Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 2nd February 2024
Day out at DIG!
Jorvik and DIG
Year 4 had a fabulous day at Jorvik and DIG on Thursday. It was fascinating to learn all about the Vikings at Jorvik and see how a Viking street would have looked. A particular highlight, for the children, was learning about and seeing a Viking poo! Afterwards, at DIG the children had a chance at being archaeologists through different time periods, where they discovered lots of buried artefacts and discussed what they could mean. We also discussed how some items have decomposed so they are rarer and more special to find. Finally, we learnt about Viking battle tactics and how everyday items became their first weapons. Here are some highlights from the children:
My favourite part was digging for artefacts at DIG. I found a human skeleton in the Viking section. Primrose
I like that only one woollen sock has been found from the Viking’s times but loads of shoes that were leather. Freya
I loved going on the ride around Jorvik and learning about their lives even though it smelt bad! Ava
I liked when we learnt about battle tactics and the weapons they used. I liked the bearded axe and the shield. Katherine
We learnt about the armour they wore to protect themselves and it was so cool to see the weapons. Felix
I really liked it when we were at DIG because we were able to try digging up real artefacts from when the Vikings were around. I found a grave with Latin writing on it. Thomas
Helping Hedgehogs
The children found a hedgehog tangled in the cargo netting on Tuesday. The poor little thing was very poorly, hungry and unable to move. With the help of Mrs Bradley, the children were able to cut him free and Mrs Bradley took him to the vets for a check up. The hedgehog, who we have named Henry, has made a full recovery, and moved in to his new house this morning. See you in March Henry!
Learning about the Capital in Reception
London Landmarks
What a great week we have had in Reception learning about our amazing capital city. We thoroughly enjoyed reading the story of 'The Queen's Hat', and learning about the different landmarks that the hat flew to. We have had a go at creating line drawings of some of the London landmarks using pen and we are really quite proud of the finished effect!
Question of the Week
Is it always good to be a winner?
This week we explored another question posed by our Spiritual Council. 'Is it always good to be a winner?' The children, as always, had some great ideas.
'No, because people won't learn.' Year 2
'We all need to have a turn winning.' Year 2
'It is not about winning, it is about taking part and loving.' Year 2
'Because if we don’t win, we need to take part and work together.' Reception
'It is always nice to be a winner. We need keep trying.' Reception
'If you win all the time it is not special' Year 3
'It is exciting but if you lose you learn from your mistakes. Part of life is losing and then winning gives you a sense of achievement.' Year 5
'It is OK to win but everyone needs a goal for winning.' Year 6
'Everyone needs a chance to win and feel good about themselves.' Year 6
'It's not always good to win because you have to the different feelings and learn from the times you don't win.' Year 4
'You learn from your mistakes and try again.' Year 5
'You will be good at something but if you win all the time you will get bored easily.' Year 5
'There is no point being number 1 or being the winner if there aren't any other numbers to go against. We need to let everyone shine.' Year 5
Dance Festival
You may have seen on Dojo the photo of our Year 5 dance team who were fabulous at the Sporting Influence dance competition. They enjoyed a range of dances that all attendees took part in before performing their routine to Bop by Jojo Siwa. At the end of the competition they received a certificate for being the best in unison! Well done to everyone who took part.
Wonderful Worship
This week we have had some wonderful worship. The Open the Book team told an Old Testament story with the help of Year 4 pupils. On Wednesday our Spiritual Council put together a great worship all about saving electricity in order to save our planet.
Stars of the Week
Every week we enjoy hearing about the wonderful work in each class in our Celebration Worship. Well done to all our Stars of the Week.
Atlas for engaging with mark making and creative activities.
Rory for his super writing this week. What great use of phonics and beautiful handwriting.
Year 1 Jackson for showing lots of progress in his reading! You are a superstar at reading 'alien words.' Well done.
Year 2
George G for making an amazing clay soldier for the Florence Nightingale animation. He worked so hard on his written account too. Well done.
Year 3
Grace for having an amazing attitude to her learning in every lesson, every day! Her work shows how well she listens and puts 100% effort into everything she does.
Year 4
Ivy-Rose for giving her mathematics learning 100% effort all week.
Year 5
Elsie for her excellent attitude and motivation towards the environment. Elsie is already an outstanding courageous advocate for the class cause.
Year 6
Isaac for always contributing to lessons and for always being ready to learn.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 6th February at 5.30pm - London Information Meeting (Year 6 parents and children)
Wednesday 7th February - Year 5 Courageous Advocacy Worship at 9am
Wednesday 7th February at 7pm - Meeting of the Friends of School (venue TBC)
Thursday 8th February - KS2 Young Voices at Sheffield Arena
Friday 9th February - School closes for Half Term
Wednesday 21st February - Year 4 Courageous Advocacy at 9am
Thursday 29th February - Cathedral Breakfast Natters (in school hall 9am)
Wednesday 6th March -> Friday 8th March - Year 6 visit to London
Tuesday 12th March - Parent consultation meetings
Wednesday 13th March - Year 3 Courageous Advocacy Worship at 9am
Wednesday 13th March - Parent consultation meetings
Thursday 21st March - Reception and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Friday 22nd March - Music Concert and Celebration Worship.
Friday 22nd March - School closes for Easter break
Tuesday 9th April - School reopens for pupils for the Summer Term
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
Parental Advice
Mrs Spencer, our Inclusion and Wellbeing Lead, has published her termly newsletter. This term it focuses on something most parents have faced at some point - meltdowns! If you would like to be able to use the useful links, you may find it easier to access the newsletter on our website (click the picture to follow the link).
Like us and follow us...
Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool