a SNAP or TANF number. The guidelines are located on the Free and Reduced Application.
- Parents will be notified if the students are eligible for Free/Reduced Meals.
- Students who participated in the Free/Reduced program during the previous year in Conroe ISD may continue to eat at the same Free/Reduced status for the first 30 days of school. When a new application is completed before the 30-grace period ends, the new status overrides last year’s status.
- Applications may take up to 10 days to process.
- Foster children are eligible for free meals. Please contact our office with student information for faster processing or fill out an online application.
- You, your children, or other household members do not have to be U.S. citizens to apply.
- All student financial information is kept confidential in the Child Nutrition Office.
Please do not miss out on this benefit, complete your application as soon as possible.
2024-2025 Meal Prices
Parents/Guardians can apply online for Free and Reduced meals beginning July 22, 2024 at www.myschoolapps.com. The application must be completed every school year; however, only one application is needed for families with multiple Conroe ISD students. Students without a new application will drop off the free and reduced program on September 25, 2024.
- All Travis Intermediate students can receive a FREE breakfast from in the cafeteria 8:00-8:45 a.m.
- Student Lunch $3.20
- Student Reduced Lunch $0.40
Parents can pre-pay online for meal accounts beginning August 1, 2024 at www.myschoolbucks.com
Register for Bus Transportation
Click the link below to register for the bus and to find out your child's bus number.
Bus registration must be completed every school year.
Parent Access Center
Parent Access Center is a free program available to all CISD parent/guardians that allows viewing of helpful information regarding student attendance, report cards, progress reports, daily grades, state test results, Students Achieving Excellence (SAE), discipline and available lunch money. Parents may also sign up to receive an email alert when an assignment score is inputted or updated.
Parents/Guardians wishing to access this service must have a valid email address.
Please go to the following link and follow the directions below:
Click the “Student/Parent” tab
Click on “Parent Access Center”
Click “Register”
Intermediate Schools Cell Phone/Smartwatch Policy
Cell phones and smartwatches may be used respectfully and responsibly before school and after school.
Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus.
Cell phones and smartwatches should be set on silent mode and kept in backpacks, lockers, or other designated storage areas and should not be visible during school hours including instructional time, reward time, free time, lunch, and in the hallways.
Use of cell phones and smartwatches may be permitted in extenuating circumstances with permission from a staff member. (ex. to notify parent/ guardian of a late bus)
If a student uses a personal electronic device without authorization during the school day, the device may be confiscated. Parents will be contacted to make arrangements to pick up the device from administration.
For additional information, please refer to the online Elementary and Intermediate Student Handbook on the Conroe ISD website.
Vapes in Schools
Students caught vaping or in possession of a vape in Texas risk harsh punishments. This affects school aged students from age 10-17.
Some vape cartridges may contain the key ingredient in marijuana, THC, which is a felony in Texas. A new bill passed this year (effective 9/1/23) requires that students caught vaping, in possession of a vape or delivering marihuana or e-cigarettes be removed from class and placed in a “disciplinary alternative education program.”
Please speak with your child about the dangers of vapes and vaping and the potential consequences.
Automated Library Notifications
Conroe ISD Library Services enabled daily email notifications, so you are informed of the items checked out by your student. Daily emails will list the item(s) currently checked out. If the book(s) your student selected is not a good fit, please have your student return it to the campus library and choose a new title. If you have questions about the book(s), please contact the school librarian. Notifications for these daily messages can be managed in Parent Access Center (PAC).
If you don’t have a PAC account, you will need to register for one to access the email settings. You can also view the item(s) your student checked out by logging in to Destiny Discover through your student's SSO account. You can further manage your student’s access to library materials by completing the Library Access Form found on the Library Services website along with viewing other helpful information.
Student Address Changes:
Please contact Ms. Solis, Travis Registrar/PEIMS Clerk, at 936-709-7000 for address changes and corrections.
Request for Service to an Alternate Stop:
Parents/Guardians must submit an Alternate Stop Request Form each school year for service to an alternate stop. A request can be made when the parent/guardian registers for transportation for their child at the following link: Transportation Registration
SMART tag cards will be provided to ALL students in Conroe ISD for the upcoming school year. All students will need their SMART tag to ride the bus and also to be scanned out for car rider/walker. Returning students should use their previously issued lanyard and plastic sleeve. If SMART tag cards are lost, the replacement cost for the tag will be $5.00. It is very important for students to have their SMART tag with them every day at school.
Click Image for Transportation Web Site
Conroe Transportation Center Main Line (Directory & Spanish Line): 936-709-7940
Registering for Transportation:
Parents/Guardians can register their students for transportation at the following link: Transportation Registration
Please allow up to 3-5 days for your child's route to take effect. At the beginning of the year the volume of route changes is higher than normal; therefore, we appreciate your patience.
For Registered Students, Finding Transportation Information through the Transportation Portal:
Parents/Guardians can look up their child's bus information by clicking the "What Bus Do I Ride" image. Make sure to click on the "Student Eligibility" button at the bottom.
All SMS messages received from the Conroe ISD District Office and Travis Intermediate will begin with "Conroe ISD" and come from the subscribe code 67587. If you have not yet opted-in to receive SMS messages, you can do that at any time by texting "Y" to 67587.
Anonymous Alerts
Get Connected!
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
- Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
- Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
- News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.