The Wildcat Way
August 2024
A message from Principal, Marcia Case
Hello Evans Families!
We're settling into our rhythm and routines and I've enjoyed watching students follow right along in our footsteps. It's my favorite time of year!
CMAS scores are being shared with schools and we're excited about the positive growth trends for both ELA (English Language Arts) and Math! This data drives our instructional decisions, goals, and action plans. Individual scores will be provided at Parent Teacher Conferences in October. Please plan to attend and you'll be able to review your student's growth and achievement data.
Our new Family Engagement Liaison has started with initiative and enthusiasm at Evans this year! Anna Childress isn't new to Evans by any means; you'll recognize her from various roles over the years, such as Gifted Education facilitator, literacy interventionist, parent, and PTA President. She looks forward to this new role and finding the best ways to support and engage our Evans families.
We hope to see everyone at our Multi Cultural Night on September 13th! Full details are below, and will be sent out on Dojo too. Thank you to the sponsors for coordinating such a special event!
- Parent Teacher Association
- Kim Beckworth, President
- Sarah Nevarez, Vice President
- Culturally Linguistic Diverse Education department
- Jessica Vignery, teacher
- Carolyn Julius, para educator
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns; we are always open and interested in feedback from our families!
Marcia Case
Introducing our Family Engagement Liaison
Hello! My name is Anna Childress, and I am excited to introduce myself as the Evans Family Engagement Liaison. As a passionate advocate for education and community involvement, my goal is to ensure that every family feels valued, supported, and empowered to actively participate in their child's educational journey. At the same time, Iām here to support you in any way I can. Whether it be food assistance or clothing needs, to resource coordination and advocacy, I want to partner with parents and guardians and provide support in educating and taking care of your child. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or if you're in need of support and I will be happy to help!
Anna Childress
Evans Family Engagement Liaison
Evans Staff is "ALL IN"!
Gian Paul Gonzalez, founder and executive director of Hope + Future Foundation, inspired and launched the Sand Creek Zone into the 2024-25 school year. Evans teachers show their poker
chips proudly, demonstrating their commitment to being "all in" for our kids!
Important Upcoming Dates:
August 30th: No School, Professional Development Day
September 2nd: No School, Labor Day
September 10th: Picture Day
September 13th: PTA-Sponsored Multi Cultural Night at Evans
September 26th: Sand Creek Zone Family Survey Opens
Thanks for sharing this beautiful morning view last week, Ms. Kirkland! What a great day at Evans!
Daily Arrival Procedures
- Breakfast is served from 8:00am- 8:15am in the cafeteria.
- Classrooms open at 8:05am for all students.
- School starts at 8:20am.
- After 8:20, parents will need to park and enter the front office to sign in their student(s).
- When using the drop off lane, please pull all the way through to keep traffic flowing for everyone.
- Thanks for supporting our safe and efficient morning routines!
Evans Cell Phone Policy for Students
Students are not allowed to use their cell phones on campus, except for calling parents. If students don't comply, staff members will ask them to put it away. If there's a second offense, staff members will collect the phone and return at the end of the day, and if the problem persists, the phone will be turned into the office for parents to pick up. Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep students safe and academically-focused while they're at Evans!
From the Evans Health Room:
Join the Evans School Accountability Committee
The SAC is responsible for making recommendations to the principal on the school priorities for spending federal funds allocated to the school and preparation and approval of the school improvement plan. Quarterly meetings will include discussions about school leadership, personnel, and academic systems that are advancing our progress towards academic excellence.
We depend on the feedback from our families to continuously grow and improve - we'd love to have your voice on the committee!
Please email the principal if you'd like to join: Marcia.Case@D49.org